Whistling Insurgence

Born during the RuneFall's reign, the Whistling Insergence formed slowly and quietly in the shadows. It started with a disillusioned song writer, Lantana Black, who saw the corruption and greed of the upper class get swept under the rug whie the lower class continued to slip further into poverty. Filled with disgust and riteous anger, Lantana left to find the truth, promising to come back one day and fix everything wrong with her beloved nation.

Core beliefs

At it's core, the whistling insergence formed once the corruption integral to the Apsaloosian government and monarchy became apparent. They're main goal is to rid the country of everything bringing it down and bring Apsaloosa to prosper again.   If that means they need to burn it all down to the ground first, well...that's what they are gonna do.


Truth be told, they have very few liqid assets. There isn't some private annonymous supporter that's financially stable or a secret trustfund that fuels everything they need. The members are scrappy and poor--problem solvers by birth and circumbstance.  


Their main base is an abandoned manor in the south Chammere. The building was
in terrible condition when they stumbled upon it, but to them it seemed the perfect place to hole up for a little while. After some fixing up and creative solutions to a missing roof, mold, and water damage that made the floor soggy past the point of creaking.   Eventually, the manor was suitible as a touch point and it's location was carefully concealed form everyone who needs to know.


Through a series of connections and carefully placed people, The Whistling insurgence has a wide reach of influence all throughout the Apsaloosian nobility. They stnad as servants, musicians, entertainers, and advisors, slowly growing close to the various linch pins of the upper society, carefully controling what stories are being told and how information is recieved.   While mainly a covert organization, they have Taken direct action in a couple places, such as with a Lord determined to leave marks on all of his staff, or a Knight with some critical absences of understanding regarding the word "no". While disappearances aren't Common around @ala, they did manage to keep their involvment and results under wraps.

1418 - 1430

Illicit, Syndicate
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members

The Name

One night, Lantana and the original members were drinking under a tree. She strummed and listened while the others talked in the firelight. When the talking turned quiet and the night grew thick in everyone's mind, someone began to whistle. Others joined gradually, off key and on semitones to creat a haunting sort of lullaby.   They thought it matched their group rather well. Quiet and simple on their own, but growing conerning, uncomfortable, and powerful when together.   After that night, a series of codes and signals was developed, futher ingratiating the name into how they operate.


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