
???? is a small town located at the base of Dragon's Waterfall, a feature that earned it its primary epithet Dragon's Fall. The true name of the town has been lost to history due to people's fear at speaking it aloud for fear of attracting bad luck and misfortune. Running Straight through town is the infamous river Dragon's River, a river that is the subject of many myths and legends itself, dividing the town into two distinct halves known as North and South Dragon's Fall.   Dragon's Fall is one of the oldest towns in the kingdom of Archangeli and is very, very strange. There are countless myths, legends, and rumors surrounding this small town. Those rumors range from portals to hell and the underworld to aliens. It doesn’t help that there is an ever present veil of mist, rain, and fog that covers the whole town even when the area just outside the borders of town is sunny and bright. Harbingers of death like ravens, crows, and vultures tend to flock here.   People tend to avoid this town like the plague but because of its location near the capitol people are sort of forced to visit the town on the travels. Dragon's Fall is home to the infamous Claw Inn, which is the only inn in town and because of that it tends to get a lot of traffic. However there are two types of people that stay at this inn.   None of the more…savory travelers stay at the inn longer than a night. Good sane people only stay at Claw Inn for the same reason they visit Dragon’s Fall when they have no other choice. The other kind of travelers are people who are just looking for a place to hold secret meetings, and to exchange illegal and/or ill gotten goods. Those types of people tend to stay longer.   Dragon’s Fall has the largest temple to the Draylian goddess of death D’Mai located right next to the town’s Graveyard known as Da’Han Grove Cemetery. Right next to the Claw Inn is a small magic shop known as Ghosts and Phantoms and across the street from that is the town’s psychic Moira Spirit.


Given Dragon's Fall's mysterious and eerie reputation, its defenses are more symbolic and mystical in nature, aligning with the town's unique character. Here are some of the town's defense elements:  
  1. Wards and Enchantments: Dragon's Fall is known for its supernatural ambiance, and the town's structures are often subtly fortified with protective enchantments. These wards may ward off malevolent entities or prevent unauthorized entry into certain areas.
  2. The Presence of the Raven Watchers: Unseen but ever-watchful, the Ravenwatchers are a group of individuals, often associated with the town's mysterious nature, who serve as protectors and guardians of Dragon's Fall. Their presence is both comforting and unsettling, as they are known to intervene when the town faces threats.
  3. Mystical Triggers: The town's infrastructure may include mystical triggers or mechanisms that can be activated in times of danger. These mechanisms may create illusions, divert attention, or unleash supernatural defenses.
  4. Harbingers of Death: The town's local wildlife, including ravens, crows, and vultures, are believed to be harbingers of death, and their presence is considered a supernatural defense, serving as both an omen and a warning.
  5. Local Curses and Legends: The town's mysterious reputation deters many potential threats, as legends of curses and otherworldly retribution dissuade the curious and unwary.

Industry & Trade

Dragon's Fall, with its enigmatic atmosphere and ancient history, isn't a bustling industrial hub like some of the larger cities in Archangeli. Instead, its industry revolves around unique aspects of its character and resources. Here's an overview of the town's industry:   Tourism:
While not a conventional industry, tourism plays a significant role in Dragon's Fall's economy. The town's mystique, legends, and myths draw in travelers, and the Claw Inn caters to their needs during their stay.   Artisan Crafts:
The town supports a small community of local artisans who craft unique items inspired by the town's mysterious nature. These artisans create various handcrafted goods that can be sold to tourists and collectors.   Occult and Spiritual Services:
With the presence of Moira Spirit, a psychic who offers her services to curious visitors, and a magic shop named Ghosts and Phantoms, the town has a niche industry related to occult and magical interests.   Da’Han Grove Cemetery Services:
The care and maintenance of Da’Han Grove Cemetery may provide employment opportunities for groundskeepers and caretakers.   The Claw Inn:
As the only inn in town, the Claw Inn functions as a hospitality and service industry establishment, providing lodging and meals to travelers and visitors.   Local Farming:
Some residents may engage in small-scale farming and agriculture to sustain themselves, providing fresh produce and livestock for the town's needs.


Dragon's Fall, despite its small size and enigmatic atmosphere, possesses a basic infrastructure that caters to the needs of its residents and the occasional travelers who pass through. Here's a glimpse into the town's infrastructure:   Roads and Streets:
The town features a network of narrow roads and streets, winding through its centuries-old buildings. Despite the eerie ambiance, these roads are well-maintained for travel on foot or by horse-drawn carriages.   The Claw Inn:
As the town's sole inn, the Claw Inn serves as the primary lodging option for visitors. This modest establishment provides rooms, meals, and a place to rest for those who pass through Dragon's Fall.   Dragon's River Crossing:
A bridge or crossing connects the two sides of Dragon's River, allowing residents and travelers to move around the town. The river, while adding to the town's charm, serves as a practical water source.   Da’Han Grove Cemetery:
The town's graveyard, Da’Han Grove Cemetery, is an integral part of the town's infrastructure, offering a resting place for the deceased residents and possibly concealing its own secrets.   Temple to D’Mai:
The presence of a temple dedicated to the Draylian goddess of death, D’Mai, serves as a spiritual and cultural center for the residents of Dragon's Fall.   Local Businesses:
The town supports several unique local businesses, such as Ghosts and Phantoms, a magic shop known for its arcane offerings, and Moira Spirit, a psychic who provides services to curious patrons.   Residential Structures:
Dragon's Fall consists of weathered and aged buildings, including residences, that have withstood the test of time.


There are a total of eight districts with Dragon's Fall. Split evenly between North and South Dragon's Fall due to the way Dragon's River runs through the town.

North ???

Riverbank District
Situated along the banks of Dragon's River, this district is known for its picturesque views and proximity to the river's natural beauty. It may feature parks and scenic spots for visitors and residents to enjoy. Residents of the Riverbank District start their mornings with the soothing sound of the rushing Dragon's River. Many enjoy leisurely strolls along the riverbanks or gather for picnics in the nearby parks. Fishing is a common pastime, with locals casting lines into the river in hopes of catching the elusive Dragon Trout, said to bring good luck. People in the Riverbank District tend to be more laid-back and appreciative of nature's beauty. They take pride in their scenic surroundings and often engage in outdoor activities. There's a strong sense of community among residents, who come together for river clean-up events and environmental conservation efforts.
Well Known Locations
  1. Riverside Cafes: Charming cafes and eateries line the riverbank, providing a tranquil setting for people to enjoy a meal or a cup of tea while taking in the calming views of Dragon's River.
  2. Riverbank Park: This district may feature a small park with benches, walking paths, and possibly a gazebo, allowing visitors to relax and appreciate the natural beauty of the river.
  3. Artisan's Stalls: Local artisans and crafters might set up stalls along the riverbank, selling handcrafted items inspired by the town's mystique, such as jewelry, sculptures, and artwork.
  4. Boat Rentals: Visitors can rent row boats or canoes to explore Dragon's River, creating a unique and scenic experience that aligns with the town's ambiance.
  5. Mystic Crystals & Gems Shop: A shop specializing in crystals, gemstones, and mystical minerals might be present, offering an array of unique and esoteric stones.
The Ravenwood district may have a mystical or eerie ambiance, with old trees, dense woods, and the constant presence of ravens and crows. It's a place where the town's mystique is most palpable. Life in Ravenwood is shrouded in an eerie atmosphere, with the dense woods casting long shadows over the district. Residents are accustomed to the constant presence of ravens and crows, which are believed to be messengers from the spirit world and are sacred animals of the Death Goddess, Dmai.   Many locals practice ancient rituals and pay homage to the town's mysterious history. People in Ravenwood are deeply superstitious and attuned to the supernatural. They have a strong connection to the town's folklore and legends, often passing down stories from generation to generation. Despite the eerie ambiance, residents take comfort in their shared beliefs and traditions, finding solace in the mysteries of their surroundings.
Well Known Locations
  1. Eternal Ink Tattoo Parlor: Located in the enigmatic Ravenwood district, this tattoo parlor specializes in creating intricate and mystical tattoos, often sought by those who embrace the town's mysterious ambiance.
Mystic Quarter
As the name suggests, this district could host magical and mystical establishments, such as magic shops, psychics, and occult services. Visitors with an interest in the supernatural may find this district particularly intriguing. The Mystic Quarter buzzes with activity, as visitors flock to explore its mystical offerings. Magic shops offer potions, spellbooks, and enchanted artifacts, while psychics offer readings and consultations. Locals are accustomed to the comings and goings of curious travelers, engaging in lively discussions about the town's supernatural phenomena. Residents of the Mystic Quarter are open-minded and accepting of the town's enigmatic nature. They embrace the supernatural elements of their surroundings, viewing them as sources of fascination rather than fear. Many are practitioners of the arcane arts themselves, contributing to the district's reputation as a hub of mystical knowledge.
Well Known Location
  1. Within the Mystic Quarter, you can find the enigmatic and historic Mystique Family Manor. This grand estate serves as the residence of the Mystique Family, known for their deep ties to the town's mysteries and legends. The manor's architecture blends seamlessly with the town's enigmatic ambiance, making it a notable landmark in Dragon's Fall.
  2. The Spectrum Library is located in the Mystic Quarter of Dragon's Fall. This placement within the Mystic Quarter, known for its mystical and supernatural ambiance, complements the library's focus on diverse and esoteric knowledge. Visitors interested in exploring the town's mysterious aspects and unique offerings may find this library a valuable resource for their inquiries and research.
  3. Mystic Wonders Apothecary: Nestled within the Mystic Quarter, this apothecary offers a wide array of herbs, potions, and magical ingredients, catering to those seeking mystical remedies and enchantments.
  4. Arcane Relics Curio Shop: This curio shop is a treasure trove of magical artifacts, spell books, and mystical relics, making it a go-to destination for those interested in the supernatural.
Artisan’s Enclave
The Artisan's Enclave may be a hub for local craftsmen and artisans, offering handcrafted goods inspired by the town's enigmatic nature. The Artisan's Enclave bustles with creativity, as local craftsmen hone their skills and showcase their handcrafted goods. Residents take pride in their artisanal traditions, crafting everything from pottery and jewelry to intricate woodwork inspired by the town's mysteries. The district is known for its vibrant markets and lively street performances. People in the Artisan's Enclave are passionate about their craft and deeply connected to their creative pursuits. They value tradition and craftsmanship, taking pride in preserving the town's cultural heritage. There's a strong sense of camaraderie among artisans, who often collaborate on projects and share their knowledge with one another.

South ???

Marketplace Plaza
The marketplace in South Dragon's Fall is a bustling hub of commerce, where travelers and residents can find a variety of goods, including unique items inspired by the town's mysterious reputation. The Marketplace Plaza is a hive of activity, with vendors hawking their wares and shoppers haggling for the best deals. Residents frequent the marketplace for fresh produce, artisanal goods, and trinkets adorned with mystical symbols. Street performers entertain the crowds, adding to the lively atmosphere. People in the Marketplace Plaza are pragmatic and resourceful, accustomed to the ebb and flow of commerce. They value hard work and entrepreneurship, taking pride in their ability to thrive in a town shrouded in mystery. While some may harbor superstitions about the town's reputation, most are focused on practical matters and making a living.
Well Known Locations
  1. The Claw Inn, the town's only inn, is located in South Dragon's Fall, specifically in the Marketplace Plaza district. As the primary lodging option for travelers and visitors, it's conveniently situated in a bustling area of commerce, allowing guests to explore the town's unique offerings. The inn's architecture and atmosphere likely add to the town's mystique, making it a memorable place to stay for those passing through Dragon's Fall.
  2. Ghost and Phantoms is conveniently situated in the heart of South Dragon's Fall. It's located right next to The Claw Inn and across the street from the town's psychic, creating a focal point for visitors and residents looking to explore the mystical and supernatural aspects of the town. This location allows for easy access and exploration of the town's enigmatic offerings, making it a notable destination within South Dragon's Fall.
  3. Chamomile General Hospital is situated in the Marketplace Plaza district of South Dragon's Fall. This location provides easy access to medical services for both residents and visitors in a bustling area of commerce. It serves as a crucial institution in the town, offering medical care and support to those in need while being a prominent landmark within Dragon's Fall.
Da’Han Grove
This district encompasses the town's cemetery, Da’Han Grove Cemetery. It serves as a place of rest for the deceased residents and may have a serene, if somewhat eerie, atmosphere. Life in Da’Han Grove revolves around the town's cemetery, with residents paying their respects to departed loved ones and tending to the gravesites. Despite its somber atmosphere, the district is also a place of reflection and spiritual contemplation, with locals finding solace in the cycle of life and death. People in Da’Han Grove are introspective and respectful of the town's spiritual traditions. They have a deep reverence for the deceased and take comfort in the belief that their spirits watch over the living. While some may find the district unsettling, many residents embrace its peaceful ambiance and find comfort in the serenity of the cemetery grounds.
Well Known Locations
  1. The temple dedicated to D'Mai, the goddess of death, is located within the Da’Han Grove Cemetery itself, creating a solemn and spiritual atmosphere in the heart of the cemetery. This placement allows for easy access for those who wish to pay their respects to the deceased and engage in spiritual rituals, making it a central and significant part of the cemetery's character.
Village Square
The Village Square might be the central gathering place for the residents of South Dragon's Fall, hosting local events, celebrations, and community activities. The Village Square serves as the heart of South Dragon's Fall, where residents gather to socialize, celebrate, and share in community events. Festivals and fairs are held regularly, showcasing local talent and fostering a sense of camaraderie among neighbors. People in the Village Square are sociable and outgoing, with a strong sense of community spirit. They take pride in their town's traditions and heritage, organizing events and initiatives to bring people together. Residents of all ages frequent the square, from children playing games to elders sharing stories of times gone by.
Well Known Locations
  1. The Enchanted Quill Bookstore: A charming bookstore in the heart of the Village Square, it offers a wide selection of books, including rare and enchanted tomes, appealing to both scholars and curious visitors.
Victorian Quarters
With Victorian-style architecture, this district may have well-preserved historic buildings featuring ornate ironwork, gabled roofs, and bay windows. It adds a touch of elegance to the town's architectural diversity. Life in the Victorian Quarters is characterized by the district's elegant architecture and historic charm. Residents take pride in their well-preserved buildings, with many families passing down their homes through generations. The district is known for its quaint tea houses, where locals gather to enjoy afternoon tea and conversation. People in the Victorian Quarters are proud of their district's heritage and elegance. They have a strong appreciation for history and architecture, taking care to preserve the Victorian aesthetic of their surroundings. While some may be skeptical of the town's mysterious reputation, most residents are focused on maintaining the beauty and integrity of their neighborhood.
Well Known Locations
  1. Mystic Moon Jewelry: Located in the elegant Victorian Quarters, this jewelry shop offers finely crafted pieces with mystical and gothic designs, making it a perfect place for unique and otherworldly accessories.


Dragon's Fall's unique character and reputation as a mysterious and supernatural town have led to the development of various assets that contribute to the town's identity and economic prosperity. Here are some key assets that define Dragon's Fall:  
  1. Mystique and Ambiance: The town's aura of mystique, legends, and eerie ambiance is its most significant asset. It draws visitors and keeps them engaged with its enigmatic charm.
  2. Dragon's River: The presence of Dragon's River offers opportunities for both leisure and tourism, contributing to the town's allure. It also allows for fishing and other water-related activities.
  3. Cultural Heritage: The town's rich cultural and supernatural heritage is a valuable asset. The legends and traditions passed down through generations are a source of pride and intrigue.
  4. Eccentric Businesses: The presence of unique and eccentric businesses, such as mystic shops, fortune tellers, and tattoo parlors, adds to the town's charm and economic diversity.
  5. Local Artisans: Local artisans, who craft jewelry, sculptures, and artwork inspired by the town's mystique, enhance the town's reputation and contribute to the local economy.
  6. Haunted Attractions: The town's haunted houses and eerie attractions provide revenue and entertainment for tourists interested in the supernatural.
  7. Spiritual Retreats: The presence of temples and psychic services has made Dragon's Fall a destination for those seeking spiritual experiences and guidance.
  8. Mystical Festivals: The town's mystical festivals attract visitors and showcase unique traditions, rituals, and entertainment options.
  9. Natural Beauty: The picturesque natural surroundings, including the ever-present mist and fog, offer unique photography and outdoor opportunities, creating visual assets for the town.
  10. Supernatural Defenses: The town's symbolic and mystical defenses, as well as the presence of guardian entities, contribute to its reputation and protection.


Despite its eerie reputation, Dragon's Fall has a unique appeal for those seeking an unconventional and mysterious travel experience. The town's tourism industry embraces its mystique, making it a fascinating destination for the curious and the adventurous. Here are some of the aspects that draw tourists to Dragon's Fall:  
  1. Mystical Tours: Guided tours explore the town's supernatural legends, curses, and eerie locations, appealing to visitors interested in the paranormal.
  2. Dragon's River Excursions: Tourists can embark on boat rides or canoe trips along Dragon's River, taking in the beautiful and otherworldly scenery of the town.
  3. Haunted Attractions: Dragon's Fall offers haunted house experiences and eerie attractions, allowing tourists to immerse themselves in the town's mystique.
  4. Spiritual Retreats: The presence of temples and psychics in town makes it a destination for those seeking spiritual experiences and supernatural guidance.
  5. Mystical Festivals: The town hosts various mystical and supernatural festivals, showcasing unique traditions, including fortune-telling and rituals that celebrate the enigmatic nature of Dragon's Fall.
  6. Artisanal Crafts: Tourists can purchase handmade crafts and items from local artisans inspired by the town's mystique, such as crystals, jewelry, and artwork.
  7. Photography Opportunities: The eerie yet picturesque landscape, including the ever-present veil of mist and fog, provides ample opportunities for photographers to capture the town's mysterious charm.
  8. Exploration of Legends: Visitors can explore the town's many myths, legends, and stories, creating a sense of adventure and discovery.


Dragon's Fall boasts a unique architectural style that reflects its rich history and enigmatic atmosphere. The town's buildings exhibit a blend of medieval, Gothic, and Victorian influences, creating a distinctive and captivating visual character. Here's a closer look at the architectural elements in Dragon's Fall:   Medieval Influence:
  • Stone Structures: The medieval influence is evident in the town's use of stone for construction. Many of the buildings, including the Da’Han Grove Cemetery and the Temple to D’Mai, are constructed from sturdy stone blocks, lending an enduring and timeless quality to the town's structures.
  • Sturdy Fortifications: Some buildings may feature fortification-like elements such as crenellations or tower-like structures, reminiscent of medieval architecture. These elements add to the town's mysterious and historic feel.
  Gothic Touches:
  • Pointed Arches: Gothic arches are commonly seen in elements like doorways, windows, and entrances. These pointed arches give the buildings an air of elegance and grandeur.
  • Decorative Tracery: Intricate tracery work in the form of decorative stonework or stained glass windows may adorn some buildings, contributing to the town's mysterious and ornate aesthetics.
  • Tall Spires and Towers: Gothic architecture often features tall spires and towers, which are evident in some structures within Dragon's Fall. These elements add to the town's verticality and unique skyline.
  Victorian Details:
  • Ornate Ironwork: Victorian influences are seen in the ornate ironwork decorating balconies, gates, and railings. These intricate designs lend a sense of refinement to the town's architectural elements.
  • Gabled Roofs: Victorian-style gabled roofs with decorative trim and finials may crown some buildings, adding to their unique and eclectic appearance.
  • Bay Windows: Victorian-style bay windows can be found in certain structures, providing an elegant and classic touch to the town's architectural diversity.

Members of The Town Council

  • Mayor Oscar Grimstone
  • Lord Edison Mystique
  • Lady Edith Mystique
  • Silas Ember
  • Jonathan Rune
  • Da’vi Louis Syna
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Dragon's Fall, The Town at the bottom of the falls, D'Mai's chosen town
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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