"Alabaster" Virikk Von Keeri

Vikant Virikk Von Keeri (a.k.a. Alabaster)

"Alabaster" Virikk Von Keeri, the esteemed lord of House Von Keeri, stands as a prominent figure within the illustrious city of Skee'kil on the volcanic island of the Skii’ari Chain. Known for his striking appearance, his alabaster white fur shimmers in contrast to his jet-black wings, lending him an air of regal elegance and distinction. From a young age, Virikk exhibited exceptional intellect and strategic acumen, traits that distinguished him even among the renowned Von Keeri lineage. He ascended to the position of lord at a relatively young age, following the untimely demise of his predecessor, showing astute leadership and a firm commitment to his House's interests.   Under his guidance, House Von Keeri has further solidified its dominance over the lucrative Kreeite mines, a resource both treasured and dangerous due to its addictive properties. Virikk's keen eye for trade has fostered numerous partnerships with other houses, positioning House Von Keeri as a leading force in Skee'kil's economic landscape.   Despite the cutthroat nature of Skii’ari basin politics, Virikk has garnered the respect and loyalty of his peers. He is known for his diplomatic prowess and fair-handed approach in resolving disputes, seeking peaceful resolutions rather than escalating conflicts. This reputation has earned him both friends and rivals, as other houses often seek his counsel in times of discord.   Among his people, Virikk is admired for his commitment to the well-being of the Skree'ik community. He invests heavily in the development of social programs and infrastructure, striving to improve the lives of those residing in the city. His dedication to the people has allowed House Von Keeri to gain widespread support, solidifying their position as a powerhouse among the basin's ruling houses.   Beyond his responsibilities as a lord, Virikk is known to be an avid collector of rare artifacts and cultural relics from distant galaxies. He has adorned his personal quarters with ancient trinkets and art, a testament to his fascination with the history and diversity of the cosmos. This passion for knowledge is further exemplified by his close collaboration with House Veeki’ree, whom he consults on matters pertaining to celestial phenomena and the mysteries of space.   As Alabaster Virikk Von Keeri continues to lead House Von Keeri into the future, he remains a beacon of wisdom, diplomacy, and innovation within the Skii’ari basin. His legacy of fairness, prosperity, and respect for tradition has garnered him admiration from both allies and rivals, cementing his place as a respected lord and a key player in the intricate tapestry of the Agitare Nexus.


Family Ties

Lawful Evil
Current Status
Scheming within house Von Keeri
Current Location
Current Residence
House Von Keeri
Effeminate Masculine
Emerald Green
Swept back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Finely groomed white fur
3' 4"
Aligned Organization


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