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A recent depiction of Marsétan painted in 488 AS by Valandria D'voran
  The City of Marsétan was formed in 413AS with the signing of the Lotus Treaty. The municipality consists of seven formerly independent cities and the territories that lay between them. It is the last known bastion of conscious-kind and the seat of power for a burgeoning city state at the end of the world. Beyond its immediate borders lies a few kilometers of farmland and the hostile geography of the Wall and the Forest. Places filled with predatory creatures with innate magical abilities, old ruins crawling with constructs, and unending expanses that resist the incursions of conscious-kind. The edges of the city overlook The Lost and rely on the natural The Torne-Duile plants and artificial Spellweave to halt the erosion of the city. Here the last of conscious-kind eek out a living trapped at the end of the world.  
The proto-municipal concentration of districts was a product of several forces. The first two emerged simultaniously. First was the immediate need for the access to water and arable land by the survivors of the The Split, leading to a clustering of survivors along the banks of the Naud River. In addition, due to the immediate dangers presented by The Unending Forest forest there was a that led to the clustering of survivors into the initial settlements of Cynórm, The Village, and Eleznór. Here the emerging urbanism was by-product of spatial logics of defensibility.


The City of Marsétan was established by the signing of the Lotus Treaty and creation of the Marsétan High Council. The High Council holds the responsibility of guiding the burgeoning city state of Marsétan and the peninsula of Ristarca into the future. They are in charge of various infrastructural and administrative departments, the Marsétan Wardens, and the High Court. The city has slowly been centralizing governance with the establishment of a city wide high court for arbitrating matters between or beyond districts. The council levies taxes from each major district and in return they gain a single seat on the council. Due to the federalistic governance structure, pluralistic-judiciary system, and physical distance each district has maintained a strong individual character and distinct history.


The Village. The cosmopolitan heart of the city, The Village is characterized by powerful families, a dense political web, and old institutions.   Eleznór. A old monarchy based on the eastern edge of the city. Eleznór and the Santolina royal line claim direct lineage from the old Cedalian Empire and have chafed against the rest of the city for some time.   Cynórm. Built up and around an ancient monastery of the Order of the Earths Prayer, Cynórm continues to blend faith and politics, wielding significant influence over the beliefs of the city.   Fools Lip. What was once a prosperous city has become a site of organized abandonment by the rest of the city. It has become a place of ghost stories, old magic, and thin walls or so the stories say.   The Union. A place that has relied on grit, determination, and an indispensable position as a manufacturing powerhouse to remain relevant in the political landscape.   The Jeweled Markets. Located on the northwest side of the Naud River, the Jeweled Markets began as a collection of warehouses, river docks, and roadside stops in 2nd century AS. What started as a informal site of trade has developed into a bustling center for transactions and extraction throughout the region.   Asdraeck. Established by the signing of the Lotus Treaty, Asdraeck's land is littered with old forts and battlegrounds that have been repurposed into a shield for the city against the threats lurking beyond.


The urban area of Marsétan (referred to on occasion as Edgetown) is vast, stretching at its widest points almost 25 kilometres across. Built along the banks of the Naud River the city rests within rolling hills and marshland. Each district has its own distinctive architecture built from the readily available pine, spruce, stone, granite, diorite, and basalt in the region. Between these district exist neutral zones cut through by a web of cobbled thoroughfares.


Between the Mountain Range to the northwest, the Lost beyond, and the large swings in hours of sunlight over the course of the year, Marsétan jas significant fluxuations in tempature. signficant peninsula is damp but rarely sees heavy rain or snow.
Founding Date
Around 200,000
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