Kree'skiir (Cree Skeer)

The Skree'ik Homeworld

  Some of the biggest caverns in the system reside on the tropical and highly volcanic Kree’skiir, homeworld of the Skii'ari subset of the Skree’ik race. Formed from massive sulfuric acid seeps, these caverns can reach upwards of dozens of miles in depth, often housing entire ecosystems from the abrasive elements of the world’s surface. Kree’skiir also features some of the most impressive natural acid lakes and sulfur fields in the known galaxy. Volcanic islands and archipelagos dot the surface of the planet’s sulfur-dense seas, contrasted by the grand island chains with towering mountain peaks that many of the Skree’ik call home.  


While the sea may be inhospitable to most life on Kree’skiir, these island chains provide respite to numerous species of flora and fauna only native to this planet. The largest and most notable volcanic island, the Skii’ari Chain , is home to a several mile deep basin within an extinct volcano. Within the basin lies the cavernous Skee'kil , a dizzying sprawling city of interconnecting tunnels, mines, skyways, commerce, and industry. Protected from hostile wildlife and weather by the crater walls, Skee'kil flourishes in luxury, profiting heavily from the natural resources harvested by its powerful Deep Houses.  

The Deep Houses

  House Von Keeri - holds a monopoly on the vast mines of Kreeite, a highly addictive salt-like lichen found only in this region, said to be the lifeblood of modern Skree’ik culture due to its brain-altering effects.   House Zizzek - an incredibly powerful force in Skee’kil. This house maintains the thermal forges that manufacture and refine any minerals within the crater; it is an unspoken rule that you don’t skirt House Zizzek, any and all manufacturing goes through them. This is likely due to Zizzek holding a stranglehold on Skee’kil’s only functioning power plant.   A few minor Houses worthy of mention are:
  • House Tiiri - Proprietors of horticultural goods with an emphasis on the bioluminescent flora that litter the basin.
  • House Ree’raki - Deal in the sale, subjugation, and butchery of the creatures that lurk the dark recesses of the Skii’ari basin. Also serve as deterrence towards any would-be predator encroachment.
  • House Veeki’ree - These scholars and stargazers are Skee’kil’s foremost experts on the worlds beyond the sulfur sea. Often seen as mystics among the Skree’ik of the Skii’ari basin, they construct and own the broadcast towers that relay and receive signals from elsewhere across Kree’skiir and beyond.
  • Kriiklar: A newer house that has risen to prominence through the development of advanced mining technology and exploration of previously untapped resources.
  • Halkiri: Pioneers in the development of specialized protective gear and equipment that allows Skree'ik to navigate the volatile sulfuric acid seeps and acid lakes.
  • Ri'skara: A house renowned for its skilled artisans and craftsmen, producing intricate and exquisite works of art from the unique flora and minerals found within the basin.
  • Flikan: This family is known for its expertise in constructing and maintaining the bustling skyways and sky bridges that connect various structures within the basin.
  • Gree'ir: A family that specializes in the production of unique pigments and dyes, derived from the vibrant flora and minerals of Kree’skiir.

Law and Society

Law in the Skii’ari basin is often handled on a house-to-house basis. Houses do not interact with each other in terms that do not facilitate trade of goods, services or ideas for the betterment of each house. Socially speaking, entire communities exist within sections of the city that belong solely to one house, in their own self-sufficient ecosystems, only reaching out for trading goods and resources. This way of life is built upon centuries of bitter rivalry and mistrust between the basin’s Vikants who built the foundations of Skee’kil. The older the house, the more set in these ways their tenets tend to be.  

The Skii'ari Consortium

However, there are newer houses whose Vikants do not see grudges and bitter tradition as a path forward, and have begun opening their doors to travelers from beyond the stars with the assistance of House Veeki’ree in hopes of ushering in a new era of trade and prosperity. These houses who hold this worldview are collectively known as The Skii'ari Consortium. In recent decades, travel to Kree’skiir has been popular both for commerce, trade, and sightseeing, but is also considered fairly dangerous without a guide due to unpredictable superheated acid rain, predatory wildlife and the occasional run-in with the outcasts of Skree’ik society such as Kreeite Junkies and Pirates looking to disrupt trade routes along the Sulfur Sea.  


The Ships of the Skree’ik people are few and far between, as most ships capable of interstellar travel are owned by wealthy Houses for trade and transport purposes. Many Skree’ik that can be found off-world are likely on expeditionary work with their houses or were sold into servitude as punishment or payment. Others may simply be outcasts or social pariahs, or even runaways. Most Skree’ik are not well versed in interstellar travel, as most vehicles on Kree’skiir tend to be terrestrial excavators, sulfur barges or industrial in nature. Almost all Skree’ik starships are commissioned out to external corporations or gifted as payment, as Kree’skiir has no infrastructure for starship construction bays as of yet, though The Skii’ari Consortium is currently negotiating with House Zizzek on breaking ground in the near future.
Alternative Name(s)
Cave Song
Included Organizations

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