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Figure of a Thousand Jellies


A small figurine given to Blinky by Desmo that comes with a small bag containing cloaks made of various different gelatinous substances.


By having the figurine don one of the cloaks, a plasmoid that has attuned to the item can shift their own body's physical composition for a short time.

The figurine has a set number of charges, and recharges completely during a long rest. As an action, expend a charge to make a luck roll against the DC of the desired Goo Form from the table below. If the DC is met, the attuned plasmoid shifts into that new form; otherwise, a different form is chosen from the table instead at random (or at the DM's discretion). The attuned plasmoid stays in this form for 1 hour or until they use a bonus action to shift back.

Before performing a luck roll to use this item, the user can decide to give themselves advantage on the luck roll at the expense of incurring a -3 penalty on the roll. Consequently, they can also decide to give themselves disadvantage on the luck roll to gain an extra +5 modifier instead.

The Figure of a Thousand Jellies can be recharged at any time without completing a long rest, but with a cost. Adding 1 charge to the figurine also adds a cumulative penalty to all luck rolls made with the item. These penalties can stack, and will remain until the attuned user completes a long rest.

Campaign Data

Charges per Long Rest: 2
Luck Roll Modifier: +1
Recharge Penalty: -3

Goo Origin DC Usage
"Stuff Blinky Found On The Ground" Series
Dissolved Tums Solution 4 Advantage on all saves made to resist the effects of something you ingested.
Sylvester's Favorite PB 6 Advantage on Animal Handling checks. Non-hostile beasts within 120ft become charmed by you, but you also draw the aggro of hostile beasts within range.
Sylvester Saliva 6 You can speak fluent Undercommon. Automatically fail Charisma saving throws made against creatures who have and/or smell like peanut butter.
Glowstick Goo 6 You shed bright light for 30ft and dim light for another 30ft. You can use an action to emit a bright flash of light to blind all creatures within 60ft of you if they do not pass a DC 13 Consitution saving throw, but this also shifts you back into plasmoid form.
Wildflower Honey 6 Advantage on Persuasion checks, and Nature checks about flowers. Draws the attention of nearby bugs.
Munda's Famous Hot Cocoa 8 Resistance to fire and cold damage. Advantage on Persuasion checks, and any Charisma check made against Salmahn Aendr.
Desmo's Leftovers 8 Resistance to poison damage. Creatures that end their turn within 10ft of you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until the end of their next turn. This also applies to teammates.
Abandoned Gum 8 Resistance to piercing damage and a +10 bonus to grapple checks. Anything that you are holding or wearing becomes stuck to you until you shift back into plasmoid form. Any creature that attacks you with a weapon must make a DC 10 Strength saving throw or have their weapon become stuck to your gum-like body until you shift.
Mugwump Mud 8 Resistance to poison and lightning damage. Advantage on Stealth checks to hide in natural environments or dirty places. Disadvantage on Charisma checks.
Protein Shake 8 Advantage on all Strength checks. Your carrying capacity doubles.
Heliadora's Paint 10 When shifting into this form, choose a damage type. You become immune to that damage type, and all of your attacks deal damage in that type instead of the type they would normally be. This includes spell attacks.

If the DC is not met when shifting into this form, you can choose to shift into a random paint color with a random damage type instead of shifting into a different random form.
Refined Aether 10 Info: Refined aether powers all magical devices on Kaladesh.
Advantage on saving throws versus magic. When shifting into this form, your Instability rating starts at 0. Any time you cast a spell at 3rd level or lower, roll a d4 and add your Instability rating to the result. If that number is greater than the spell's level, cast the spell without using a spell slot. Every time this ability is used, your Instability rating increases by 1. If your Instability rating reaches 3, you shift back into your plasmoid form.
Enemy Drops Series
Clear Gelatin 10 Grants a +5 bonus to Stealth checks. When you stand still, creatures must make a DC 15 Perception check to see you if you have not moved or attacked that turn.
Bloodsac Goo 12 You become reflective and transparent, and any creature that has not already noticed you must make a DC 16 Perception check to be able to do so. You have advantage on the first attack roll made against any creature you have surprised.

As an action, you may make a melee weapon attack (+5 to hit) against a creature to attach yourself to that creature. While you are attached, the creature takes 2d12 piercing damage on the beginning of each of its turns, and must succeed a DC 13 Strength saving throw to detach you as an action, taking 1d12 slicing damage in the process. While you are attached to the creature, both your move speeds are reduced to 10, and neither you nor the creature you are attached to can move unless they succeed a contested grapple check. If you take any actions or bonus actions while attached, the creature can make a check to detach you without spending an action.
Ochre Jelly Drops 14 Immunity to lightning and slashing damage. When hit with either of these damage types, you split into two smaller blobs connected by a thin, slimy tether. Both blobs have your same stats but an additional -2 to all attack rolls and saving throws, and count as Small creatures. The new blob appears in a space next to you, and has movement equal to yours. When you take an action or bonus action, you can do it from either blob's location. Neither blob can move more than 120ft away from the other, and they can reform into one by moving onto the same space and using a bonus action. When shifting back into plasmoid form, you choose which blob to use the location of, and the other will be reabsorbed regardless of distance.
Russet Mold 14 Immunity to necrotic damage, and resistance to poison damage. Weakness to radiant damage. You can choose to make a creature that comes within 5ft of you make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 poison damage. Any creature that dies this way will spawn a Tiny, friendly vegepygmy. The vegepygmy will fight alongside you and your allies, and has a +5 claw attack that deals 1d4 slashing damage. When you shift back into plasmoid form, all vegepygmies made this way will disappear into puffs of spores.
Gray Ooze Oxidizer 16 Any nonmagical weapon made of metal that hits you corrodes. After dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to −5, the weapon is destroyed. Nonmagical ammunition made of metal that hits you is destroyed after dealing damage. You can eat through 2-inch-thick, nonmagical metal in 1 round. While motionless, you are indistinguishable from stone.
Shoosuva Biotoxin 16 Info: Shoosuvas are demonic in nature and their toxin is a paralyzant.
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Resistance to cold and fire damage, immunity to poison. While in this form, any creature of your choice that is touching any part of your body must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned. While poisoned, the creature is also paralyzed. The creature can repeat the saving throw on the end of any of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
Oblex Memory Floam 18 Immunity to being charmed, resistance to psychic damage. You can use an action to use the Eat Memories attack against a creature within 5ft of you. It must succeed a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or have its memories eaten by you. Until the creature rests or is healed, it must subtract 1d4 from every attack roll or skill check it makes. Every time you use the Eat Memories attack against the same creature, the size of die it must subtract increases, from d4 to d6, then d8, etc. If the die size increases to a d20, the creature becomes unconscious and the effect ends.

You can make a simulacrum of any creature that is Medium or smaller that you've ever eaten the memories of in this way, which appears in a space next to you. It looks identical to the creature it is impersonating albeit smelling vaguely of sulfur, and has its own movement equal to yours. For all practical purposes, the simulacrum is you, meaning you are both yourself and the simulacrum simultaneously. It shares your hp, and cannot move further than 120ft from you, but you can take your actions from its location.
Desmo Experimental Series
Smart Gel 8 Info: This one bears a striking resemblence to Desmo for some reason.
Advantage on all Intelligence checks and disadvantage on all Charisma checks. While you are in this form, you feel compelled to talk in-depth about any niche facts you might know about anything in the immediate vicinity, or that is currently a topic of conversation. A pair of slimy glasses appear on your face that you cannot take off until you shift back into your plasmoid form.
Dye of Scintillating Color 10 Advantage on Deception checks despite any inherent disadvantage you might have, but disadvantage on Stealth checks. Your body wildly shifts colors beyond your control, making it impossible to tell how you're feeling. As a bonus action, you can emit light of several different colors which stuns any creatures nearby that fail a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. In addition, until the start of your next turn, you shed bright light for 30ft and dim light for another 30ft after that, and any attacks made against you have disadvantage. After using this ability, you shift back into your plasmoid form after the effect ends.
Silver Mangrove Jelly 10 Info: The fruit of the silver mangrove tree has healing properties and tastes great in smoothies.
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Immunity to radiant damage. You can use your bonus action to spend one hit die to heal yourself. Any friendly creature within 5ft of you can use their bonus action to touch you and spend one of their hit dice to heal themselves.
Modified Flail Snail Residue 12 Info: Flail snails are renowned both for their anti-magical properties, and their speed (or lack thereof).
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Your move speed is reduced to 10ft. You have advantage on saving throws against spells, and any creature making a spell attack against you has disadvantage. If this ability causes a spell made against you to fail, an additional effect might occur, as determined by rolling a d6:

1-2. If the spell targets only you, it has no effect on you and is reflected directly back at the caster. If the spell has multiple targets, it has no effect.
3-4. No additional effect.
5-6. Your antimagic goo form converts some of the spell’s energy into a burst of destructive force. Each creature within 30 feet of you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 1d6 force damage per level of the spell on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Kindori Blood 12 Info: Kindori don't actually eat, but rather, photosynthesize.
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Immunity to fire and radiant damage. Any time you would receive fire or radiant damage, instead restore HP equal to half the incoming damage rounded down.
Umbra's Tattoo Ink 14 Info: This ink emanates raw magic, and is constantly changing color.
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Roll a d8 when you shift into this form and at the start of every one of your turns, and consult with the table below. Until your next turn, you are immune to this damage type, and all of your attacks deal an additional Xd6 damage of this type, where X is your character level divided by 4, rounded up.

1 Acid
2 Cold
3 Fire
4 Force
5 Lightning
6 Poison
7 Psychic
8 Thunder
Desmo's Own Healing Gel 14 Info: Topical gel for treating common status ailments.
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Immunity to poison damage, as well as the blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and poisoned statuses. You can use your bonus action to touch up to one creature and remove the blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and/or poisoned statuses from them.
Psychic Pickle Jelly 14 Info: Coagulated pickle brine that once housed Khorne-Shonne in a larval state; it emanates psychic energy.
Weakness to psychic damage. You can communicate telepathically with creatures that are within 1000 feet of you. You also become aware of the presence of creatures within this range that have an Intelligence score of 4 or higher. You know the distance and direction to each creature, as well as each one's intelligence score, but can't sense anything else about it. Creatures protected by certain kinds of mind magic cannot be detected in this manner.

You can use your telepathy to initiate and maintain telepathic conversations with up to ten creatures at a time. You choose which creatures can and cannot telepathically hear each other in this way.
Stardust-Infused Pickle Jelly 16 Info: A strange jelly containing the remnants of a space alien with fire magic that distorted the fabric of space.
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Immunity to being charmed or frightened, immunity to psychic damage. You can select one creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. As a reaction, when you or that creature would take damage from an attack, you can bend space to swap places with that creature instead. Whichever creature is in the way of the attack after the swap takes the damage.
Star Jelly 20 Info: This one almost looks like a superhero cape that someone put way too much glitter on.
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Resistance to all damage types and immunity to all statuses. Your sparkling aura grants 2d6 temporary hit points to any friendly creatures that are within 120ft of you when you shift into this form. In addition, you immediately heal up to half of your maximum HP.
Wondrous Item
First Appearance
Crafted by Desmo


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