Lantana Black

It's such a shame what she's become, you know. She was always such a bright child. So joyful. I mean, the girl brought her Lyre with her everywhere, strumming away and singing songs about the people she knew and saw. I'd never heard of the things she sung about, no, but i knew they were true. They were too beautiful not to be, you know?
  The woes of a young musician, too observant and too careing for her talent and oppotunity. Lantana Black began as a young musician invited up from the poorer parts of the city to entertain the upper class, but in doing so it highlighted the corruption and cruelty tucked under shimmering cloth and polished marble. After so many years, she couldn't take anymore. She left and, in leaving, gathered people like her who wanted the best for their kingdom, even if it meant burning it all down and starting again.   Weeds need to be pulled, and when they cant be, burn them out so that the garden might once again flourish.


All things considered, Lantana was a lovely woman. She, like her father, had strong, well proportioned features. Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes bright and expressive. She kept her hair long and down in her youth, though as she grew older she began to pull it back in thick, complicated plaits and twists.   Her fingers were long and calluced from playing the lyer, and ever since she was a young girl she'd always been dancing to some song. It kept her lithe and limber. When the dancing turned to fighting, her body adapted, growing hard and toned. She maintained her grace and poise, aided by thick muscle and a knowing tilt to her brows.



Music Lover


Born Leader


Her youth

Expressive, round, and honey-toned.
Long, dirty blond with golden highlights and undertones, kept back in complex braids and twists.
Aligned Organization
Aren Black


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