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Lamien Stone

Lamien stone has become one of the most valuable materials to the Ristarcan peninsula. The surprisingly light metal when raw is prone to flaking and splitting in vertical slices. At first it was assumed to be a rock-like mineral similar to shale or slate. Being difficult to mine or transport, after the first vein was discovered the material was deemed an oddity with little use beyond decorative pieces. In the mid-2nd century however, metallurgists in The Union through alchemy and sintering, were able to purify the lamien stone into a workable metal. In this form it becomes highly resonant with unique magical properties. Physical spellcraft carved into its surface is enhanced and remains active for significantly longer than it otherwise would. However, once processed the lamien stone also becomes unstable, capable of shattering with significant force as it releases pent-up energy as well as any attached spells built into it.     Despite the dangers presented by processed lamian stone, it is a highly sought after materials for those constructing wards, glyphs, and other permanent pieces of spellcraft. These days it can be found everywhere from spell engines to the gravity defying Union tower. Much of the spellcraft that maintains and protects the peninsula is powered by its unique properties. This is seen most prominently in the The Spellweave underneath the city of Marsétan. The many kilometer long ward that prevents erosion and the collapse of the city into The Lost. As the 5th century comes to a close on Ristarca Lamien stone is the foundation of progress, powering conscious-kind's forays into the future.


Material Characteristics

Lamien stone is a hard semi-translucent green metal.

Geology & Geography

Lamien stone is said to be found in deep deposits along the Wall mountain range. These deposits seem to form between peaks in long veins. The locations of the deposits are guarded jealously by the Dark Depths Mining Corporation whose wealth and influence has been built upon a near monopoly on the material. As the demand grows for lamien stone, however, more and more corporations and adventurers have begun to brave the dangers of the northern ranges hunting for new deposits.
A semi-translucent sage green speckled with basil green spots of discoloration.
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State


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