
The City

Alataci is an old city, first made simply as a defensive castle to withstand the raiders of the glades. As time moved on an dmore and more people came to look for protection or a home or just a place to stay for the night, the castle grew into a city. From there it changed hands often, holding different roles for different organizations until Apsaloosa united and a capitol was needed.


Outer Buildings

Most of the outerbuildings are single story, single room buildings. Some have partitions to breat some variation, but all are generally a simple square. The walls are made of cobbled stone, plaster mix, with some wooden supports. These are mainly residential houses thrown up quickly, slumped against the city walls. There are a couple shamble, temporary marketplaces, but they never last long compared to the city markets.

City Proper

Once getting into the city proper, the buildings become a little more complex. The walls are made mostly of cut-stone from the Shavaúntep Mountains, worked from quality Alat stonemansons. Buildings here can be two stories, though that's mostly reserved for shop owners who use the bottom floor as their sales floor. These buildings have multiple rooms and varied structures depending on the builder's intent.

Castle Ground

The Castle proper is the oldest part of the city, and was certainly built to last. the Stone Work is as intricate as it is sturdy, and the grounds are well cared for. Here are some of the few instances of Marble use, as well as a multi storied buildings. The tallest turret is maybe 6 floors high, and the castle itself averages 3 floors and an attic. The grounds have a stable, a second wall, and housing for much of the castle staff in the wings.


Being an old, classic city, Alataci has walls, of course. Over time the city grew fat and bloated, spilling out beyond the walls and onto the gentle slope of the countryside. Thankfully, the glades are relativly safe, and with the (apsaloosan common guard) patroling regularly there is little reason to belive something bad will happen.   The 5 main gates are well tended too, with a regular overlapping guard rotation and double posting to ensure no gate is left unattended. The walls are thick, about 2 men standing abrest with their arms out and holding eachother's hands with the others. There are 2 layers of protection per gate; an iron portcullis and a thick, reinforced wooden door. If there were a river or a moat of some kind as there are around other Apsaloosian cities, there would also be a drawbridge. The lack dissapointed Mort, the royal carver greatly, so on the sole western gate there is an unnecessary addition of a decorated drawbridge that is used mainly for ceremony.

The People

The real wonder of Alataci are the people who live there.   Diversity is inevitable, though culturally pushed against by the people. its predominantly human, halfling, and elvish, though seeing beastfolk come in from the countryside is not uncommon and much of the community areas are adapted to suit their possible needs.



Humans make up probably a good 30-40% of the population, which is actually rather strange when looking at global statistics, but they don't seem ot mind. While not the best farmers, Humans are rather good at picking up trades and passing skills along to others. Humans make up the common workforce and are well appreciated for their work and skills.


Much like Humans, Halflings make for wonderful trademen, but even more that that, Halflings are fabulous supervisors. Their detail orientation and tendency towards the simpler life make them perfectly suited for Apsaloosan city life. More often than not, a halfling will be seen teaching, guiding, or generally running things around the city.


With their rocky reputation, Elves generally keep to their own section of the city. The families that stay are long rooted here, and most were part of founding the city itself back in the day. While thye used to hold a key part of the city governace, they've fallen back to be simply advisors and advocates for the things that are more uncommon and need to be handled delicately.

Occasionally: Beastfolk

While they don't spend exorberant amounts of time in the city, its not totally uncommon for a Brikune or some other BeastFolk to frequent the outercit and the markets--on a slow day. with the general hubub of the city, they don't spend too much time there, but they do visit on occasion, usually to bring in some sort of produce or product.


the people are private and tend to be focused on the things they are working on rather than their surroundings. they are generally polite which can be contrued as friendlyness, but they don't often invite people past the front door. the rules of social engagement are vepry important and the people can end up being quite judgemental of things they deem "different" they don't like frivolities and thye value hard work. Magic is viewed with suspicion and judgement.


Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Owning Organization

Industry and Trade

Much like everything else from apsaloosa, their crops in their main export, but alataci is also a gather place for mos artisans and masters of the crafts. Capitol cities tend to generate quite a bit industry, so there are potters, stone masons, wood carvers, weavers, cobblers, and many more.


People pass through Alatci rather than intentionally visit. Due to its location right at the head of a little but strong river, just up a hill to make it defensable with trees nearby and fields all around them. People often pass through while crossing the glades, and they find a warm bed and good food. There isn't much to do really in the city, but if you come looking for refuge a place will always be given too you.


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