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Session 4: The Road to Thrane Report

General Summary

Session Summary: In this session, we backtrack a little to give Munia time at the Citizenship Council as well as the Market. The adventurers spend more time in the market seeking the lucrative black market for Munia's "titty holder" that she insists she needs. Then, they finally make way for Thrane.
  This session mentions a few of the House organizations of Khorvaire. Houses function as large organizations that are not affiliated with a nation. If you are unfamiliar with the houses check out this brief summary of them The Houses of Khorvaire!
  Munia's Citizenship Papers:
  • Munia -
  • Name: Munia Land of residence: Aundair Declared Employment: Artificer House: No YOB: Unknown, estimated 974 Location of Birth: Unknown Mother/Guardian 1: Sunia Father/Guardian 2: Unknown Creator: n/a Reason for Filing: Employment
      Permissions Document: Employment Declared Employment: Artificer House: No Duration: Permanent Resident of Aundair Plans to Travel Outside of Aundair: Yes Length of Travel: Two Weeks Planned Destinations: Thrane Potential Destinations: Breland Will you be declaring any foreign income from your travels: No
      While Munia is filling out her documents, the old human, man watches as she continually glances at other people for answers. He becomes suspicious and not-so-subtly stretches and points to a poster across the room. The poster reads: "Are you being forced to travel somewhere you don't want to go? Are you being forced into contracts or relationships? WE CAN HELP. STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING TODAY!" Munia denies that she needs help and tries to finish the form with the Old Man. At the end of the paperwork, he lets Munia steal his pen so that she will feel better.
      The Shopping:
      HC-B-132-902-421 (Zero) and Munia are determined to find the black market. Munia goes on and on about finding a "titty holder" (AKA a Bra that functions as a Bag of Holding, AKA A Bra of Holding.) She thinks this will solve all the problems of the first session.
      Going through the open-air market, Munia and Zero encounter a strange-looking bar at the end of one of the narrower market streets. There is no sign but the entryway is filled with barrels that are marked as if they were signs in a language neither of them speaks. When they approach the man behind the counter he is firm and states that this is a members-only establishment and they are not welcome.
      When leaving Zero makes the mistake of picking up Munia without her consent. She immediately protests and demands to be put down. Zero seems confused, but puts Munia down. Munia looks at him and firmly states: "Never pick me up without my permission."
      Doenahareth and Alain Faldren d'Orien spend time shopping for sweets for Munia because Doe thinks a croissant will make them feel better. Quintus returns from House Tharashk and rejoins the party in the open-air market.
      Once the party is together again, Zero and Munia divulge that they found an establishment they think will lead to a black market and ask for help looking into it. The party obliges and goes with them. Quintus is able to read the Thieves Cant revealing that the name of the bar is "Lost Hope" and it's a members-only bar. He lies to the party saying he can't read the signs and suggests they leave.
      As the party is leaving the market, Alain lets them know he might know somewhere. Wanting to please his new comrades but not spend a lot of time Alain leads them to Old Owl Creek Shoppe run by none other than Madame Myrna. The shop includes spell focuses and components, potions, and miscellaneous magic items.
      Madam Myrna is a tall, human, woman with dark curly black hair, caramel skin, and bright emerald eyes. She seems to have a fervor for magic and aiding whoever comes into her shop. She is quickly able to help the party and even puts the word out through a magical portal in her wall that Munia is seeking a Bra of Holding.
      The Stables and the Little Lad:
      The party goes to the stables associated with House Orien as per Alain's request where they are greeted by Jack the little lad. Jack is familiar with Alain as Alain has done business with the stables through House Orien many times. He admits that he really looks up to Alain and wishes to one day have a good job through House Orien as Alain does. When they are done arranging for the horses and wagon, Alain gives Jack a tip. Jack is ecstatic. Immediately, he reminisces about having Berries and Cream with his mother and is excited about his tip so that he can buy more luxuries like his Berries and Cream.
      The party is situated with a wagon that can comfortably seat 5-6 people and pull the weight of the party and more. The wagon is outfitted with four draft horses. This cost the party most of their per diem at 255 gp and 7 sp.
      On the Road (finally):
      Leaving Fairhaven for the first time in a long time the party climbed into the wagon and headed south to Lathleer, a small bordering town between Aundair and Thrane. As they got closer and closer to Lathleer posters and advertisements are strung up around different directional signs advertising the opening of a brand new Skycoach Factory and Port sponsored by House Lyrander! At the gate of Lathleer multiple guards stand watch wearing Lathleerian guard uniforms with the Lyrander House sigil stitched in. This makes Alain nervous as House Lyrander is a direct competitor to House Orien. He is unsure what awaits the party at the gates.
    Did you miss what happened last week? Check out Session 3: The DnD DMV Report to catch up!
    The Acquisition Chronicles (TAC)
    Report Date
    26 Sep 2021

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