Celestia Nightmare

Celestia Vega Nightmare (a.k.a. Blue Moon)

Celestia Nightmare, known as Blue Moon, is the only child of Jack and Sally Nightmare and the oldest grandchild of Sarah and High King Henry. After the death of her parents Celestia moved in with Saturn Stars, an old friend of Jack and Sally’s.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Celestia is tall and athletic, but the toll of her experiences is evident in the heavy bags under her blue and green eyes. Her body bears numerous scars accompanied by a distinct tattoo on her right forearm, a purple butterfly resting on a skeleton hand.

Body Features

Celestia's physical appearance includes a tall, slender, and athletically built frame, with small shoulders and a thin waist that contribute to a more masculine appearance. She's exceptionally flexible, able to contort her body into unusual shapes. Despite not being flat-chested, her penchant for oversized shirts gives that impression. Celestia has multiple piercings in her ears and a tongue piercing.

Facial Features

Celestia’s face has many traditional feminine features including a heart-shaped face and a rounded, average-sized nose. Her eyes are almond-shaped and slender, yet carry heavy bags underneath due to sleep deprivation. She has small, pouty lips with a subtle upward curve, appearing as if in a perpetual slight smirk, featuring a small, thin scar running through the outer corner of the left side of her mouth. Her eyebrows are thin and situated close to her eyelids.

Identifying Characteristics

Celestia has complete heterochromia, her left eye is gentle forest green while the right one is a sharp electric blue both glow eerily in the dark. This striking mismatch of eye colors is typically the first thing that people notice about her. Celestia's second defining trait is her long, wavy hair, resembling the colors of a setting sun.

Special abilities

Celestia was born into House Nightmare meaning that she, like all those born into the Nightmares, have the ability to use a specialized version of empathy magic known as fear magic. Those who practice fear magic can see a person's greatest fear and can use it against them if need be. A person who uses fear magic can see all of a person is and all they could be, after all a person’s fears can oftentimes tell you more about a person than their hopes and dreams. For those who wield fear magic fear is something you can touch.   Users of Fear magic will often have very severe nightmares that feel very, very, real. Most of the time those nightmares aren’t even theirs but someone else's. Darkness seems to latch on to users of fear magic’s very soul, which will often attract creatures of darkness and fear towards them. Celestia is also proficient in fire, air, and earth magic.

Apparel & Accessories

Celestia’s wardrobe typically consists of button-up shirts, celestial-themed t-shirts, and distressed jeans or pants with multiple pockets. On most days she wears a pair of worn combat boots that have a slight heel to them. The least addition to her outfits is a dark green leather jacket adorned with her family crest bearing the word "Nightmare" in silver cursive on the back. Which she got from Saturn for her birthday.   An essential part of her attire includes vambraces—silver with a wolf engraving that once belonged to her father and gold with a phoenix engraving from her mother. Fingerless gloves are another regular addition to her look, along with a belt adorned with numerous pockets for utility. To carry her belongings, she sports a worn brown shoulder bag. If she is ever seen wearing jewelry it will often feature celestial motifs or butterflies. Celestia’s clothing tends to revolve around the colors green, black, gold, brown, red, and hints of purple.

Specialized Equipment

A jian sword featuring a midnight purple and black handle, with the Nightmare family crest delicately engraved into the pommel. The blade itself is adorned with the phrase "Lux lunae me ducet ubi sol non apparet."which translates to "The light of the moon will guide me when there is no sun in sight." and embedded symbols related to the sun god Rad. The sword named Præstans Tantibus once belonged to Celestia’s mother. It was forged by Celestia’s grandfather, Henry Nightmare, for her parents’ wedding as per House Nightmare tradition.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Celestia was born on Tenebris 31, 2143 to Sally and Jack Nightmare in Amethyst, Archangeli but she was raised in Rosewood. A small town in east Bellum that her mother grew up in, they even lived in the same house. Because her mother, Sally Nightmare, was a High Priestess of the sun god Rad within the Church of Dray Celestia grew up hearing the stories of the gods. She and mother would take daily trips to the Draylain temple in town and Celestia would listen as her mother told her all about the gods and how they were to be worshiped. Most of the fondest memories Celestia has of her mother is within that temple.   When Celestia was nine Rosewood was burned to the ground by the High Queen of The United Kingdoms of Majjia’s Knights of Blood, a group created by the high queen after the Blood Spill Civil War in 2142 to uphold the queen’s rule within the kingdoms. The reason for this was simple: her mother and father had joined the Knights after the war in order to gain info for a rebellion brewing within the kingdoms and they were found out so the high queen had the entire town turned to ash.   Celestia was the one who found her parents’ bodies that night. She still has nightmares about it. The morning after the massacre Celestia was found lying next to her parents’ dead bodies by a family friend, Saturn Stars. A week later after her parents’ funeral in Amethyst she moved in with Staurn. A year later Saturn would bring home a girl named Zerenity Silver-Moon, who she found near dead in the woods outside their home during a snowstorm. Zerenity had no memory of who she was or even how she got there so Saturn took her in and it wasn’t long after that Zerenity and Celestia became the best of friends.   In 2159 Celestia and Zerenity would start attending Virum Spiritus, a school in Amethyst designed to train Light Warriors, a specialized branch of the military with a focus on intelligence gathering, analysis, and covert operations. It was on the day Zerenity and her left for school that Saturn gifted Celestia her mother’s weapon Præstans Tantibus.   Celestia and Zerenity graduated from the academy on Aestas 3, 2163 and became full fledged Light Warriors just a few days later. Celestia and Zerenity have now spent the last year going on odd missions here and there around the kingdom.

Gender Identity

Celestia uses she/her pronouns and for the most part identifies as a woman however she is extremely apathetic to the concept of gender. She doesn't strongly identify with traditional gender norms or roles and doesn't prioritize her gender identity in her self-perception. She at best feels indifferent to being misgendered. This is largely due to her detachment from her own body. More often than not Celestia feels like some sort of ghost or phantom instead of a person. So Celestia's choice in clothing isn't a reflection of her gender identity but rather a preference for clothing that makes her feel more comfortable and suits her active lifestyle and the demands of her role as a Light Warrior.


Celestia is bisexual woman that doesn't really have a preference for any gender in particular. Her attraction to an individual is based on their character, personality, and physical appeal. Gender is the least important thing to her when it comes to just about anything, especially this.


When Celestia lived in Rosewood with her parents she went to Rosewood Elementary, a religious grade school that went from k-5 grade. However after her parents’ death and she moved in with Saturn she was homeschooled and didn’t really go to a proper school until going to Virum Spiritus Academy in 2055.


For the few years of her time at Virum Spiritus Academy Celestia worked part-time as a waitress at a restaurant called Johnny's Family Diner. After graduating from the academy in 2163 she of course became a Light Warrior.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Celestia has many accomplishments and achievements that she is extremely proud of like graduating top of her class at Virum Spiritus Academy, alongside her best friend Zerenity Silver-Moon but the one she is most proud of is starting up Resistance, a small civil rights activist group, while still attending Virum Spiritus Academy. The group mostly aimed to help the people suffering under the high queen’s rule. They did food drives, raised money for different causes, protests, and other activities all with the goal of helping as many people as possible. The group is still in operation today.

Failures & Embarrassments

Celestia's empathetic nature and her profound sense of responsibility make the inability to save someone's life a deeply painful and haunting experience for her. These instances of failure serve as her greatest personal setbacks, fueling a sense of deep disappointment and self-criticism. Her empathy intensifies these feelings.

Mental Trauma

Having been orphaned at a young age so violently Celestia has a severe case of PTSD and survivor's guilt. There have been numerous occasions where she has woken up screaming from nightmares. Celestia also has a habit of comparing herself to her family. The Nightmare family is powerful and full of brilliant people who have done things that have ended up in the history books. Celestia has spent her whole life hearing stories about her family, House Nightmare. She often feels like she just doesn’t measure up to them. They were people with thoughts and goals and wants and dreams. She has none of that. She’s at best a ghost wandering through life looking to feel something, anything really. At worst she’s a specter of her own life watching her body move around but not understanding the things it does.   Celestia feels so much at all times which makes it extremely difficult to process her own emotions when she’s always wrapped up in someone else’s. She feels everything all at once and yet nothing at the same time. She feels empty, lost like she’s stranded at sea. She's always moving from one place to another and can’t seem to stay still because she doesn’t know how to. Her brain runs at 5 thousand miles a minute. She doesn’t know who she is. She knows other people well but if you were to ask her about herself she wouldn’t know what to tell you. An integral part of her died with her parents that day and she has no idea of how to get it back.

Intellectual Characteristics

Celestia is a highly intelligent person despite what her reckless and often impulsive actions may tell you. She can speak, read, and write in multiple languages. A skill that allows her to effectively communicate and interact with individuals from various cultural backgrounds, expanding her ability to connect and gather information during missions. Celestia's ability as a strategist shines through when she focuses on planning and analyzing situations.   Her empathic abilities give her a heightened emotional intelligence. Celestia's capacity to discern and comprehend others' emotions and mental states allows her to connect deeply with people. Her quick understanding of emotions enables her to comfort and support others effectively, making her a source of solace and guidance for those around her. Celestia is a very quick learner, adapting to different situations on a dime which besides her empathy might just be her greatest strength.

Morality & Philosophy

Celestia holds a strong belief in aiding and supporting others. She believes that those with power should actively work towards helping those in need. She advocates for holding individuals accountable for their actions, especially when they cause harm or perpetrate injustices. Celestia wholeheartedly believes in doing what is right over what is easy. She knows that she lives in a world where cruelty is rewarded far more often than kindness and decency and she refuses to let that stop her from helping someone in need.   Celestia is deeply driven to effect positive change in society. She believes in taking necessary actions to bring about improvements and is motivated by the pursuit of a better world, advocating for justice and fairness. She places immense value on personal freedom, not just for herself but for others too. Celestia lives her life by the quote "Bravery is not the absence of fear. It's the mastery of fear," because if there is one thing that a member of House Nightmare has mastered it is fear.


Conversations that delve deeply into the events surrounding her parents' death or the detailed circumstances of the massacre in Rosewood are very uncomfortable for her and will trigger her PTSD and survivor's guilt. Celestia feels deeply uncomfortable or distressed if others don't understand or misinterpret her emotional detachment or her struggles with feeling like a "ghost" in her own life. Insensitive comments or judgments regarding her inability to connect with her emotions deeply affect her. Forcing Celestia to express or confront her own emotions, especially in a public or exposed setting is distressing for her.   Discussions or situations that directly point out her perceived failure or inadequacy in comparison to her family's legacy is a sore point. Due to her empathetic nature, exposure to extremely intense or negative emotions overwhelm her, especially if she's unable to control or separate herself from those emotions.

Personality Characteristics


Celestia's primary motivation is deeply rooted in her tragic past and the profound loss of her parents. Her driving force is to ensure that others do not have to endure the same kind of pain and suffering that she experienced. She is determined to protect people, preventing them from going through the same harrowing experiences that have left her haunted and forever changed. Her ultimate goal is to be a guardian and source of strength for those in need, sparing them from the kind of heart-wrenching loss and confusion that has defined her own life.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


  • Combat Proficiency: A master in sword fighting and various martial arts including Taekwondo, Judo, Jujutsu, Eskrima, Kenjutsu, and Bojutsu, demonstrating exceptional combat skills and adaptability in various fighting styles.
  • Weaponry Skills: Proficient in knife-throwing and fencing, displaying an adeptness in handling diverse weapons.
  • Exceptional Magic Ability: Natural talent in magic, displaying the capability to perform complex spells effortlessly and with precision.
  • Physical Coordination: Excellent hand-to-eye coordination, enabling her to maneuver skillfully and rarely experience physical mishaps.
  • Artistic and Musical Talents: Skilled in playing the guitar and piano, with prior teachings in dancing, singing, woodworking, and pottery, showcasing a wide array of artistic and crafting abilities.


  • Lack of Long-term Planning: While she's adept at quick strategizing, Celestia struggles with long-term planning and maintaining a consistent focus on future objectives, often favoring immediate actions over comprehensive, extended plans.
  • Technical Aptitude Deficit: She struggles with intricate technical tasks or detailed analytical work, given her inclination towards physical and intuitive skills over meticulous technical abilities.
  • Healing and Restoration Magic Ineptitude: Celestia's magic prowess lean heavily towards offensive and elemental magic, potentially causing a deficiency in healing or restorative magic, limiting her ability to mend or heal others magically.

Virtues & Personality perks

Celestia is very energetic, always moving from one place to another and seemingly never able to sit still. She's loud and independent with an extremely active imagination, always moving from one idea to another. Celestia is idealistic and tries to be optimistic and while she doesn't always succeed at that she really does try to look on the bright side of things even if all she sees are the bad things. Celestia is friendly and curious. Adaptable and bold, loyal and passionate, but her greatest strength will always be her empathy towards others and just how emotional she is. Celestia thinks with her heart and that makes her insightful and intuitive. It makes her want to always be helpful and to always be kind.

Vices & Personality flaws

Due to Celestia's own need to feel the emotional void in her she can be very reckless and impulsive and that often gets her into trouble. There are times where Celestia can be very short-tempered and impatient, lashing out when things get too overwhelming. Celestia has a very chaotic way of doing things that don't make sense to others but makes perfect sense to her. This is also a trait that sometimes gets her into trouble. Celestia is not the most mentally stable person at the best of times and struggles with a sense of emotional detachment and feeling like a "ghost" in her own life, affecting her ability to connect emotionally with people. It is challenging for her to express her own feelings or emotions effectively, hindering her ability to convey herself to others. Celestia's struggle to identify her own desires, wants, and personal aspirations causes internal conflict and a sense of aimlessness, making it challenging for her to define her own purpose or goals.

Personality Quirks

Celestia enjoys offbeat or unconventional jokes and humor, finding amusement in unexpected or peculiar situations. She is also prone to sudden deep or existential discussions or musings that catch others off guard. Celestia frequently drifts into daydreams or seems preoccupied, leading to occasional distractions from immediate surroundings. She also has a tendency to stare into the distance when lost in thought, appearing deep in contemplation even in the midst of conversations or activities.   Celestia often attaches deep sentimental value to certain objects or symbols, like the vambraces from her parents, showing a strong emotional connection to specific items. She develops fleeting passions for various hobbies or interests, diving deep into them before quickly moving on to the next without warning. Celestia has a habit of collecting trinkets or souvenirs from her adventures, each with a unique story or memory attached. She sometimes takes short naps at unusual hours, often due to her sporadic sleep patterns and her tendency to overexert herself.


Due to Celestia's executive dysfunction as a result of her PTSD and survivor's guilt she has a hard time sticking to a regular hygiene routine. She sometimes forgets to brush her teeth, shower, or change clothes regularly. Her mental health issues also lead to periods of low energy and motivation, making it hard for her to engage in self-care activities.


Contacts & Relations

Celestia's status as a member of House Nightmare makes it so that Celestia knows, or has at least met, some of the world's most influential people. She knows most of the people who work at Virum Spiritus due to the fact she was a student there for four years.

Family Ties

House Nightmare is one of the powerful and influential families on the planet and are the descendants of King Arthur Pendragon of Camelot. The Nightmares have been around for centuries and because of this they are considered by many to be an ancient and noble house of chosen ones, people destined for greatness.   Celestia has a deep connection to her family having grown up hearing story after story about her family. While Celestia doesn't see the other members of her family often, except for her aunt Elizabeth, who is her uncle's ex wife and the mayor of Amethyst, and her cousin Athria.

Religious Views

When Celestia was younger she was very religious mostly due to her mother's status as a High Priestess of the sun god Rad. Like it said in her personal history the time she spent with her mother in the Draylian temple are some of her fondest memories of her. However after the Rosewood Massacre happened Celestia can no longer say she's a believer. Yes, she participates in rituals that feel too rude to skip such as kneeling before The Trinity Altars before leaving the house but her heart is never in it. If the gods were real how could they have let what happened that day happen?

Social Aptitude

She possesses a natural charisma and confidence, enabling her to engage with others in a charming and appealing manner. Her strong personality often draws people to her, making her a captivating individual in social settings. Celestia is good at understanding other people's emotions and therefore very good at comforting them; she just has a hard time applying those skills to herself. Celestia upbring has instilled a sense of proper etiquette and refined behavior. However, her adaptability and sometimes chaotic nature might lead to unorthodox approaches to say the least. She feels comfortable in leadership positions, often taking charge in group settings. Her extroverted nature and openness to new experiences make her an adventurous and open-minded individual, eager to explore different facets of life and society.


Celestia tends to fidget and is unable to sit still for long periods. She plays with or adjusts her rings, bracelets, or necklaces when in deep thought or feeling restless. Taps her fingers on surfaces or drums them against her thigh. Paces when anxious or stressed, runs a hand through her hair when feeling restless. Celestia sometimes even unconsciously mimics handling a sword when she gets fidgety.   Celestia when relaxed or focused may unconsciously whistle tunes or hum softly, providing an outlet for her energy. She absentmindedly doodles or sketches in notebooks often drawing celestial symbols or patterns. Celestia’s gestures are often expressive and animated, using her hands and body to emphasize her points or emotions, all of her hands have stories of her accidentally hitting them because they were standing too close while she was speaking.   Celestia is also known for being a very tactile person, she plays with her friends’ hair when bored or just because. Hugs them often and just really likes touch in general. Celestia crosses her arms over her chest when standing, never sits in chairs properly, and clicks her tongue when annoyed.

Hobbies & Pets

Celestia has many hobbies, some she struck with and some she didn't but her favorite one is painting. Her room is filled with a bunch of little art projects that she's done over the years and some she hasn't gotten around to finishing yet.


Celestia speaks with a slight Bellumese accent although it isn’t that noticeable unless you're paying very close attention to her. Despite Celestia’s loudness she speaks with a soft raspy voice which tends to surprise people when they first meet her. Celestia is known for being playful and often gives affectionate or playful nicknames to those she likes, she rarely calls them by their name unless she’s teasing or being extremely serious. When passionate or excited about a subject, she can speak rapidly, enthusiastically jumping from topic to topic. Her speech includes frequent use of conversational fillers like "so," "like," and "you know," contributing to a relaxed and casual tone in her dialogue. Celestia swears a lot, not as much as other people she knows like her mother or her friend Railey but still more than the average person.

Wealth & Financial state

Celestia hails from a highly affluent background, as House Nightmare is among the wealthiest families globally. Her family's financial status ensures that Celestia has access to almost anything she desires without the need to work for a living. This financial stability provides her with considerable disposable income, allowing her the freedom to pursue her interests. Additionally, House Nightmare likely possesses various assets and investments in diverse industries, securing their significant wealth and influence.
Date of Birth
31st of Tenebris, 2143
Year of Birth
2143 21 Years old
Amethyst, Archangeli
Celestia has heterochromia; her left eye is a dark forest green while her right one is a bright electric blue
Celestia's hair is long and wavy reaching the middle of her back. Her hair is the color of the setting sun.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Celestia has brown skin with freckles across her face
Known Languages
Celestia is fluent in many languages like Spanish, English, Latin, German, and Draylian. She can speak drake, the language of dragons just fine with only a slight issue with pronunciation and grammar but she can't read it.


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