Buckwheat Medalion

Access to the Great Tree is restricted except during the Dance of the Tree. During the rest of the month, the divine power that radiates from the tree is too great for the average person to be in it's presence for long. Access is restricted for the communities safety. It is what they are told and therefore what they believe.   But the Tree must be tended too, and the pastor must bathe in the power of Lyi to truely understand her guidence for the Ochis Lyi, so a workaround must be developed.   The Buckwheat Medalion.  

Protection from the Divine

The Medalions were designed and built specifically to protect the wearer from ambient divine energy, or at least thats how they work. Those who wear them become emboldened against the power that seeps from the great tree. When wearers enter, they are able to commune with the divine, supposedly, like a Prophet or Conduit might.  

What it looks like

The medalion is made typically from old coin found in the Glittering snake. They are flattened and an intricate design is worked into the soft metal resembing a head of wheat. The coin back is inscribed with runes of old, each with excutiating detail and care.

Who Wears One

The medalions are strictly restricted to upper management. The ones blessed with Lyi's leadership who are tasked with guiding others. These are the oldest members from the oldest families, the ones who have been steeped in Lyis wisdom since their grandfathers were born.
Item type
Owning Organization

Their true Power

The Truth of what they do is more unpleasant than just a sheild. The Medalions take the latent divine energy and turn it into a power source of some kind, fueling a parody of Magic and bolstering the wearer in different ways.   For the leaders of the Ochis Lyi, they use this to keep the tree and all it contains weak and contained, at least until the next dance.


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