Blue Anvil Smithy

As larger, new shop sat quite snuggly on the corner of Green street and Haloza Plaza, The Blue Anvil Smithy gets all sorts of foot traffic and buisness. Being in a better part of the city where metal work is not only needed but good metal work is actually sought after means that Tobin Black, the owner, gets more than enough to live and support his family and his buisness on.


Its one of the few 3 story buildings in all of Alataci, though the last floor is more of a converted attic. Built with an open floor plan and several larger funaces and sturdy walls, the building was designed to house hard labor, particularly smithing.   The upper floors were then converted from barn and storage space to a living are for the shopkeepers family. If a little loud, it's quite comfortable, especially in winter when the heat from the forge fills the whole house.

First Floor

The is the primary floor. The first half is kep mainly as a shopping and display area while the second half is the active smithy, completey with forges, anvils, and all the tools a blacksmith could need.

The Shop

The shop part is a simple place, though. Very fuctional. Wood flooring, racks on the walls, display cases for the more ornate pieces, and a table of smaller wares. The sellers till is right by the door so theft can be mitigated and all customers must walk past the seller to leave, which can be very handy. Most of the wares are custom made and very functional while still being beautiful.

Demontration Room

Behind the sellers till is a little closed off room with an internal window. This is a demonstration room. Inside there are a couple straw dummies and targets to test weapons out with before buying them. sometimes a customer will ask Tobin or one of his children to demonstrate with the wepon, but usually the customers want to check out it's balance and feel for themselves.

Half Bar

Along the back wall, there is a small half bar with a couple seats. While it doesn't serve alcohol, it does carry water and snacks avalible for anyone who might need it. mostly its raided by Tobin himself, but he'll often treat customers wanting a custom job or who look to buy something serious to some kind of drink, usually heavily sugared coffee.

Second Floor

Third Floor

Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location

A Safe Place

Its no secret that Tobin has a lot of kids. They often help with his buisness; sitting in as a seller, managing the till, being an errand boy and the like. Children hanging around the Blue Anvil Smithy is not uncommon at all.   What's not as well known is that i's not ony his kids who hang about. Princess Viera frequents the place often, usually to get away from the demands of royal life. Her Elda guard, Aren, happens to be one of Tobins many kids and after meeting the family, Viera fell in love.   Now, if the princess is missing from the castle, the royal guard make sure to check the Blue anvil before throwing up the alarm bells.


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