Jack Nightmare

Duke Jack Nightmare (a.k.a. Envy of The Knights of Blood)

Duke Jack Nightmare, also known as Envy of the Knights of Blood, served as the noble governor of Baihe, a province nestled in North West Bellum. Not only was Jack a prominent figure in governance, but he also held a position within the Knights of Blood, an esteemed faction of warriors established by the High Queen to uphold her authority.   As the eldest child of Sarah Nightmare and High King Henry Nightmare, Jack held the esteemed position of crown prince of Majjia. Yet, from the age of 15, he chose to eschew this title, preferring instead to be addressed as Lord Nightmare. This decision persisted even as he assumed the mantle of Noble Governor of Baihe, eventually earning him the distinguished title of the Duke of Baihe.   Jack was a prominent member of the In Corde, a rebel group created by his father to fight against High Queen Blood Spill, created just a year after the unlawful execution of fellow high queen Raven Morte. However after the Blood Spill Civil War Henry was executed while Jack was pardoned for his part in the war.   Jack and his wife, Sally, were parents to a single child, their daughter Celestia Nightmare. Tragically, their lives were cut short when they fell victim to the merciless hands of the Knights of Blood, acting on the orders of the High Queen, on Aestas 25, 2153.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jack was a tall, slim man with a lean but muscular build, indicative of his rigorous training and battlefield experience. His agility was exceptional, making him a formidable opponent in combat. Despite his active lifestyle, he had several scars from the Blood Spill Civil War, a testament to his resilience and survival.

Body Features

Like his mother and sister, Jack was notoriously pale with pale blue veins crawling over his skin and despite his slim build, Jack's body was well-toned and muscular, a result of his constant training and active participation in warfare. He had several scars, most notably a long one across his left cheek and others scattered across his arms and torso. Jack’s hair was jet black, kept at a medium length, was always messy and windswept, adding a playfulness to his appearance.

Facial Features

Jack’s dark piercing green eyes were almond shaped and were one of his most notable features, capable of conveying both warmth and intimidation. He had a sharply defined face with high cheekbones and a strong jawline, giving him a striking and noble appearance.

Identifying Characteristics

Jack had two tattoos: his marriage tattoo and his light warrior tattoo. His light warrior tattoo which he got at a very young age was a simplified version of his family’s crest while his marriage tattoo was a drawing of the sun and moon intertwined in a yin-yang fashion. Spouting from the sun was bright rays resembling flames and around the moon was a subtle glow with a darker, shadowed edge. This tattoo was located across his entire upper back.

Special abilities

Magic comes from the soul and a name is a reflection of who a person is. Therefore names have a deep connection with the type of magic someone is most proficient in. Those in House Nightmare always have the innate ability to use Fear Magic. Fear magic is a subset of Empathy Magic that specializes in fear and those who use Fear magic will also use Empathy Magic. Fear is the most basic of emotions that living beings can feel. Fear is an ancient primal emotion that in a lot of cases forces us to face who we really are. Those who practice fear magic can see a person's greatest fear and can use it against them if need be. A person who uses fear magic can see all of a person is and all they could be, after all a person’s fears can oftentimes tell you more about a person than their hopes and dreams. For those who wield fear magic fear is something you can touch. Users of Fear magic will often have very severe nightmares that feel very, very, real. Most of the time those nightmares aren’t even theirs but someone else's. Darkness seems to latch on to users of fear magic’s very soul, which will often attract creatures of darkness and fear towards them.   Jack was known for using negative soul energy based magic, such as water magic and healing magic. And in fact Jack was one of the most magical gifted people in his family second only to his mother and wife.

Apparel & Accessories

Jack was fond of button ups shirts, ripped jeans, and leather jackets combining sophistication with edge with ease. He was also a big fan of jewelry, having had his ears pierced at a very young age, and was almost never seen with a piece of jewelry. Be it a necklace, earrings, or bracelets. Jack had a favorite leather jacket, one he was seen wearing often. A dark brown leather jacket with his family crest on the back and zippers on both the chest and sides on the front. Jack was never seen without his silver wolf-themed vambraces given to him by his mother as a wedding gift per House Nightmare tradition.

Specialized Equipment

Jack’s weapon Tenebris Resurget, a A black and gold handled hunting sword with the words “Seguntur Somnia et in Sangunie Meo” (Nightmares are in My Blood) engraved along the blade, was forged by his father for his wedding. Another wedding tradition House Nightmare was known for.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Duke Jack Nightmare, also known as Envy of the Knights of Blood, is the eldest son of Sarah and High King Henry Nightmare born on Tenebris 20, 2122 in Amethyst the capital city of the Kingdom of Archangeli. Despite being born into one of the most influential families on Majjia, Jack's childhood was quite modest. He grew up in House Nightmare’s townhouse in Amethyst instead of the manor out in the countryside and went to the same schools as the peers instead of having private tutors.   Even after the Magical Revolution, a rebellion against the king of Bellum led by Jack’s very own parents, when father were crowned as high king his life was rather normal for around two years. Until High Queen ███████████████, unlawfully executed fellow high queen, Raven Morte for treason. Outraged by this his father created In Corde, a rebel faction aimed at opposing Sarah, now infamous as Blood Spill, within a year. By 2140, the conflict escalated into full-scale warfare, igniting the Blood Spill Civil War—the first of the United Kingdoms of Majjia.   During the two year long war Jack was a prominent member of the In Corde and was frequently seen on the battlefield alongside his father and future wife, Sally Solis. However the war didn’t end in the In Corde’s victory and his father was publicly executed in Amethyst while Jack himself was pardoned for his equal part in the war. Jack was well aware of why ██████████ was testing him, it’s also the reason he and his wife were given a high ranking position within the Knights of Blood, an esteemed faction of warriors established by the High Queen to uphold her authority.   After the birth of his daughter, Celestia in 2143, Jack and Sally moved to Sally’s hometown Rosewood and was given the mantle of Noble Governors of Baihe, eventually earning them the distinguished title of the Duke and Duchess of Baihe. For the next ten years Jack and Sally fulfilled their duties to the best of their abilities all the while planning a rebellion of their own. In 2146, they had the Villa, an underground facility built near the town Malachite which was to serve as the base of operation for the newly reformed In Corde, however they never got the chance to carry out their plans.   As they were found out and executed in their home in Rosewood as the town burned down around them by the Knights of Blood on orders of the High Queen for their crimes. Their ten year old daughter was one of the survivors of what would later be named the Rosewood Massacre.

Personality Characteristics

Representation & Legacy

Jack and his wife Sally were well-loved across the Baihe Province and across the 13 United Kingdoms of Majjia as a whole. They were seen as symbols of resistance and defiance against tyranny. Noble figures who dedicated their entire lives to serving and protecting, doing whatever was deemed necessary to bring about progress and change. In the annals of Majjia's history, Jack is remembered as a complex and multifaceted figure—a noble who fought for the greater good.   Jack and Sally’s death had a profound effect on the world at long, in fact their death is the reason both the Kyūketsu Kōmori, one of the world’s most infamous criminal organizations, and Nightmare, a rebel group fighting against the High Queen, exist.


Sally Nightmare


Towards Jack Nightmare

Jack Nightmare


Towards Sally Nightmare

Athria Nightmare


Towards Jack Nightmare


Jack Nightmare


Towards Athria Nightmare


Owen Nightmare


Towards Jack Nightmare


Jack Nightmare


Towards Owen Nightmare


Date of Birth
20th of Tenebris, 2122
Date of Death
25th of Aestas, 2153
2122 2153 31 years old
Amethyst, Archangeli
Place of Death
Rosewood, Bellum
Sally Nightmare (spouse)
Athria Nightmare (Sister)
Owen Nightmare (Brother)
Dark forest green
Messy medium length Jet black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization


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