
The Sea Mother Melora (a.k.a. The Mother of the Ocean, The Great Goddess, The Sailor’s Love, The Lady of The Sea)

Biological parent of Corellion

Divine Domains

Water, Tide, Sea, Nature

    Melora holds complete dominion over the sea as its creator. From the waves above to the depths below, all are within her control.


    Though some would believe that it would be better to pray to the god of winds and stroms Talos, or the god of trade and travel Moquel in order to ensure a safe voyage. True sailors know that Melora is the true patron of the sea and sailors. Though Talos may send storms and winds above Melora can send the ship to safety by her tides and messengers below.


    The rage of Melora is a force that all beings of the coasts and Islands fear. Her anger can be felt in the Tsunami’s sent to crush a blasphemous village, or a maelstrom to consume armadas. Though her love is great, her rage is far greater.

Holy Books & Codes

The Tales of the Tide

    A Compilation of sacred poetry and tales of the life and works of Melora. Tales such as the Castration of Talos, and the courtship of Silvanus are some of the most well known. It is read during the sermons of the faithful of Melora, and is the most frequently quoted of the Melora Holy Books.

The Sermons of The Tidecaller

    A legendary prophet of Melora known only as the Tidecaller is responsible for the contents of this book. However they are not the author, rather a follower of the Tidecaller penned the book who listened to each sermon that the Tidecaller held. Lessons on the nature of Melora, and how to live in her embrace are the most common themes, however one can also find the first mention of many scientific principles recorded, such as the influence of The Queen on the Tides as well as the role the Ocean has on climate.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Symbol

    Sea Shell with a wave in the center

Favored Weapon

    The Trident

Favored Animal

    The Whale


    Azure Blue

Tenets of Faith

Live in Balance with the sea

    The Ocean is the greatest source of life we as a people have been gifted. However like everything it can be abused and besmirched. To mistreat the ocean and the creatures in its depth is to harm and blaspheme Melora.

Be ever vigilant of the Abominations of the Depths

    The ocean is not only a source of life but a barrier from the abominations that lurk below.They are kept there by Melora to ensure they may never escape and wreck havoc on the lands above. They hold hatred for Melora and their aquatic prison, and should they escape they shall attempt to usurp the sea from Melora and hold dominion over our great life giver.

Embrace the dual nature of the Ocean

    The Ocean can give and take, accept this as a part of the great mystery of Melora. Love the ocean both the good and bad as you love Melora.


Sea Mother’s Day of Grace

    The 15th of the Month of Winds
    A day of Commemoration of the great miracle of Melora. A large hurricane was heading for an island nation. However this island nation was faithful to Melora so they prayed, and asked Melora for mercy. Hearing their class a maelstrom emerged on the path of the hurricane, this caused the cold water below to be pushed up to the top, draining the hurricane of power and dissipating the storm before it arrived at the nation. This event is celebrated with offerings to melora, games and festivals.

Festival of The Whale

    18th of the Month of Sunlight
    Whales are the holy animal of Melora and are seen as heralds of her will. During this day the Great Whales make their migration past Eluth to their nesting grounds. Festivals are held to celebrate the sighting of these rare creatures, and hope for their safe journey. Whale sighting events are common, as well as plays retelling many of the stories of Melora and her Great Whale Heralds.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Melora works to keep the balance between land and sea intact. With the rise and fall of the tides she makes her power known in the great dance of life. However, she aims to usurp domain over storms from her eternal rival Talos.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Towards Silvanus



Towards Melora

Divine Classification
True Neutral
She/ Her