Dr. Warrick's House

Dr. Warrick's house was built downtown in the Storm Pack some 200 years ago. When he moved in, the house felt empty and in need of some updates. Outdated technology was removed and replaced with technology normally not located in the Storm Territory. After settling in, Dr. Warrick took up a job as a history professor at a local college.   His life was as relaxing as could be until he met Riley Warrick, who pursued him until Dr. Warrick gave in and accepted Riley's offer of a date. One year later, they married and had a litter of two kits, Renume and Xazuh. With Riley now living there, the house quickly became a safe haven for those seeking arcane help or in need of a place for their children to stay when families aren't too fond of them.

Purpose / Function

A few weeks after Oliver McKinney and his siblings, Dawn and Cole, arrived in the Storm Pack after stowing away aboard a repair ship at the Eternis Port. They hid inside the shed out behind the house, hoping to not get caught. When the siblings attempted to go scavenging for food and other supplies, Riley had to grab something out of the shed, finding their supplies in the process. Concerned, Riley spoke to Dr. Warrick and they came up with a solution. They waited for the kids to return and cornered them. At first, Oliver and Cole were ready to fight, but Dr. Warrick calmed them down, offering them the spare bedrooms they had in the house. The siblings conversed and ultimately decided to take them up on the offer to be able to stay safe and fed. However, Oliver had a simple escape plan for his siblings in case everything went south with a pantheras in the house.


Dr. Warrick: The main owner of the house. A pantheras who doesn't want to cause drama. He wants peace, and after getting married, he is extra sure about keeping his family safe.   Riley: The co-owner of the house after marrying Dr. Warrick. He is responsible for helping those in need who stop by the house. And Dr. Warrick tends to approve his requests so long as Riley is safe about it.   The Kits: Riley and Dr. Warrick's children. They are twins and moved in a couple of months after Riley did, which was right before the wedding.   Oliver, Cole, and Dawn: The hybrid siblings that camped out back in the shed. They didn't want to be caught, but when Riley found them and offered them a place to stay because they were so young, they took up the offer so they could sleep in a safer location than a small metal box filled with old gardening tools.   Funnel: Oliver's funnel-web spider. Despite Riley's protests of a creepy arachnid in the house, Oliver refused to get rid of him. Funnel is a part of the McKinney family and Oliver would rather die than get rid of someone who is a brother to him.

Special Properties

The house contains a greenhouse near the entrance, where Riley keeps the legal plants for people to buy ingredients from. His secret stash is located in the basement, where he grew a powerful chaos shroom and harvests smaller shrooms that he uses in his potions. Also located in the basement is the spare computer room for keeping the lists of his illegal orders. Oliver has also taken the time to set up a ConnectLine computer to continue streaming his horror-based games and movies.


When first built, it was designed with a boxy structure in mind rather than the modern style of circular. The metal panels are the color of gunmetal blue with the stone being a pale gray. Electric panels are built into the side of the building and feed off the underground electric currents. Solar and lunar panels were built on the roof as a form of backup power.

Table of Contents

Dr. Warrick's House
Alternative Names
Riley's Home
Oliver's Home
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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