The Skii'ari Consortium

There are newer houses on Kree'skiir whose Vikants do not see grudges and bitter tradition as a path forward, and have begun opening their doors to travelers from beyond the stars with the assistance of House Veeki’ree in hopes of ushering in a new era of trade and prosperity. These houses who hold this worldview are collectively known as The Skii’ari Consortium.   In recent decades, travel to Kree'skiir has been popular both for commerce, trade, and sightseeing, but is also considered fairly dangerous without a guide due to unpredictable superheated acid rain, predatory wildlife and the occasional run-in with the outcasts of Kree’ik society such as Kreeite Junkies and Pirates looking to disrupt trade routes along the Sulfur Sea.
Political, Federation
Neighboring Nations


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