Cole McKinney

Cole is the youngest sibling out of the triplets born to Jared and Lisa McKinney. He is just as fiesty as Oliver McKinney, but knows how to keep himself out of trouble. He is a quiet and reserved kind of kid, but will not hesitate to bite someone's hand if they upset. At the tender age of five-years-old, Cole was disagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, but has been unable to get help with managing the symptoms.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cole has pale olive beige skin with freckles coating his cheeks. A bizzare icy-blue birthmark can be found above the left side of his upper lip and it trails down to his chin; his parents claim it comes from his fae ancestry — a connection to the Witherend fae. He is short for his age, often appearing baby-faced to those around him. The build of his body is slender and seems to be underweight, but that is due to the baggy clothes he likes to wear. In reality, he has some muscle due to the enjoyment of working out.

Special abilities

Similar to his brother, Cole can use a rare form of arcana — Wish Arcana. It allows him to grant wishes, as long as they don't force people to fall in love, harm people, or bring about war. Cole keeps this arcana to himself, with only Oliver and Dawn knowing about it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cole was born the youngest triplet on the 23rd of Floduz, 3080 EoND, with Dawn McKinney being the oldest of the triplets. He was the quiet one of the siblings, often keeping to himself and coming up with new, inventive ways to play. By the time he was five, his tics were out of control and his parents took him to the local doctor on Eternis Port. The diagnosis left his parents scrambling to find information on how to handle Tourette's as they had zero finances to afford therapy or other forms of medical treatment. Cole was left confused, alone, and barely able to understand his condition.   As he grew older, he began taking his parents' research on Tourtette's and studying it. Whenever he could, he'd apply helpful tips to better control his tics. Those who lived in their district would often bully Cole, resulting in Oliver stepping in and taking his anger out on the bullies. Though, Oliver would get in trouble for this, he never let their parents learn the truth. Around this time, Cole started realizing that he needed to learn defensive tactics to avoid future situations, especially situations without Oliver.   When Cole was eleven, he ran away, believing himself to be a burden on his family. He managaged to sneak down into District 4, Sector 5 before his parents realized the next morning. Oliver and Dawn went searching for him while the authorities were notified. Oliver searched the lower Districts, as they were considered more dangerous, while Dawn took to looking through their District.   By the time Oliver returned, the authorities had found Cole and were teasing him as his tics were getting out of control from anxiety. Oliver lashed out, earning both of them a one night stay in the jail house, while the authorities pretended they were still out there searching. Oliver asked Cole to let him use a Wish to escape, and Cole granted it. Their get-out-jail-free card quickly ran out and Oliver and Cole were on the run. They returned home, where their parents were elated to see them. The authorities arrived and their parents were forced to pay a fine for Oliver and Cole's scheme. Mom and Dad faced the major consequences and bills began to pile up. The only way out was for Mom and Dad to sell themselves into the slave labour force that Eternis Port used at the shipyard.   He is now fourteen, were the story of Soul Shattered, book one of the Shadows Saga, begins....


Cole is bisexual. He doesn't talk about and lets everyone assume they know his sexuality based on what he says. Oliver and Dawn believe he's gay, while their parents think he's straight. Who knows the truth though?


What little education is allowed on Eternis Port keeps the citizens in complicance with whatever the President wants. Cole is no exception. He knows about as much as a fifth-grader would taking classes as a public school. If someone were to start talkin about Alegebra to him, he would be confused. All those symbols and letters...why is Alegebra needed again?


As said before, Cole is a quiet, but tempermental teen. He takes things with a grain a salt and will openly tell you the truth, no matter how much it hurts. He longs for happiness and will do just about anything to achieve it. Cole can be quite observant and will note things quickly. When upset, he'll grow aggressive and retreat into himself as a self-defense mechanism. Though, outbursts aren't uncommon from him when he's in this state.

Mental Trauma

Being bullied for his Tourette's has left him self-conscious of doing it in front of strangers, let alone his soulmate. Talking about his past results in his anxiety flaring up and the tics growing worse, so he avoids the topic at all costs. The thought of therapy revolts him and he'd rather keep it all bottled up inside, only letting it out when he paints astract art.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

  • Arts & Crafts (Painting)
  • Comedy novels, movies, etc.
  • Geode Collecting
  • Rabbits or other small, furry critters
  • Sour Foods
  • Bullies
  • Cheerful, bustling holidays
  • Cooking / Baking (but is surprisingly good at it)
  • Fantasy novels, movies, etc.
  • Spicy foods

Vices & Personality flaws

Cole's tendency to bottle-up his emotions is a major flaw and leads to more problems than it solves. He also falls into the habit of binge-eating when overwhelmed or stressed.


Contacts & Relations

Dawn McKinney: His older triplet sister. They are the complete opposite of him in mind and attitude.   Jack Arric: His grandpops on his mom's side. While he's never met Jack, he wonders how much fae he truly has in him.   Jared McKinney: His dad and the reason Cole knows how to defend himself. Dad wanted his kids to be able to defend themselves if things got rough.   Kěith Cheonsa: Cole's granddad. He also has never met Kěith. Though, this hasn't stopped Cole from wondering what makes him part vampire. He doesn't drink. If they ever meet, Cole plans to bombbard him with questions.   Lisa McKinney: His mom and massive protector. She hates seeing him going through so much alone and will berate anyone who hurts her babies. Cole loves her but often feels overprotected by her.   Oliver McKinney: His older triplet brother and the reason he gets dragged into dangerous events. He knows Oliver doesn't mean it. They're young and just want to have a bit of fun. Danger just happens to hunt Oliver down.
Asher Blood: He is really Oliver's best friend, but Cole has come to like Asher.
Mr. Lorth: A nugrot neighbor that lives in the same district sector as Cole. He may seem a bit offput, but he's kind and helpful.
Ignatius Williams: The man that invaded his home in chapter 1 of Soul Shattered. He's dangerous and willing to do whatever it takes to gain power. Cole is terrified of him.   Mr. Itaoht: The president of Eternis Port. he is responsible for everyone living at EP suffering.   Zeta Blood: The werewolf who holds Eternis Port hostage and has Mr. Itaoht under his thumb.


Cole McKinney

younger triplet brother (Vital)

Towards Oliver McKinney



Oliver McKinney

older triplet brother (Vital)

Towards Cole McKinney



Cole McKinney

younger triplet brother (Vital)

Towards Dawn McKinney



Dawn McKinney

older triplet sister (Vital)

Towards Cole McKinney



Cole McKinney

adopted son (Important)

Towards Dr. Warrick



Dr. Warrick

adopted father (Important)

Towards Cole McKinney



Table of Contents

Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
23rd of Floduz
Year of Birth
3080 EoND 14 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Dawn McKinney (older triplet sister)
Black; short, shaggy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Olive Beige
Known Languages

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)
Character Portrait image: by Amelia Nite (Hero Forge)


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