Ilmater (/ɪlˈmeɪtɛr/ ihl-MAY-ter)

The Broken God (a.k.a. The Crying God, The Lord on the Rack, The One who Endures, The Rack Broken Lord)

Slow to anger, rich in kindness; Ilmater is the personification of compassion and martyrdom. He offers support to the persecuted and relief to the suffering by taking on their burdens himself. He endures the pain as it lessens the pain of another, and he instructs his faithful to follow in a similar path.

Divine Domains

Martyrdom, Strength

    To die for a greater cause, to suffer for the sake of others; all are works of martyrs and a show of true strength. Ilmayter favors those who put others before themselves, and are willing to endure significant hardships to ensure their safety. The strength one shows while doing such acts is far greater than any other kind, and is a testament to the love Ilmater has for the beings of Eovillia.

Protection, Twilight

    Ilmater is willing to take on immense pain in order to keep his faithful safe. His protection is considered the most potent blessing one could receive, for he will use his own form to shield others. Though kind, if angered Ilmater is considered one of the most fearsome foes one could face and the infliction of pain on his followers is the easiest way to draw his ire.


    Life and its protection are the reason for the pain Ilmater endures. For he so loves the world that he is willing to place himself between the beings of the world and the horrors of the unknown. Few could say they would do the same.

Holy Books & Codes

Trials and Penance

    A book that details the penance one must go through for each wrong they have committed. Used mainly during the Month of Flagulation the book is used as a reference to discern which punishments the faithful must put themselves through to lessen the burden of Ilmater

The Book of the Lash

    Written in an ancient tongue the book recounts the multiple confrontations Ilmater had with the Goddess of Pain Loviater, his greatest adversary. Tales such as undermining her plan to hold sole control of Eovillia, and protecting the fledgling species of humanity from her sadism are some of the most well known of the stories within.

The Scarred Pages

    A small book retelling the creation of the races and the role Ilmater and his wife Istus played in their shaping. It is incomplete as the faithful have only found a handful of scrolls which were damaged greatly.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


    A pair of white hands bound with red cord

Favored Weapon

    Bare Hands

Favored Animal

    The Bee



Tenets of Faith

Stand against all injustice, and aid the people who suffer beneath it

    Injustice is the cause of great pain and death. Stand against it and protect those who suffer who are crushed beneath its fist. Let not the danger stop you from acting.

Let go of your wealth and luxury, Ilmater will provide

    If you are wealthy than give until you are not. You who have much sleep soundly while those without sleep cold. Give unto others so they may become clothed and fed. Every beggar you pass is Ilmater.

Innocent Life is Sacred

    The death of an innocent is a tragedy unlike any other, if an innocent dies in your place than you have failed Ilmater. You shall shield the bodies of other with your own, and give your bread to the hungry even when you yourself are starving.

Holy are those who suffer for the sake of others

    Ilmater suffers to protect his children, you too must be prepared to suffer to protect you brothers and sisters. Do not fear death, and pain for Ilmater is by your side.

Forgive those who wrong you

    Should those who trespass against you seek redemption give it to them. All are brothers and sisters under Ilmater. Let them find penance through him, and work to take on the suffering of others.

A Meaningful Death is Holy

    A death to protect others, a death to protect life, the greatest act a follower of Ilmater can perform. Do not search for death, but should it find you and it to protect others do not stray away. Embrace this act of martyrdom.


The Month of Flagellation

    The Month of Ends
    A month of penance for the faithful of Ilmater. Reading from Trials and Penance the faithful will find which penance to perform each day. It is believed that by taking part in this time of penance the faithful will lessen the Burden on Ilmater as he does with them.

The Day of Renewal

    The 1st of the Month of Nights
    A time of celebration and preparation for the new year. The faithful believe that this is the only day in which Ilmater is unharmed as their penance removed his burdens and wounds. A great feast is held and gifts are exchanged. It is common for the faithful to walk on stilts in order to emulate Ilmater walking without a limp and hunched in pain. At the end of the day a large wooden statute of the Goddess of Pain Loviater is lit in fire to celebrate their triumph over her.

The Festival of the Martyrs

    8th of the Month of Festivals through the 10th
    A three day festival in which the followers of Ilmater venerate the many martyrs of their faith. The first day is spent venerating martyrs who were killed for their faith. During this day plays reenacting many of the most well known martyrs stories are performed. No penance is to be had during this day. Stalls with food in the shape of many of the symbols of Ilmater are set up. The second day is spent in reverence of Martyrs who died standing against injustice. Games such as behead the tyrant, and kick Loviater are set up. The last day is spent in veneration of the Martyrs who died protecting others. The festival has musical performances, contests, and parades during this day. At the end a large feast with food from the summer crop is held. The faithful then take a portion of their food and burn it in a great fire to send to the martyrs in the afterlife.



Blood Brother (Important)

Towards Ilmater




Blood Brother (Important)

Towards Kord



Relationship Reasoning

Kord has a deep respect for Ilmater and his continued martyrdom for others. It shows true strength and proves he puts his words to actions. He has allowed the Broken God to lean on him when he cannot walk, and Ilmater has given him a realm in bitopia in which to build his hall of heroes.

Divine Classification
Lawful Good