Corellion (Cor-rell-ion)

"Oh Corellion, what once was a being of grace and beauty has been corrupted into a being of excess and hedonism. What has become of her legacy?"
  • Master Samblar Zyllar.  Last priest of Corellion
  • What follows is what the final priest of Corellion recorded as her true nature, without the propaganda and heresy of the Elven Conclave.

    Divine Domains

    Elven people

      Corellion was said to be the Shaper of Elves. Her creations were to be the most fair, and kind people of the realm, but the elves of the Wych Wood beg to differ. This failure is used by many to be proof that the Gods are Fallible.

    Arcane Knowledge, Magic

      She was said to have gifted her creations with what is known as Elven High Magic. Available only to elven mages, this magic is considered some of the strongest that was ever known. However after the Calamity, few know if it is still possible to cast such magic and fewer still know how.


      Corellion is considered one of the most beautiful of the Goddesses and is considered the reason why elves are so beautiful. Her form is the muse of many, and the target of much envy.

    Holy Books & Codes

    There is only one known book pertaining to Corelion and her faith.  

    The Word of Heritage

      This book is considered incomplete and so much liberty has to be taken to transcribe the writing. It appears to be a testament of the first elves and the role of Melora and the Fey in their Creation. It appears to detail how the fey are the creation of Melora, and how Corellion asked for help from her Mother in their shaping. It also appears to detail a bit about her sister Lolth, but it overall has a focus on Corellion and the Elven People. A few prayers are found in the book as well as some sacraments, but these are mostly incomplete.

    Divine Symbols & Sigils


      A star burst.


      Elven Twinblade


      A White Horse


      Blue and Gold

    Tenets of Faith

    Cultivate beauty in all you do

      Corellion is a goddess who professes beauty and grace. When you fight, cast, and live embody the concept of beauty and grace.

    Seekout lost magic, artifacts and tomes of the fey

      Corellion and her mother Melora created the elves in conjunction with the fey. These creatures have created and cultivated a vast array of knowledge and wisdom. However this knowledge has been lost over the years and with the advent of The Calamity. The retrieval and preservation of these is foremost among the duties of followers of Corellion.

    Embody What It Means to be Elven

      Elven are being of grace and good. Live to help others, preserve nature, and embody grace.


    Feast of Ancestors

    1st of the monthly of Festivals 8/1
      A time of reverence in celebration of the Ancestors. Spent reciting tales of their feats and parables of their beauty.

    The Day of All souls

    18th of the Month of Beasts 9/18
      The worshipers of Corellion spend this time in communion with nature and abstain from eating in order to allow the souls of the forest to rest without fear of predation. The Forest remains silent on this day.

    Festival of Worship

    1st of the Month of Ends 1/1
      The celebration of the new year. Thanks is given to Corellion for the gift of the last and the excitement of the next. Gifts are given and a great feast is held with neighboring communities often in attendance if able.

    Divine Goals & Aspirations

    Perfect the elven people, and help them remain true to nature and their creation.



    Sister (Important)

    Towards Lolth




    Sister (Trivial)

    Towards Corellion




    Though Corelion may not wish it so, the two are eternal enimies.

    Divine Classification
    Chaotic Good