The Knights of Blood

The Knights of Blood, often referred to as "The Seven Deadly Warriors" or simply "The Seven," were established by High Queen Blood Spill to assert her dominance over Majjia's nobility. Infamous for their merciless enforcement of her rule, they struck fear into the hearts of dissenters, quelling rebellion with brutal efficiency. So pervasive was their reputation for violence that a common adage arose: "You could form the D'Mor river with the blood they've spilled."   Initially formed on Hiems 5, 2143, in the aftermath of the Blood Spill Civil War, the Knights emerged as a formidable force, tasked with upholding the High Queen's authority. Members were typically chosen from noble families deemed loyal to the crown, though some gained entry through personal favoritism.   Each Knight adopted a codename inspired by one of the seven deadly sins, contributing to their ominous moniker as the "Seven Deadly Warriors."



The role of Pride within the Knights of Blood is paramount. As the leader of the group, they wield the greatest power and influence. Often the most skilled among them, Pride takes charge of planning attacks alongside their second-in-command. They represent the group in meetings with the High Queen and when addressing the public. The selection of their second-in-command is a decision made by Pride, based on trustworthiness and reliability.


Sloth plays a crucial role in the Knights of Blood, particularly in organizing their accommodations during diplomatic missions and selecting their bases of operation during strikes. In the current iteration of the Seven, Sloth holds the position of second-in-command, indicating their importance and responsibility within the group.


Lust assumes a critical role in handling delicate operations within the Knights of Blood. They are responsible for executing covert assassinations of government officials who have incurred the ire of High Queen Blood Spill, but without attracting undue attention. Additionally, Lust is tasked with eliminating individuals whom the High Queen deems necessary to be quietly disposed of by any means available. Notably, Lust served as the second-in-command from 2052 to 2062, further highlighting their significance within the organization's hierarchy.


Envy assumes responsibility for managing the bureaucratic aspects of the Knights of Blood's operations, including paperwork and official documentation associated with their service to the High Queen of Majjia. They are tasked with drafting speeches for Pride to deliver to the public, preparing mission reports for The Seven, and handling any other administrative tasks required by their role. Envy previously held the position of second-in-command in the original lineup of The Seven.


Wrath assumes the crucial responsibility of managing the weaponry within the Knights of Blood. They ensure that all weapons are meticulously maintained and fully stocked with ammunition. Prior to every mission, Wrath meticulously inspects each weapon to guarantee its functionality and readiness for combat. Additionally, they oversee any government-owned weapons used by The Seven, maintaining meticulous records of their usage and condition.


Greed assumes the responsibility of inventory management for any items acquired during raids or encounters where force was employed. They meticulously catalog and oversee the distribution or disposal of these items, ensuring that evidence of The Seven's involvement is either concealed or properly managed. This includes determining whether confiscated items hold any significant value, which may warrant preservation or appropriate handling.


Gluttony oversees the provisions for The Seven during their missions, ensuring that adequate food supplies are available and that all members maintain proper nutrition. They monitor the dietary habits of their comrades, ensuring that no one skips meals or indulges in unhealthy eating habits while on assignment.

Surrexit Filius Sensatus

Past Line Ups

Over the past two decades, the Knights of Blood have undergone three distinct iterations due to members quitting or retiring from service. Despite this turnover, the group has consistently maintained a roster of seven members at any given time. Below are the members from each iteration of the Knights of Blood, along with their corresponding codenames.

Hiems 5, 2143 - Aestas 25, 2153

  • Pride: Sally Nightmare
  • Envy: Jack Nightmare
  • Sloth: Lillian Scarlett Flame
  • Lust: Blair Datain
  • Wrath: Saturn Stars
  • Greed: Hoilday Demona
  • Gluttony: Aurora Datian

Spiritum 19, 2152 - Fortuna 18, 2162

  • Pride: Hoilday Demona
  • Lust: Athria Raven Nightmare
  • Sloth: Lillian Scarlett Flame
  • Envy: Allison Sarah Morte
  • Wrath: Samantha Jackie Morte
  • Greed: Nora Nightmare
  • Gluttony: Miracle Comida

Horus 2, 2162 - Present

  • Pride: Màya Pàthos
  • Sloth: Katelyn Codlata
  • Lust: Luna & Draco Deamona
  • Envy: Sage Golden
  • Wrath: Ailleda Tatakai
  • Greed: Horus Pàthos
  • Gluttony: Rozlyn Livingstone
Founding Date
Hiems 5, 2143
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
The Seven Deadly Warrior
Leader Title


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