Arix & Baelin (Areeks and Baylin)

Within the hallowed halls of House Von Keeri, an intriguing contrast exists between the esteemed Virik Von Keeri and his less than savory twin sons, Arix and Baelin Von Keeri. These twin heirs to the House's legacy possess a striking appearance reminiscent of their illustrious father, with jet-black wings and alabaster white fur, but their personalities couldn't be more different.   Arix and Baelin, often referred to as "The Black Wings," have grown up in the lap of luxury, indulging in the opulence of the Skii’ari basin without a care in the world. Spoiled from birth, they have known nothing but privilege and affluence, which has fueled their desire for power and influence. Their ambitions extend far beyond the borders of the basin, envisioning themselves as influential players on a galactic stage.   Unlike their father's diplomatic finesse, Arix and Baelin are known for their arrogance and impatience. They exhibit a sense of entitlement that sets them apart from the other Skree'ik of the basin. Their callous disregard for tradition and their insatiable appetite for indulgence have earned them a reputation as playboys, seeking thrills and pleasure wherever they go.   While their father strives to build bridges and foster unity among the houses, the twins yearn for dominance and control. They have been known to undermine their father's efforts, leveraging their family's resources to gain advantages and sabotage rivals. Their brash and reckless behavior often puts House Von Keeri's reputation at risk, and Virik has often found himself attempting to smooth over the messes they leave in their wake.   Arix and Baelin's involvement in House matters is often limited to superficial appearances, and their attendance at significant events is usually a mere formality. Preferring the spotlight of galactic parties and high society gatherings, they seem more interested in revelry than in learning the intricacies of running House Von Keeri.   Despite their father's efforts to mentor them, the twins remain defiant and resistant to guidance. This strained relationship with their father and their growing reputation as wayward and power-hungry individuals has sparked tension within House Von Keeri and among the Skree'ik community.   As the future leaders of the house, Arix and Baelin's antics cast a shadow of uncertainty over House Von Keeri's future. Their father, Virik Von Keeri, is left with the daunting task of shaping his wayward sons into worthy heirs, hoping that they will one day embrace the true values and responsibilities befitting a lord of House Von Keeri. Until then, the twins continue their reckless pursuit of pleasure and power, creating ripples of intrigue and turmoil within the Skii’ari basin and beyond.


Family Ties

Chaotic Neutral
Boorish, Extravagant
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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