Ochis Lyi

The future is a precious thing. No one knows this or respect's this more than the Ochis Lyi. A reclusive group, but devoted to their beliefs, the Ochis Lyi are the tenders of the Great Orchard. They follow Lyi and Lyi alone, relying on her words and wisdom to guide their way into a better future.

Private by nature

In occordance with her nature, The Ochis Lyi are private people. They keep to themselves and live is a large, well maintained compound in the Chammere Forest. While they are open to visitors to their grove and promote Lyi worship in all forms, they are strangely reserved to anyone not part of the Ochis Lyi.

Holy texts

The Ochis Lyi has one book, The Lyimon. While it's contence is heavily guarded, the book is easily identifiable. It's cover is made of bark and living plant matter. When there is a threat nearby or if the book is left unattended for too long, the book with sprout into a fruit-bearing tree, supple and furtile for years to come afterward.

Internal structure

Not much is publically known about how the Ochis Lyi work. They don't seem to report to any external organizations, and their internal struture is kept very vauge. There is a Pastor, who is well loved and followed. There does seem to be a series of leaders underneath him, but beyond that the intricasies of how power is weilded and held is unknown   To the general outsider, it could easily appear like they are equalstanding below the Pastor, but On a closer inspection, its not the case. No one is quite sure what the case actually is, but there is a definite, secret power structure thouroughly implimented.
Religious, Cult
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The Favor of Lyi

In the religious world, all the organizations and religions tend to interact often. Deities tend to be friends and so their respective religions recognize and pay omage to all sorts of deities beyond their own. Not the Ochis Lyi. They acknowledge the other Florik Deities, but they don't interact with the other religions at all. In fact, there is some rumor that Lyi herself seems to have closed off to all but the Ochis Lyi in an almost concerning way.   It leaves those who know to wonder if all is truely well...


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