Assassination of the King

It all happened very quickly. The Death of King Arudre hit the royal fmaily and houshold fast. One minute he was there, one minute he wasn't. He died quickly, at least. A small mercy. It was the queen who found him, sprawled out on the bed, neck split open like a smile.   There was no warning, no clues to point them in the direction of the assassin. Nothing but blood and a cool body. Despite her grief, the council must meet to discuss next steps. With her children too young to rule and a rebellion brewing, The last thing they needed was to appear weak.   As much as it pained her, The Queen had a duty to fulfill. The kingdom comes before all else, even if it meant sacrificing her own peace of mind.   She and the council formulated a plan.  
The announcemen came in the late morning, The warm light burned and sizzled in the tense atmosphere below. The people knew very little, only that something had happened and now the Royal family was on lockdown. The people quieted when the balcony doors clanged open, a parade of guards filling out infront of the queen. She walked with poise, head held high and her hands trembling.   "The King is Dead." Horrified gasps rang out and the queen paused, blinking back a flood of tears in her sense of duty. She had a job to do, and no amount of pain would keep her from it. She raised her hand and the people quieted. "This is a great tradgedy. Arluen was a great leader and father. His loss will be devestating, but we will pull through.   In truth, our king was taken from us. The assassin came in the dark of night and murdered him while he slept, a knife to the throat. The way of a coward. That's what these people are. Cowards. I know you have heard them whispering in the dark. Hiding behind lies and deciet. And now this? The murder of our beloved King.   The @whis must be stopped. From this day forth, I declare them an enemy of the Crown, to be hunted down and brought to justice. They will pay for what they have done." The Queen choked back a sob and delicately covered her mouth.   The crowd boiled with rage and uncertainty. With the king dead and a Insergence brewing, what would become of them?
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The truth of the Kings death stayed with the Queen and the council. Not even her children knew of the mystery. It was easier that way, for them to have someone to turn their anger on. She never had that luxgury. In the dead of night, when her husbands absence plauged her the most, Layrawen searched for the true killer, hoping to bring them to justice, just like she promised her people she would.


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Aug 7, 2024 02:48 by Aaron Burr

Love the article! It is sad to see them blame it on a group in order to keep peace in the kingdom. Or at least direct the emotion. I appreciate showing that there is in fact uncertainty in the sidebar.   It looks like you tried to link the group that they are blaming this on, but it doesn't look like it went through.

“Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today.” — Robert Jordan, Lord of Chaos   My current project: Elturia