Beylix Geographic Location in The 'Verse | World Anvil


Beylix is the first planet in orbit around the Penglai protostar, in the Kalidasa Cluster. Its sister planets include (in order of distance from Penglai) Newhall, Oberon, and Six Sigma (formerly known as Pacifica).   Often used as a smuggling rendezvous, Beylix is rumored to be a favorite of notorious outlaws. In Show References
Malcolm Reynolds' war buddy Monty was captured by the Alliance here during the Unification War. Jayne Cobb and Temperance McCloud held up a bank here some time when they were partners-in-crime.
While the planet has many large farming communities, Beylix has the distinction of being the system’s garbage dump (make that “reclamation and recycling center”). The scrap yards and refuse centers are managed by United Reclamation, which owns property all over Beylix. Soon after the company began to dump trash here, its agents reported that scavengers were coming to pick over the remains, since there was little to no security. It turned out that what was trash to people on the Core was treasure to the folk out on the Rim. United responded by licensing junk dealers. Some entrepreneurs began selling rebuilt ships—everything from old Starfinders to out-of-service Fireflies. Others devised creative uses for scrap, either jury-rigging old technology into something useful or turning it into art and selling it back to the Core where it decorates office lobbies.

Notes for Independent Traders

Day-used charges at Port Beylix are prohibitive.  

Business Contacts on Beylix

  Lucius Londinium Stylings near the spaceport on Beylix -- haberdashery shop near the spaceport. Run by a bald woman (name unknown) contact of Mendi’s; on the street corner outside of the haberdashery is Hawt Gut Dogs, a kebab grill run by a guy named Hawt.   Carrickfergus Abbey: Mother Superior Iris (origins are the Saint Brigit Abbey on Santo)-- booked passage aboard the Jin Dui in Carrickfergus Abbey on Beylix. Accompanied by 5 junior nuns and four large casks of apple butter. fiction source
Favor Points
  Uncle Slim’s Surplus Emporium -- Uncle Slim is short, round, shaved bald and favors elaborated dyed goatees. In his youth, Slim
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(real name tbd)
was a frustrated opera singer -- was studying on scholarship to an Osiris musical academy, but returned home at death of his father to take over the family farm. When the crops failed during his first summer, he moved to take advantage of a shift in the planetary economics and was one of the first to open up his property as a scrapyard and surplus site. That was 40 years ago… Uncle Slim is theatrical in nature and tends to present himself as fussy and not necessarily bright… but he’s a very cunning businessman who knows everyone and has fingers in nearly every pie in the Penglai system, and could make an extremely comfortable living on information brokerage alone.   Bölükbaşı Surplus Yards -- their expansive lot is about an hour’s flight by shuttle from Uncle Slim’s business establishment. Notable bias against the Alliance, although it is unknown if the owner or his family actually fought in the Unification War.


Astronomical Statistics

Mean Orbital Radius: 0.225 A.U. (33,599,425 km) [from Penglai]
Orbital Period: 0.225 yrs (68.726 days)
Diameter: 10,300 km (0.808 E's or 2.962 Lunar diameters)
Mass: 3.779 ×1024 kg = 0.703 E's.
Apparent Gravity: 0.9677 g   Beylix is also encircled by a set of rings ranging from 7,150 to 13,900 km from the planet's center.
Location under


  • Population: 23 million (2512 Alliance census)
  • Capital City: Newhouse
  • Major Docks:
    • Port Beylix NOTE
  • Terraforming of Beylix was completed in 2425.

Important Moons and/or Satellite Stations:

  • Charity (moon): population 750,000.
  • Cinote (moon): population 400,000.
  • St. Lucius (moon): population 330,000
  Beylix is the home planet of the Jin Dui crew member, Raquel “Sully” Sullivan.
Story Tie-Ins
During the Unification War, Tom Beartooth and Devon Baker fight their way to a broken down military transport at Bettor’s Knob (see "Of Talk and Talismans").

Cover image: Firefly Verse Banner by Shaudawn


Author's Notes

Astronomical data here is correct. The popular reference by QMx, The Verse in Numbers, miscalculates its orbital equations.   Meta: Celestial Mechanics of The 'Verse

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