The Claw Inn

The Claw Inn is a small inn located in ????, a small town of around a thousand people situated at the base of Dragon's Waterfall. The town at the bottom of the falls is just over 40 miles east of Amethyst, the capital city of the Kingdom of Archangeli, making Claw Inn a popular resting place for travelers. However it is important to note that people only stay at the Inn out of necessity not out of a genuine desire to spend time here. This is due to the rumors and strange occurrences surrounding the inn and the town as a whole.   The most widespread rumor suggests that the inn was previously the old Mystique Manor, which supposedly met its end in flames at the hands of Gracelyn Mystique some time ago. This has never been confirmed by any of the town’s government officials but it doesn’t stop the rumors from spreading. No one has ever gone looking for the answer because the guests at Claw Inn never want to stay for long and the locals believe that the mystery is best left unsolved.   There are two types of people that stay at this inn; those who find themselves reluctantly seeking refuge within the walls of the Claw Inn and people who are just looking for a place to hold secret meetings, and to exchange illegal and/or ill gotten goods. Under the table deals are commonplace here. After all, who would willingly plan a stay at The Claw Inn.

Jonathan Rune

The owner of Claw Inn is a man named Jonathan Rune. Rune is a man around fifty years old and no one is sure of where he is from. Some say he is from the capital while others say he comes from the falls itself. He is always locked up in his office near the back of the inn and only comes out long after the inn has closed for the night. No one is sure of what he looks like because of this but everyone who was lucky enough to have seen him says his eyes were pitch black.

Jen Griffin

Jen Griffin, Mr. Rune’s secretary is often seen by the guests and staff running from place to place doing various tasks to keep the place running. Most who come into the inn mistake Ms. Griffin for the owner and describe her as a very beautiful woman with long ebony black hair with red eyes. She’s kind and polite but most can’t help but feel like something is off about her. Something they can’t quite place, maybe it’s her smile, maybe it’s her eyes, whatever is it’s sets most people on edge. Most of the guests don’t interact with her often and they are often very polite to her but sometimes someone is rude. They were gone the next day but no one saw them leave.



The primary responsibility of the maids is to clean and tidy the guest rooms, ensuring that they are presentable and comfortable for incoming guests. This involves making beds, changing linens, dusting furniture, vacuuming or sweeping floors, and replenishing amenities such as toiletries and towels. Maids also clean common areas such as hallways, staircases, and the lobby to maintain a clean and inviting atmosphere throughout the inn. In addition to cleaning guest rooms, maids are often tasked with handling the inn's laundry and linen care needs. This involves washing, drying, folding, and storing linens such as bedding, towels, and tablecloths, as well as guest clothing if laundry services are offered by the inn.

Harper Calypso (Head Maid)

Harper Calypso, a kind heavy set woman with pale skin, brown hair going gray and warm dark brown eyes, is the head maid of the Claw Inn and has been working at the inn for over twenty years now, the longest of any employee, most quit five years in. As the head maid, she is of the other three maids and is responsible for scheduling and coordinating cleaning shifts, training new staff members, and communicating with other departments to ensure smooth operations throughout the inn.   Mrs. Calypso values politeness and honesty, anyone who has ever lied to her or been rude tends to go missing. Which she has always found strange but as a person born and raised in the town at the bottom of the falls she better than to ask questions. Her fierce loyalty to the inn and its owner, Jonathan Rune, is matched only by her protectiveness over her daughter, April, who also works at the inn as a waitress.

Flora Robin

Flora Robin is a sweet and oddly charming young woman who has never spoken a single word in her whole life. While her quiet demeanor may lead some to underestimate her, Flora is an invaluable member of the maid staff, with an uncanny knack for anticipating and fulfilling the needs of the inn and its guests. Ms. Robin has worked at the inn for around five years now and is known to appear and disappear at will like she’s made of mist. Earning her the nickname Misty among the guests and staff. No one can ever seem to remember what she looks like, just the sweet smell of rain and roses that she leaves behind.

Jessie & Luna Windfield

  Jessie and Luna Windfield are twin sisters who were born and raised in Dragon’s Fall. They live by cemetery in Da’Han Grove on the south side of town and are known worshippers of the death goddess, D’Mai. Guests describe them as small eerie young women with long blonde hair and silver eyes.  

Wait Staff

The wait staff at The Claw Inn play a crucial role in ensuring that guests have a pleasant and satisfying dining experience. Their responsibilities typically include: taking orders, serving food and beverages, providing recommendations, handling payments, and maintaining cleanliness. Wait staff are knowledgeable about the inn's menu offerings, including ingredients, preparation methods, and recommendations for guests seeking guidance. They provide attentive and courteous service to guests, addressing any concerns or complaints promptly and professionally to ensure guest satisfaction. And they work collaboratively with kitchen staff, bartenders, and other members of the wait staff to coordinate orders and ensure that service runs smoothly.  

April Calypso

April Calypso is a wonderful young woman with long red hair and bright green eyes who has only worked at the inn for around two years. She’s bright and upbeat but a little naive and innocent which can get her into trouble at times. Still she’s eager to learn and improve, taking on new challenges with enthusiasm and a willingness to please. And as a native born of the Falls she knows her limits. She's a favorite among the guests due to her sweet demeanor and warm and friendly service.

Sarah Kit

Sarah Kit is a short woman with wild bright blue and wild purple eyes that has worked at the inn for almost six years. Sarah is hyperactive and loud, moving from one thing to the next with ease. Never staying in one for long, always bubbling energy. She thrives in the fast-paced environment of the inn, effortlessly moving from table to table with boundless energy and enthusiasm. She’s another favorite of the guests for this reason.

Sofia Night

Sofia Night is a quiet young woman who’s worked at the inn for around a year and a half. She is the only one of the staff who lives in the inn beside Mr. Rune and Ms. Griffin. She is also the only member of the staff who wasn’t born in the falls. Sofia shows up when she is needed or when working and is nowhere to be found when she isn’t. Her room is not too far from the entrance to the basement, a fact that seems to disturb her as when asked why she gets this far away look in her eyes. Like she’s seen something she shouldn’t have and now can’t leave.

Kitchen Staff

The kitchen staff at The Claw Inn, led by the head chef Jeff Ventor, play a crucial role in ensuring the culinary excellence and efficiency of the establishment. The primary responsibility of the kitchen staff is to prepare and cook meals for the inn's guests. This includes tasks such as chopping vegetables, marinating meats, baking bread, and preparing sauces and dressings. In addition to food preparation, the kitchen staff are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and organization of the kitchen area. This includes tasks such as washing dishes, cleaning countertops and equipment, and sweeping and mopping floors.

Jeff Ventor (Head Chief)

Jeff Ventor is the head chief at the Jawbone and is the only member of the kitchen staff that has any sort of interaction with the guests. He’s an older man that has been working at the inn for almost as long as Harper Calypso with gray hair and blue eyes. He’s very no nonsense and a known smoker. He takes great pride in his craft and finds fulfillment in seeing guests enjoy the fruits of his labor.

Other Staff

The rest of the cooks are never seen leaving the kitchen by anyone. One has seen them enter, but they must leave at some point because when staff goes into the kitchen late at night no one is there.

Bar Staff

The bar staff at The Claw Inn, led by bartender Hope Winters, play a crucial role in the overall atmosphere and operation of the establishment. include taking orders, preparing and serving beverages, handling money transactions, and maintaining cleanliness and organization in the bar area.

Hope Winters

Hope Winters is a short bite-sized woman that people don’t mess with often lest they end up losing an eye. Hope is tough and stern but with a soft spot for her fellow staff as she’s been working at the inn for a little over a decade now. Her brown hair is often kept in a short ponytail. Her right eye has a large scar over it and she can’t see out of it but that’s never stopped her.

Other Staff

There are three maintenance and janitorial staff members that no one has ever seen. There is a rumor that they move through the walls and floors. No one knows for sure though. Many receptionists have worked at the inn so many in fact that guests swear that there is a new one every night.

Purpose / Function

The Claw Inn was of course designed to provide a resting place for travelers passing through Dragon’s Fall. It plays a significant role in the local economy of Dragon's Fall. As one of the few establishments in the town catering to travelers, it brings in a steady stream of income from both legitimate guests and those engaged in less savory activities. This economic contribution is vital for the survival of the town and its residents.


The Claw Inn is a large weathered building resembling an old gothic manor lost to time. Ivy creeps up the sides of the building, wrapping around ancient stone columns and framing arched windows. As travelers approach, a wrought-iron gate swings open with a mournful creak, granting entry to weary guests. Above the entrance, a faded sign bearing the image of a clawed hand serves as the inn's emblem, its paint chipped and faded.   Stepping through a set of heavy oak doors, guests find themselves in a grand foyer adorned with intricate woodwork and rich tapestries. The foyer is bathed in the warm glow of chandeliers hanging from the vaulted ceiling, their crystals sparkling in the light. Stained glass windows cast colorful patterns across the floor, while crackling fires dance in ornate hearths, warding off the chill of the outside world. Plush rugs line the polished marble floors, muffling the sound of footsteps as guests make their way to the reception desk. Antique furniture, including velvet-upholstered armchairs and ornate tables, invites guests to linger and relax while taking in the ambiance of the inn.   Adjacent to the main lobby lies the inn’s very own tavern affectionately known as the "Jawbone." Here, the air is alive with the clinking of glasses and the hum of conversation. Long wooden tables, crowded with patrons enjoying hearty meals and local brews, fill the room, while a roaring fire casts a warm glow over the space. Bartenders serve up spirits and wines from shelves adorned with an impressive array of bottles, tempting guests to indulge in a drink or two before retiring for the evening.   To the back of the jawbone is a small kitchen filled with chefs and other kitchen staff rushing around as they prepare meals for guests. A large hearth dominates one wall, its flames crackling merrily as pots and pans simmer over open flames. Shelves and cabinets line the walls, stocked with an array of spices, herbs, and cooking utensils, while a large oak table in the center of the room serves as a workspace for meal preparation. A window above the sink offers a view of the inn's garden, where fresh herbs and vegetables are grown for use in the kitchen, adding a touch of farm-to-table charm to the inn's menu. Despite its modest size, the kitchen is a well-equipped and efficient space, capable of producing delicious meals to satisfy the cravings of even the most discerning guests.   As guests ascend the grand staircase in the main lobby to the upper floors, they are met with the promise of rest and relaxation in the inn's 50 guest rooms. Each guest room is uniquely decorated, with hand-carved wooden bed frames and plush, velvet curtains. The walls are lined with tapestries depicting nature and local folklore. From the windows of certain rooms guests can catch glimpses of Dragon’s Waterfall, if they’re willing to pay the price for them.   Scattered throughout the inn are small maintenance rooms that serve various purposes from storage for cleaning supplies to workshops for repairs. One of those rooms is tucked away near the lobby, another is next to the kitchen filled with tools and equipment for minor repairs, while the last two are located on the upper floors.   Situated in the farthest reaches of the inn, away from the hustle and bustle of the main lobby and guest rooms is the office of Jonathan Rune, the owner of The Claw Inn, and his secretary, Jen Griffin. The office serves as the administrative hub of the establishment. Accessible via a narrow hallway lined with tapestries and oil paintings, the office is marked by a polished wooden door adorned with a brass plaque bearing the names "Jonathan Rune, Proprietor" and "Jen Griffin, Secretary."   Underneath the inn is the infamous strictly off-limits basement, the entrance concealed behind a heavy oak door, reinforced with iron bands and secured with a complex series of locks. The very sight of the door sends chills down the spine. If someone was to enter that chill would follow them into the dimly lit depths, the sound of dripping water echoing off stone walls and a single torch flickering in the darkness, casting eerie shadows that seem to dance and writhe with a life of their own.


Some travelers are intrigued by the rumors and legends surrounding The Claw Inn and seek it out as a destination out of curiosity. These types of individuals aren’t common, same with the handful of thrill-seekers and adventurers that came to the inn for the thrill. The people who are most likely to travel to the inn willing for criminals and worshippers of D’Mai looking for a place to stay will visit the largest temple of D’Mai in the world located in Da’Han’s Grove in South Dragon’s Falls.

John B. Scorpius

There are many rumors, myths, and legends surrounding the Claw Inn but none is as famous as the tale of John B. Scorpuis despite how new the tale is compared to others. The story goes as followed Mr. John B. Scorpius was an adventurer from the kingdom of Filii Luna, a kingdom far across the northeastern sea on the continent of Eisis. He had traveled far and wide from the beautiful rainforest of Amor to the sandy deserts of Ignis but despite this he had never heard of the town at the bottom of the falls and the Claw Inn by extension. So when the wind picked up and it started to rain he didn’t hesitate to book a room for a night. I mean the inn seemed so lovely with its ceiling high stained glass windows that cast colorful shadows across the marble floor of the lobby, sure the outside of the inn could use a touch up but you could never judge a book by its cover.   Now there are many things that are said to have happened that night after Mr. Scorpius booked a room at the Claw Inn. No one is sure if all of it is true, not even the people who claimed to be present that night but they all agree on this one thing. When Mr. Scorpius was given his room key by the receptionist working that night, he noticed something about her that gave him pause.   She looked like a walking corpse, her eyes sunken in, her skin a sickly gray, her lips an awful blue like she had somehow frozen to death despite the warmth of the room. When Mr. Scorpius asked if she was okay. All the young woman did was smile with a mouth full of dirt and maggots and wish him a wonderful stay at the Claw Inn. Then the lights flicked and suddenly she was gone as if she had never been there at all. Mr. Scorpuis stared at the spot where the receptionist should have been in shock. He had never seen anything like that before, magic didn’t work like that. There was some unfamiliar force at play.   Now anyone familiar with the Claw Inn and the town on the edge of Da’Han knew that when the lights started to wane and wax like the moons it would be best to go to your room and lock the door. Wait until morning light to do anything because something is awake and you don’t want it to notice you. But Mr. Scorpius wasn’t in the know and to make matters worse he considered himself a hero. As he had saved many lives in his journey around Majjia. There had never been a challenge he didn’t meet head on and a mystery he couldn’t solve. And maybe he did solve the mystery of the town at the bottom of the falls but obviously it wouldn’t matter. Dead men don’t tell tales after all.   Now this is where things get a bit hazy, we know that Mr. Scorpius started his exploration of the inn with the lobby and just on the floor where the receptionist had once been was a gray powder that felt like sugar and tasted like salt and smelt like sulfur. We know he arrived at the inn at around 11pm but he didn’t end up in the Jawbone, the inn’s very own tavern located directly not to the lobby, until 1am. That’s two hours his whereabouts are unaccounted for.   No one saw him and no one knows what he saw or where he went. All that is known is that he eventually ended up in the Jawbone. Witnesses say that he seemed haggard, his clothes were in disarray, his long hair all over the place like he had run his hand through it at least a hundred times. He was pale and out of breath and shaking like a leaf in the wind. People say that he sat down at the table by the window that had the best view of the Marketplace Plaza and ordered several glasses of firewater whiskey.   There was only one waitress walking that late at night, a young Sofia Night. She had just started walking there, having taken a job at the inn to support her ill mother, who had finally moved back to the falls after many decades away dragging her daughter along with her. Sofia Night, unlike many who worked at the inn, hadn't been raised in the town at the bottom at Dragon’s Fall. She had grown up in Amethyst, the big city known to all as the Deadly Nightshade of the kingdom.   So, while yes she was aware of the stories, anyone raised in Archangeli knew the stories, but after weeks of working at the inn she was beginning to think that they were just that, stories and coincidence. So she didn't think much of one John B. Scorpius when he first entered the Jawbone, she thought he was one of those people who visited the inn that believed the stories a little too much and was just anxious to leave. But then he started to ask her questions about the inn, questions that even a skeptic like her knew better than to ask. Questions about the owner.   People around here didn’t talk about Jonathan Rune and they sure as hell didn’t ask questions about him. They knew better. Sofia had never met the man herself but she had seen glimpses of him when she worked late and there was just something off about him. It sent chills down her spine and made her want to avoid working late as much as possible but she needed the money and the late night shift paid the best. There weren’t many stories about the town at the bottom of the falls that Sofia believed in anymore but the stories about Mr. Rune. Oh she believed them 100% without question.   So when John B. Scorpius started to ask her questions about him. Sofia was quick to shut the man down and change the topic. This seemed to frustrate the man like he had just spent hours asking anyone who would listen about the man who owned the Claw Inn and had been shut down every single time. When Sofia came back with his order, more whiskey and a burger and fries she had convinced him to get. He seemed calmer than before and the questions continued but this time they were about the Mystique Family and those were questions she was willing to answer.   The Mystique Family were the wealthiest family in the falls and of noble blood. Their history with the town went back to its very founding. Edison Mystique had rebuilt the Mystique Manor around decades ago after his mother went mad and burned the place to the ground two decades before that. Sofia had heard a rumor that the inn had once been the old Mystique Manor but she wasn’t sure how much she believed that. And yet she found herself mentioning the rumor to Mr. Scorpius absentmindedly as she was cleaning off his table. She hadn’t liked the look that crossed his face.   Things once again get blurry because witnesses say that hours after this conversion they saw Sofia Night and John B. Scorpius wandered through the inn that night, looking through old documents and according to some accounts narrowly escaping death. But some say they never saw Sofia with Mr. Scorpius at all and in fact swear they saw Sofia leave for the night. Even the girl’s mother swears up and down that she saw her that night eating in the kitchen after getting home from work at around 2am.   When asked Sofia herself refuses to answer and always changes the subject, her hands shaking and pretty hazel eyes filled with unshed tears. She becomes downright hysterical if you dare ask her about the basement. No one is ever allowed in the basement. There are rumors about that too, about a monster that lurks within its shadows. People say that Sofia’s been down there and that’s why she is no longer allowed to leave the inn. People say a lot and yet no one seems to know what happened to John B. Scorpius after he left the jawbone.   Some think he was torn apart by the monster in the basement and some think Mr. Rune dealt with him personally. Whatever happened everyone believes he met his fate that night and Sofia was witness one way or another.



Pancakes: Fluffy buttermilk pancakes served with a choice of syrup or fruit compote. (Options: Buttermilk, Blueberry, Chocolate Chip) Price: 1 Ember   Eggs and Sausage: Two farm-fresh eggs cooked to order, served with savory sausage links and a side of crispy hash browns or toast. (Options: Scrambled, Over Easy, Sunny-Side Up) Price: 1 Ember   Eggs Benedict: Two poached eggs atop English muffins, smothered in hollandaise sauce and served with crispy bacon or smoked salmon. Price: 1 Embers   Breakfast Sandwiches: A hearty sandwich filled with your choice of egg, cheese, and meat, served on a toasted English muffin or bagel. (Options: Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Veggie) Price: 6 Twilights   Bagels: Freshly baked bagels served with cream cheese, smoked salmon, capers, and thinly sliced red onion. Price: 2 Spirits   Crepe: Delicate French-style crepes filled with sweet or savory fillings, served with a sprinkle of powdered sugar. (Options: Nutella and Banana, Spinach and Feta) Price: 3 Spirits   Country Omelet: A hearty omelet stuffed with diced ham, bell peppers, onions, and melted cheddar cheese. Served with crispy hash browns. Price: 2 Twilights   French Toast: Thick slices of brioche bread dipped in cinnamon-infused batter, grilled to golden perfection, and dusted with powdered sugar. Price: 2 Spirits   Continental Breakfast: A selection of freshly baked pastries, including croissants, muffins, and Danish pastries, served with butter and assorted jams. Price: 1 Twilight


Prime Rib Roast: Succulent slices of slow-roasted prime rib served with au jus and creamy horseradish sauce. Price: 3 Embers   Roasted Chicken: Herb-marinated half chicken roasted to perfection and served with mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables. Price: 2 Embers   Cheeseburger and Fries: A juicy beef patty topped with melted cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, and pickles, served with a side of crispy fries. Price: 1 Ember   Meat Stew: Hearty beef stew slow-cooked with tender chunks of meat, carrots, potatoes, and aromatic herbs. Served with crusty bread for dipping. Price: 5 Twilights   Fish and Chips: Crispy beer-battered fish filets served with golden fries, tartar sauce, and a wedge of lemon. Price: 5 Twilights   Sandwiches: Freshly prepared sandwiches made with your choice of bread, fillings, and condiments. (Options: Turkey and Swiss, BLT, Veggie Delight) Price: 5 Twilights   Seafood Linguine: Tender linguine tossed with a medley of shrimp, scallops, and mussels in a garlic white wine sauce. Price: 5 Twilights   Vegetarian Stir-Fry: Crisp vegetables stir-fried with tofu in a savory ginger soy sauce, served over steamed jasmine rice. Price: 4 Twilights   Dumplings: Steamed or fried dumplings filled with your choice of meat or vegetables, served with soy sauce for dipping. (Options: Pork, Chicken, Vegetable) Price: 3 Twilights   Beef Tacos: Soft corn tortillas filled with seasoned ground beef, shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes, and grated cheese. Served with salsa and sour cream. Price: 2 Twilights each   Dinner Rolls: Soft and fluffy dinner rolls, served warm with a pat of butter. Price: 1 Spirit   Cornbread: Sweet and savory cornbread squares, served with honey butter. Price: 1 Spirit


Cakes: Indulgent slices of cake in a variety of flavors, served with a dollop of whipped cream. (Options: Chocolate, Vanilla, Red Velvet) Price: 2 Twilight (Slice), 1 Embers (Whole)   Pies: Homemade pies with flaky crusts and delicious fillings, served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. (Options: Apple, Cherry, Pecan) Price: 2 Twilight (Slice), 1 Embers (Whole)   Cheesecake: Smooth and creamy cheesecake on a graham cracker crust, with your choice of raspberry, strawberry, or blueberry topping. Price: 2 Twilights (Slice), 1 Embers (Whole)   Fruit Tart: Buttery pastry crust filled with vanilla custard and topped with fresh seasonal fruit. Price: 2 Twilights   Ice Cream: Creamy scoops of ice cream in a variety of flavors, served in a bowl or cone. (Options: Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry) Price: 5 Spirits   Chocolate Lava Cake: Rich chocolate cake with a molten chocolate center, served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Price: 3 Spirits   Crème Brûlée: Creamy vanilla custard topped with a caramelized sugar crust, served with fresh berries. Price: 3 Spirits   Apple Crisp: Baked apple slices topped with a crunchy oat crumble, served warm with a dollop of whipped cream. Price: 2 Spirits

Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Milkshakes: Creamy and indulgent milkshakes in various flavors, served with whipped cream and a cherry on top. (Options: Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry) Price: 3 Twilights   Hot Chocolate: Rich and creamy hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. Price: 2 Twilights   Iced Coffee: Chilled coffee served over ice, with optional flavors such as vanilla or caramel syrup, and topped with whipped cream. Price: 2 Twilights   Half & Half: A refreshing combination of iced tea and lemonade, served over ice with a twist of lemon. Price: 2 Twilights   Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice: A refreshing and tangy beverage made from freshly squeezed oranges. Price: 1 Twilight   Iced Tea: A chilled and lightly sweetened tea, served with a slice of lemon. Price: 1 Twilight   Coffee: Freshly brewed coffee made from locally sourced beans, served black or with cream and sugar. Price: 1 Twilight   Assorted Teas: A selection of premium teas, including black, green, herbal, and chai varieties. Served with honey, lemon, and milk upon request. Price: 1 Twilight   Lemonade: Homemade lemonade made with freshly squeezed lemons and a hint of sweetness. Price: 1 Twilight   Fruit Smoothie: A blend of fresh fruit, yogurt, and honey, served ice-cold in a tall glass. Price: 2 Spirits   Sparkling Water: Crisp and effervescent sparkling water served with a wedge of lime. Price: 1 Spirit

Alcoholic Drinks

Frostbite Martini: A chilly concoction of vodka, peppermint schnapps, and white chocolate liqueur, shaken with ice and strained into a chilled martini glass. Price: 7 Twilights   Enchanted Elixir: A magical concoction of vodka, blue curaçao, and pineapple juice, served in a chilled martini glass and garnished with a slice of pineapple. Price: 6 Twilights   Eclipse Cocktail: A sophisticated blend of gin, elderflower liqueur, and fresh lemon juice, served over ice and garnished with a twist of lemon. Price: 6 Spirits   Firewater Whiskey: A smooth and smoky whiskey aged in charred oak barrels, with notes of vanilla and caramel. Price: 5 Spirits   Archangelian Red Wine: A full-bodied red wine with rich flavors of dark berries and a hint of spice, sourced from vineyards near the capital city Price: 5 Twilights   Sangria: A refreshing blend of red wine, citrus fruits, and a splash of brandy, served over ice with a garnish of fresh fruit. Price: 4 Twilights   Mystic Mead: A sweet and aromatic honey wine, brewed using ancient recipes passed down through generations. Price: 4 Twilights   Dragon's Breath Ale: A hearty and robust ale brewed locally in Dragon's Fall, with hints of caramel and toasted malt. Price: 3 Twilights


One Single Bed: 18 Embers
Two Single Beds: 18 Embers
Four Single Beds: 24 Embers
Double bed: 30 Embers


There are many forms of entertainment at The Claw Inn. Every band, singer, storyteller, etc in Archangeli has performed there at least once; no two nights have ever had the same performer. Every other night there is a card game that takes place that one is 100% sure of how to play but even so whoever is playing always seems like they are having fun. Eating and drinking contests are every Saturday night. Trivia Night is every Wednesday and Fridays alternate between karaoke nights and open mic nights.


Live Performances: Price: 5 Embers per person for admission to live performances, including bands, singers, and storytellers.   Card Game Nights: Price: 2 Embers per person for entry into the card game night. Prize: The winner of the card game night receives a voucher for a complimentary dinner for two at the Jawbone, along with a bottle of fine wine to enjoy with their meal.   Eating Contest: Price: 10 Embers per person to participate in the eating contest. Prize: Free drinks for the rest of the week for the winner's chosen person.   Drink Games: Price: 20 Embers per person to participate in the drink games. Prize: A few thousand Embers for the winner.   Trivia Night: Price: 3 Embers per person to participate in the trivia night event. Prize: A complimentary meal and drink voucher for the winning team.   Karaoke Nights: Price: 2 Embers per person to participate in karaoke night.   Comedy Shows: Price: 5 Embers per person for admission to the comedy show.   Magic Shows: Price: 7 Embers per person for entry into the magic show.   Open Mic Nights: Price: 3 Embers per person to participate in open mic night.

Other Services

Riverboat Tours: Explore the scenic beauty of the river with guided riverboat tours. Price: 10 Embers per person for a one-hour tour.   Riverfront Picnics: Reserve a private picnic spot along the riverbank, complete with a gourmet picnic basket. Price: 15 Embers for a picnic basket serving two people.   Riverboat Rentals: Rent a rowboat or kayak for self-guided exploration of the river. Price: 8 Embers for a half-day rental of a rowboat or kayak.   Riverfront Event Space Rental: Host special events such as weddings or corporate retreats in a picturesque riverfront setting. Price: 50 Embers for a half-day rental of event space, including setup and cleanup services.
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