The Great Orchard of Lyi

In a secluded section of the Chammere, craddled by the glittering snake, there is an Orchard. It's an old place, steeped in an ancient, divine power. The trees grow in a dial, raiding out from A central, massive tree. The trees are untouched by the passing of seasons, bearing ripe, sweet fruit at all times, of all kinds.   The trees are adorned with lights and colorful streamers, each as unique as the fruit of the trees. Flowers have been planted and carefully maintained along their base, getting more colorful and diverse the deeper into the orchard you go. Leaves are spars, and the trees are planted just far enough away for the stars to peak through the space between their canopys.

The Main Tree

At the center of the orchard is the main tree, the Tree of Lyi. Its massive, large enough for the trunk to be split and the center to be carved into a little room with a chimney
reaching all the way ot the sky, right up the center of the tree. It towers over the other, centuries old and radiating unbridled divine power. It's no wonder it has become holy ground, dedicated to the Lyi, the deity of protection and planning, of provission and the future.   Inside the tree, all that is needed will be provided. They may not want it, but it's best to take what the tree gives.

The Source

At the heart of the tree, there is another. Bathed in the light of the sun, this tree is small yet full. Always in bloom. It grows on a hill, and it's roots stretch out throughout the whole of the orchard without growing any larger. Many think it was planted by Lyi herself, and that it is the source of the orchards power.

The Rest

Raidiating in a clear spiral out from the main tree are hundreds of others. They are all fruitbearing, and they are all well decorated and maintained. The eldest are at the center, and the trees all get younger and younger thefurther they get from the Tree of Lyi.   Sometimes, in the flickering light, a person can be seen in the bark. Their faces peaceful, their posture crumpled and supported. They look at rest. And then the light flickers, and the people are gone.   Just a trick of the light.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)

Ochis Lyi, The Tenders of the Orchard

The order who tend to the orchard. They live in the forest surrounding the Orchard and tend to it daily. While a tight knit community, they are generally very kind and helpful. Most have nothing but praises for their community and theri garden.   It's them who decorate the tress and who keep the blight out. they harvest the fruit and pass it out to those who are in need. tjhey house the homeless and feed the hungry. They are the hand of Lyi, bringing about her wishes on the earth.   What does it matter if no one else has heard from Lyi since the beginning of the Orchard?   The Orchard's Origin
About 400 hundred years prior, before the Tree of Lyi had been brought into the world, there was a man with ambision too great for his status. He had a family to protect, and with the endless war slowly destroying everything, he, like so many others, turned to the gods.   But the gods did not act as quickly as he thought they should.   It was the death of his daughter that tipped him over the edge. He scoured the ancient writings for any way to bring her back, to protect his world from pain and hunger, what had taken her from him in the first place. His readings brought him back to Lyi, the deity of provision, of protection and food.   If the gods would not answer his prayers, he thought, he'd have to make them.   In the dead of the night, he gathered a group of like-minded men all weak with hunger and desperation, and he inacted the Dance of the Tree. It brought Lyi to the physical plane and bound her to it, trapping her in a Tree to harness her power. Once completed, the man made his request.   He needed food. he needed dependability. He needed safety.   Bound by the dance, the tree provided.   Thus was the beginning of the Great Orchard of Lyi.  


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