Dark Arcana Fatigue

Dark arcana is a powerful weapon many do not understand, especially those who can't use it. Most people need to realize that while dark arcana can be useful, it also has its side effects. The main problem with dark arcana is that it affects the mental state of the user, usually when they overexert their abilities.
You can say what you want, but the facts are there. You're cursed. Using chaos arcana is the very definition of crazy! I know you've heard stories about dark arcana! Well, chaos arcana is a subclass of it!
— Arya Norma to Riley Norma


Witches, warlocks, and other people attuned to dark arcana must watch how much arcana they use otherwise they become weak and sickened by fatigue. Hence why a lot of arcana users wear an arcana band to detect how much arcana they use up.


  • Extreme exhaustion
  • Zero arcana energy
  • Dark arcana rippling off them
  • can lose control of their arcana
  • i.e. a black sphere of energy overtakes them and lifts them off the ground; purple lightning strikes
  • Visible anger
  • Infernal appearance
  • horns, claws, black eyes, fangs, scaly skin


The use of Arcana Bands has helped prevent many casualties happen when a dark caster loses control. The other forms of treatment include bed rest and taking the pill, zevastryl, to help curb symptoms and regulate arcana as it restores.

Cultural Reception

At first, dark arcana was seen as something powerful and useful for battle. However, when a dark caster reached its limit, they experienced their first explosion of arcana. Destruction wasn't limited to their surroundings, causing entire streets and buildings to be damaged or destroyed. Civilians reacted poorly, calling for the execution of dark casters. In some cases, people would gather and head out to locate dark casters, capturing them and torturing them into confession, where they would then be killed in gruesome, painful ways. Some of these dark casters didn't even have access to dark arcana.   Their claims reached the ears of the leaders, who didn't want to lose access to the powerful arcana, so they broached a different solution. The leaders had an elite team of scientists create a unique piece of jewelry, the mellow tear bracelets, that could block access to dark arcana once the caster reached a certain point of arcana, which could be detected with a smaller version of the Arcana Level Detector.

Table of Contents

Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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