
No, we don't go into those woods...Strange sounds come from those woods. Gives us who know better the creeps. We think there's magic in there, we do. It whistles like the wind, but there ain't none. No wind on a night like this. It whistles us a lullaby.
  Legends of the Whistler haunts the Chammere. Superstition built fast, rumors of a witch who leads a army of theives and sorcerors through the towns, or a warlock building an army to take over Apsaloosa and make everyone a magical slave, or even a child-stealer, raising their ill-gotten children to be cruel, hard, and lazy.   Regardless of the rumor, the title brings with it unease and fear. Fear the Whistler ustilizes with glee.  

Whistler: who they actually are

In reality, the Whistler is simply the leader of a small rebellion that got a little out of control after it got passed down.   by design, The whistler is meant to encapsulate everything the people might be wary of. They celebrate short-cuts and shows tangible interest in magic and its uses. That's the most horrifying aspect to the apsaloosian locals, any threat of magic being misused--or used in general.

The Original

Lantana Black first held the title as it was gifted to her by her men. General and leader didn't quite ring as well as the affectionate call to her idle habit: whistling. She, and so the title, stood for justice and a reworking of the current structure. An upending of the statis quo turned out to be inevitable where ever she and her people went.

How it changed

After she stepped down, the title fell to several others who were looking for a change. They maintained her calling card, as well as her core values while taking their own spin on things. The title evolved, gently getting more users and building the mystique and threat of change that comes witht he name.
Civic, Military, Not Commissioned
First Holder
Related Organizations

A Few Bad Apples

Generally, the Title is used for honerable causes that go about things in a less than honerable way. They are defined by a desire to change the world around them for the better.   But, as with other things that aren't monitered, the Title as been abused in the past. There have been many Whistlers who didn't deserve the title. They donned it for the fear it illicits and weilded it like a knife rather than a spade. The carnage in their wake was irriparable, and the reputation of the whistler as a harbringer of change for the better is little more than another rumor to join the rest.


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Aug 18, 2024 07:23 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article and nice layout.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3