
the Shadow-walker, Lord of Gloom, Huer Ozum Thraggolir Skadúrdum

Thraggolir the Shadow-walker, the Lord of Gloom, Huer Ozum was a dwarven war-hero and is since many ages worshipped as an ascestor-paragon amongst dwarvenkind. His exploits, now part of dwarven myth, included waging war against the drow of Aethzar Izuril and slaying both the illithid overlord N'gathruul and the legendary obsidian dragon Nymuurthax the Shadow. These exploits brought Thraggolir into myth and legend and sprouted a strong religious following amongst some dwarven societies.

Divine Domains

Darkness, Earth



Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thraggolir was born in the days when dwarvenkind was young and their ancestors, the Dwaerdûr, still ruled over the infant dwarven race. The myth around Thraggolir suggests he was born a direct descendant of Skadûr Winterbeard one of the six original dwarves.   Few writings of Thraggolir's youth remain. Those that do suggest he was an exceptional brave, foolhardy and spiritual boy who often got into trouble seeking mystical and spiritual fulfillment. As he grew up he proved to be a particular skilled warrior with a strong spiritual connection to the deep places of the earth.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The earliest major exploit credited to Thraggolir are the many victorious skirmishes against the drow of Aethzar Izuril during their war against the dwarves. During this time, Thraggolir played into this exceptional connection to the deep earth and the darkness contained in it. His connection allowed him almost supernatural perception in the dark much more than the dwarf's (or drow's) natural darkvision capabilities. Dwarven bards and loremasters note that Thraggolir seemed to move together with the inky darkness of the deep earth and control it to some degree and credit this ability as one of the reasons of Thraggolir's success against the drow.   Another major exploit credited to Thraggolir is the victory over the legendary obsidian dragon Nymuurthax the Shadow. The mythical dragon long preyed upon the denizens of the underdark, including the deep dwarves of Dun Myra, a subterranean city of which Thraggolir was the supreme protector. After Nymuurthax razed the city and killed most of its inhabitants including three of Thraggolir's children, Thraggolir rallied his most powerful surviving followers and waged a short guerilla war against the dragon and its servants. In this short war, Thraggolir ultimately managed to navigate into the obsidian dragon's lair and slay the awesome beast almost losing his life in the process. Badly mangled, Thraggolir claimed the Nymuurthax' massive hoard, including the now legendary war-axe Ythur'uum which long remained in the hands of Thraggolir's descendants.
Divine Classification
Dwarven Ancestor-Paragon

Cover image: by Eugenia Romanova