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Petrus Andrei

Petrus Andrei is a High Bladewarden for the Imperial Guard on a mission to scout northward, find the source of magic and secure the site for the arrival of members of the Sanguine Order, the Empire’s cadre of magic-users to begin work to stabilize the site for a new arcane workshop in the region. He maintains communication with them using a Skycaller Amulet.   (10hp/3atk) Boss - Ideal Justice/Hedonistic   Vibe: 42 y/o human with no head hair but a salt-and-pepper neatly trimmed beard. rack of muscles, severe jawline, brooding presence, a bronze breastplate bearing the empire insignia. He wields a warhammer, heavy crossbow. He especially likes the comforts of a warm fire, a strong drink, and a good meal.   His goal is to retire a celebrated veteran and live out his later years peacefully. The empire for all its faults treats its veteran soldiers (especially officers) well. He’s close to retirement.   What he knows: Petrus knows they are scouting for a powerful locus of magic in the north. His experience leads him to believe that the empire will try and harness this source of magic for their magical equipment industry.   What he wants: He’s got a few odd jobs he could use some help with: He needs ‘contractors’ to help him scout ahead for a suitable camp further northward. He can’t spare the additional scouts due to ‘other engagements’ A few scouts heading eastward looking for a water source failed to return. If the party could speed their return along, they could complete the scouting mission themselves.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

A bronze breastplate bearing the empire insignia. He wields a warhammer, heavy crossbow.

Specialized Equipment

  • A map of the northern regions
  • A compass specially-tuned to find magical sources of power.
  • Mental characteristics


    Petrus is a veteran of several wars of expansion of the empire and has risen in the ranks from a young age.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    He's best known for subduing the rebellion at Ravenna, but his military history includes defending from threats to the empire both civil and otherwise.

    Morality & Philosophy

    He believes that the empire dispenses justice for all within its borders and thinks the ends justify the means.   Petrus does not really care what the empire does in the north, he just knows that it will be good for his career. Lately, he feels as if the empire is 'secure enough' and future endeavours outside of keeping its people safe (like the mission he's on right now) aren't really necessary for the survival of the empire and might actually be detrimental.

    Personality Characteristics


    Petrus' goal is to retire a celebrated veteran and live out his later years peacefully. The empire for all its faults treats its veteran soldiers (especially officers) well. He’s close to retirement.

    Likes & Dislikes

    Petrus especially likes the comforts of a warm fire, a strong drink, and a good meal.
    Current Status
    On an assignment to secure the magical source of power in Trest
    Hazel eyes w brooding appearance
    salt & pepper neatly trimmed beard
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Dark brown skin
    200 lbs heavily muscled
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations
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