House Nightmare

House Nightmare, an ancient and esteemed lineage, boasts a heritage dating back to the era of King Arthur's initial reign. Renowned as one of Majjia's most formidable and influential families, they possess a rich collection of powerful magical artifacts, including the legendary Excalibur, King Arthur's renowned sword. Throughout history, they have held prestigious positions of authority and have made significant contributions to advancements in the medical field.   Those who come from House Nightmare have never been anything less than extraordinary, they are a family of chosen ones favored by the gods. With a mere glance, they can make or break someone’s career. Their impact extends beyond politics and medicine, permeating the realms of fashion and cosmetics, where they are hailed as icons for their trendsetting styles.   Despite their lofty status, House Nightmare remains deeply invested in the welfare and opinions of the common folk. Revered as the "House of the People," they prioritize service to the community above all else. Generous and compassionate, they utilize their considerable wealth to uplift the marginalized and disadvantaged, earning them widespread adoration and reverence. Their benevolent actions have solidified their reputation as paragons of virtue, embodying qualities of goodness, courage, chivalry, morality, empathy, and fortitude.


House Nightmare has many different customs that set them apart from other noble houses.

Customary Codes & Shared Values

House Nightmare cherishes meaningful connections and readily cultivates friendships and alliances. They hold a steadfast belief that those blessed with the ability to improve the lives of others bear a responsibility to do so. Hardworking and committed, they prioritize safeguarding the innocent over merely retribution for the guilty. Justice, compassionate leadership, kindness, and hope are esteemed virtues within House Nightmare, distinguishing them as beacons of integrity and compassion amidst their peers. Their unwavering commitment to these values sets them apart as exemplars of nobility and benevolence.

Dress code

In their daily lives, members of House Nightmare typically eschew the ostentatious and flamboyant attire favored by other noble families, preferring instead more understated styles of dress. Each individual within the house cultivates a personal fashion sense that reflects their unique personality and identity. However, for formal occasions requiring a unified presentation, common themes emerge among House Nightmare members. Deep, rich colors such as purple, blue, and black dominate their wardrobe, reflecting their affinity for the dark and macabre. Accessories and garments reminiscent of armor are often incorporated into their ensembles, adding a touch of strength and resilience to their appearance. Fabrics such as leather, silk, satin, and cotton are favored by House Nightmare, contributing to the elegance and sophistication of their attire.

Culture & Culture Heritage

As direct descendants of King Arthur, House Nightmare reveres their lineage and takes immense pride in their connection to the legendary monarch. They commemorate Arthurian legends and myths, weaving them into their family narratives, customs, and ceremonies. The virtues of chivalry, honor, and valor embodied by King Arthur serve as foundational ideals within the family ethos.   House Nightmare strongly identifies with their Draylian heritage, maintaining a deep-seated cultural pride in their Draylian ancestry. They embrace ancestral customs, rituals, and beliefs that have been passed down through generations, preserving traditions that have faded from common practice. Members of House Nightmare often honor the Draylian gods and actively participate in the Church of Dray, embodying devout followers of Draylian faith. House Nightmare stands out as one of the few families proficient in the Draylian language, a tongue predominantly spoken by the most devout Draylain worshippers in modern times.

Common Customs & Observed Traditions

The Nightmare Family has many traditions that they have developed in their thousand years of existence.   Arthurian Festivals and Celebrations:
House Nightmare commemorates key events from Arthurian legend with elaborate festivals and celebrations. These events honor the legendary feats of King Arthur and his knights, serving as reminders of the family's prestigious lineage and the values of chivalry, honor, and bravery that they uphold.   Draylian Rituals and Ceremonies:
Members of House Nightmare actively participate in Draylian rituals and ceremonies, paying homage to their Draylian gods and ancestors. These ceremonies may include offerings, prayers, and sacred rites performed in temples or sacred groves dedicated to the Draylian deities.   Family Crest and Heraldry:
The family crest and heraldry of House Nightmare serve as important symbols of their identity and lineage. These emblems are prominently displayed on banners, seals, and personal belongings, representing the family's values, achievements, and ancestral connections.   Ancestral Veneration:
House Nightmare holds a deep reverence for their ancestors, who are venerated through rituals and ceremonies that honor their memory and legacy. Ancestral portraits, relics, and artifacts are cherished within the family, serving as reminders of their shared heritage and the sacrifices made by those who came before them.   Feasts and Gatherings:
Feasts and gatherings provide opportunities for House Nightmare members to come together and strengthen familial bonds. These gatherings often feature elaborate banquets, entertainment, and storytelling, creating a sense of camaraderie and solidarity among family members.   Charitable Endeavors:
House Nightmare is known for its commitment to philanthropy and community service. Regular charitable endeavors, such as providing aid to the less fortunate or supporting educational initiatives, are woven into the fabric of their customs and traditions, reflecting their values of compassion and generosity.
Exchange of Wedding Gifts:
The exchange of wedding gifts is a significant tradition in House Nightmare. The father of the marrying member presents the newlyweds with hand-forged weapons on their wedding day, symbolizing protection, strength, and the family's support for the union. These weapons may be heirlooms passed down through generations or specially crafted for the occasion. However it is common for the father to have forged them himself. Additionally, the mother gifts the couple with a pair of vambraces a week before the ceremony. These vambraces, worn by the couple until after the wedding, symbolize unity, defense, and the bond between spouses. Removing them beforehand is considered unlucky, emphasizing the importance of honoring tradition and superstition.   Magical Tattoos as Wedding Rings:
Instead of traditional wedding rings, married members of House Nightmare sport magical tattoos on their backs. These tattoos hold special significance, serving as permanent symbols of their commitment and bond. Upon marriage, the couple receives matching tattoos that are enchanted to turn blood-red upon the death of one spouse or fade to a dull gray in the event of divorce.   Engagement Bands:
Throughout their engagement, the couple wears purple bands around their wrists, representing the official color of House Nightmare. These bands are adorned with their respective birthstones, symbolizing their individual identities within the union.   Ceremonial Blessings:
Before the wedding ceremony, it is customary for the couple to receive blessings from elders and respected members of the family. These blessings may take the form of prayers, words of wisdom, or symbolic gestures, imparting good wishes for the couple's future together.   Handfasting Ceremony:
House Nightmare incorporates a handfasting ceremony into their wedding ritual, symbolizing the binding of the couple's hands and hearts in marriage. During the ceremony, a ceremonial cord or ribbon is wrapped around the couple's joined hands, signifying their union and commitment to each other.   Feast of Unity:
Following the wedding ceremony, House Nightmare hosts a lavish feast to celebrate the union of the newlyweds. The Feast of Unity brings together family, friends, and esteemed guests to partake in sumptuous food, music, and merriment, symbolizing the joy and abundance of the couple's shared life ahead.   Dance of the Flames:
As night falls, House Nightmare incorporates a symbolic "Dance of the Flames" into their wedding festivities. This ritual involves the couple dancing together around a sacred bonfire, with flames representing passion, purification, and the eternal flame of love that burns between them.

Members of House Nightmare

While there are 11 members of House Nightmare listed here only 9 of them are currently alive, three of them have been dead for over a decade however they were very important influential people. So they are listed below alongside the living members.

Sarah Nightmare

Sarah is the wife of High King Henry Nightmare and is the mother of Duke Jack, Duchess Athria, and Major Owen. Sarah is also the grandmother of Celestia, Gabriel, and Athria II.

High King Henry Nightmare

High King Henry Nightmare, also known as the Lightning Warrior, held the esteemed position of high king over the United Kingdoms of Majjia. This collective comprises 13 kingdoms governed by the central authority known as The Council of Majjia. Additionally, each kingdom operates under its Localized Governance, overseen by the rightful monarch termed The Kingdom Council.   Henry is the husband of Sarah Nightmare, the father of Duke Jack, Duchess Athria, and Major Owen. Henry is also the grandfather of Celestia, Gabriel, and Athria II. Henry is also the founder of the In Corde, a rebel group against ██████████████████, now Blood Spill, created a year after her unlawful execution of fellow High Queen Raven Morte. Henry was executed for treason on Gratiarum 23, 2142 at the age of 42.

Duke Jack Nightmare

Duke Jack Nightmare, also known as Envy of the Knights of Blood, served as the noble governor of Baihe, a province nestled in North West Bellum. Not only was Jack a prominent figure in governance, but he also held a position within the Knights of Blood, an esteemed faction of warriors established by the High Queen to uphold her authority.   As the eldest child of Sarah Nightmare and High King Henry Nightmare, Jack held the esteemed position of crown prince of Majjia. Yet, from the age of 15, he chose to eschew this title, preferring instead to be addressed as Lord Nightmare. This decision persisted even as he assumed the mantle of Noble Governor of Baihe, eventually earning him the distinguished title of the Duke of Baihe.   Jack was a prominent member of the In Corde, a rebel group created by his father to fight against High Queen Blood Spill, created just a year after the unlawful execution of fellow high queen Raven Morte. However after the Blood Spill Civil War Henry was executed while Jack was pardoned for his part in the war.   Jack and his wife, Sally, were parents to a single child, their daughter Celestia Nightmare. Tragically, their lives were cut short when they fell victim to the merciless hands of the Knights of Blood, acting on the orders of the High Queen, on Aestas 25, 2153.

Duchess Sally Nightmare (née Solis)

Duchess Sally Nightmare, born Sally Solis and known as Pride of The Knights of Blood, was the noble governor of Baihe, a province nestled in North West Bellum. Sally served as the leader of the Knights of Blood, an esteemed faction of warriors established by the High Queen to uphold her authority.   Alongside her marital duties, Sally found solace and purpose in her devout worship of the Draylian deity of the sun, Rad. Her unwavering faith and dedication to Rad's teachings propelled her to the esteemed position of High Priestess of Rad within the revered Church of Dray.   Like her husband, Jack, Sally was a pivotal figure in the Blood Spill Civil War and was pardoned by the High Queen due to her status as Jack’s wife. Also like her husband Sall was almost universally beloved by the people despite being one of the seven. Their death at the hands of the Knights of Blood had a profound effect on the world at large.

Duchess Athria Nightmare

Duchess Athria Nightmare, known as Lust of the Knights of Blood, holds the esteemed position of noble governor over Sapphire, a prominent province situated in the southern reaches of Septentrionalis. Formerly a distinguished member of the Knights of Blood, Athria now serves as the esteemed combat instructor at Divites Populi, a renowned light warrior academy nestled within Septentrionalis.   Born as the sole daughter of Sarah Nightmare and High King Henry Nightmare, Athria also bears the official title of Princess of Majjia, albeit one she rarely employs. Despite her royal lineage, Athria eschews formal titles in favor of her dedication to service and martial prowess.   During the tumultuous Blood Spill Civil War, Athria emerged as a pivotal figure, operating not on the front lines but orchestrating crucial operations behind the scenes. From overseeing inventory management on the battlefield to orchestrating rallies and protests, Athria played a multifaceted role in bolstering the rebellion. Alongside her brother Owen and future sister-in-law Elizabeth Yami, Athria served as a spokesperson and secondary leader, rallying allies and galvanizing support for the cause over the span of two tumultuous years.

Mayor Owen Nightmare

Mayor Owen Nightmare, also known as Caedem, presides as the esteemed mayor of Domum, the illustrious capital city of the kingdom of Amor. Despite technically inheriting the title of Duke of Baihe following his brother's death, Owen chose to forgo assuming the position of noble governor. Instead, he opted to appoint a Proxy governor to manage the responsibilities in his stead, allowing him to focus on his duties as mayor.   As the youngest offspring of Sarah Nightmare and High King Henry Nightmare, Owen bears the formal title of prince of Majjia, a designation he vehemently disdains and refuses to acknowledge. Throughout his life, Owen has been married twice; his first union was with Elizabeth Yami, though the marriage ended in divorce a mere year after their nuptials. Their daughter, Athria II, was born shortly thereafter.   In a twist of fate, Owen found love once more with Nori Yami, the younger sister of his former spouse Elizabeth. Together, they welcomed a son named Gabriel into the world, marking a new chapter in Owen's personal journey.   Like his siblings and sister-in-law, Owen emerged as a prominent figure in the tumultuous Blood Spill Civil War, lending his voice and efforts to the cause. Despite his involvement, Owen was later granted a pardon for his role in the conflict.

Mayor Elizabeth Dawn (née Yami)

Mayor Elizabeth Dawn, formerly known as Elizabeth Yami, currently serves as the mayor of Amethyst, the capital city of Archangeli. Elizabeth was born to commoners Isabella and Alexander Yami. She is the wife of James Dawn and the ex-wife of Owen Nightmare. Elizabeth is also the mother of Athria Nightmare II, whom she shares with Owen.

Nora Nightmare (née Yami)

Nora Nightmare, originally Nora Yami, is a former member of the Knights of Blood who now owns a fashion boutique named Σκοτεινό Κομψό Boutique in Domum, Amor. She is the youngest daughter of commoners Isabella and Alexander Yami. Nora is also the second wife of Owen Nightmare, with whom she has a son named Gabriel Nightmare.

Celestia Nightmare

Celestia Nightmare, known as Blue Moon, is the only child of Jack and Sally Nightmare and the oldest grandchild of Sarah and High King Henry. After the death of her parents Celestia moved in with Saturn Stars, an old friend of Jack and Sally’s.

Gabriel Nightmare

Gabriel Nightmare, the youngest offspring of Owen Nightmare and the sole child of Nora Nightmare, holds the distinction of being the youngest grandchild of Sarah and High King Henry.

Athria Nightmare II

Athria is the only daughter of Owen Nightmare and the only child of Elizabeth Dawn

Special Abilities

Magic comes from the soul and a name is a reflection of who a person is. Therefore names have a deep connection with the type of magic someone is most proficient in. Those in House Nightmare always have the innate ability to use Fear Magic. Fear magic is a subset of Empathy Magic that specializes in fear and those who use Fear magic will also use Empathy Magic. Fear is the most basic of emotions that living beings can feel. Fear is an ancient primal emotion that in a lot of cases forces us to face who we really are. Those who practice fear magic can see a person's greatest fear and can use it against them if need be. A person who uses fear magic can see all of a person is and all they could be, after all a person’s fears can oftentimes tell you more about a person than their hopes and dreams. For those who wield fear magic fear is something you can touch.   Users of Fear magic will often have very severe nightmares that feel very, very, real. Most of the time those nightmares aren’t even theirs but someone else's. Darkness seems to latch on to users of fear magic’s very soul, which will often attract creatures of darkness and fear towards them.


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