
This consequence represents a long-lasting debility (or death). When you suffer harm, record the specific injury on your character sheet equal to the level of harm you suffer. If you suffer lesser harm, record it in the bottom row. If you suffer moderate harm, write it in the middle row. If you suffer severe harm, record it in the top row. See examples of harm and the harm tracker below.   Your character suffers the penalty indicated at the end of the row if any harm recorded in that row applies to the situation at hand. So, if you have “Tired” harm in the bottom row, you’ll suffer reduced effect when you try to run away from the Legion guards. When you’re impaired by harm in the top row (severe harm, level 3), your character is incapacitated and can’t do anything unless you have help from someone else or push yourself to perform the action.   If you need to mark a harm level but the row is already filled, the harm moves up to the next available row. So, if you suffered moderate harm (level 2) but had no empty spaces in the second row, you’d have to record severe harm (level 3), instead. If you run out of spaces on the top row and need to mark harm there, your character suffers a catastrophic, permanent consequence (loss of a limb, sudden death, etc., depending on the circumstances).  

Non-Physical Harm

  Harm doesn’t just have to be broken ribs and knife wounds. “Snubbed” harm can happen at a fancy Governor’s dinner party. If you Attune poorly to an artifact, you might get level 2 harm “Screaming Voices in Your Mind.” It applies -1d (as per level 2 harm) whenever you’re taking an action that having screaming voices in your head might affect.   Harm is removed through the Recover downtime action, but it can also fictionally vanish. When applying unusual harm to the crew, let them know how they can remove it. If you’re unsure, for example when dealing with those screaming voices, discuss with your table what sort of long-term project might remove it.   This can be a way to showcase powerful opponents without killing the crew. A tough bounty hunter might punch you in the gut, leaving you with level 3 harm “Can’t Breathe.” The harm clears after 10 minutes of rest, but leaves you unable to do much for the rest of the scene.  

Harm Examples

This character has three harm: a “Shattered Right Leg” (level 3) plus “Burned” and “Grazed” (level 1). If they suffer another level 1 harm, it will become level 2 (since both level 1 slots are filled). If they suffer another level 3 harm, it will move up to level 4—Fatal.
Severity Level Examples
Fatal 4 Spaced, Drowned, Shot through the Heart (and you're to blame)
Severe 3 Impaled, Broken Leg, Shot in Chest, Crushed Rib, Terrified
Moderate 2 Exhausted, Deep Cut, Concussion, Panicked, Seduced
Lesser 1 Bruised, Drained, Distracted, Scared, Sprained, Confused
  Harm like “Drained” or “Exhausted” can be a good fallback consequence if there’s nothing else threatening a PC (like when they spend all night going over those safe schematics, looking for any weaknesses before they raid a Guild vault).


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