Riley Warrick

Sassaba Riley Norma (a.k.a. Riles)

Riley Warrick is a warlock with an attitude. He has way too much on his plate at all times and even struggles with the trauma of prejudice against his husband, Dr. Bill Warrick. For the first few months of their marriage, they have tended to the needs of their newborn twins, Xazuh and Renume. Despite the hardships, Riley has found happiness, wanting never to let go of things he has around him. Riley currently works part-time at a local bookstore with the rest of his time at home, taking care of the kids and the house.
I don't care what people think of us, Bill. You're not a danger to birth givers. Some people just need to get their heads out of their asses and realize you're a living being. We have a family. That's all that matters.
— Riley to Bill

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

by Amelia Nite (HeroForge)
Riley carries a feminine appearance even though he is male. While he has been bullied for looking like a girl, Riley enjoys his feminine looks. They are said to come from his mother's lineage of the fae. He keeps his medium-length black hair draped around his shoulders or tied into a bun with a braid along the side, accenting his gunmetal blue eyes and frosty skin. He often dresses in cropped shirts and form-fitting pants. The shirts help when it comes to breastfeeding as a typical birth giver.

Special abilities

The gift of being a warlock meant Riley had access to the arcane. Ever since Riley was eight years old, he has had bouts of arcana that caused plenty of Guardians to fear him. They forcefully taught him that his abilities were sinful and that he should just focus on praying to God to banish them. Riley struggled at the thought of it, having breakdowns nearly daily from the external and internal torture that was inflicted upon him. By the time Riley started high school, he found himself struggling with his identity. He hated who he had become and ran away to a small town, Grayriver, that didn't question him or his abilities. From there, Riley learned that his powers were a gift, not a curse, and embraced them. A teacher took him in and trained him, helping Riley realize that his abilities were that of dark arcana.

Mental characteristics


Growing up in the care of the Guardians has left Riley barely able to cope with his sexuality. From a young age, he has enjoyed playing with girl toys and enjoyed baking, which the Guardians claimed was only for girls. They would usually punish him, leaving him scarred to even admit that he thought boys were cute. After moving to Grayriver, Riley had to rely on the townsfolk to help him move past his trauma and accept that he likes men, his first crush being on the local baker boy down the street from where he stayed.


Riley is mostly known in his neighborhood as the traex-headed warlock who punches first and takes names later, especially when he feels his family is threatened. Beyond that side of him, Riley can be quite caring and generous, often going out of his way to help those around him. He puts his kindness to use for the other parents, explaining to them the ways he found helpful. While that can come off as being bossy and way too nosey, he does have good intentions.   However, all of Riley's efforts have been in vain as the parents quickly learned that Riley's husband is a pantheras, shunning him for letting such a "filthy" predator into their neighborhood. This has brought about Riley's depressed nature, causing him to retreat and only take care of his kids. Those who have remained at Riley's side have helped him to value loyalty and honesty. He even has a hopeless romantic side to him, which is expressed through Bill.

Mental Trauma

What if I'm the bad guy? What if I cause everyone's problems? I shouldn't be bothered...
— Riley about himself
Riley has been scarred from his time with the Guardians, afraid of how they treated him, and threatened him with excessive torture if he did not adhere to their rules and beliefs. During this time, Riley has grown accustomed to going nonverbal when threatened about his sexuality, lifestyle, or arcana, as he feels ashamed that these beliefs are within him. At times, Riley stares at a wall for hours, his mind retreating to his childhood.   Having needed to escape from the Guardians at such a young age, Riley has been left with many scars, both physical and mental. He spent years struggling to fight back against the negative prejudice that was disciplined into him by the Guardians. For a while, he spouted these beliefs, such as homophobia and racism toward the other species living within Grayriver.

Personality Characteristics


Riley currently only has two meanings in life that keep him going -- his children and husband. Without either of them, Riley would probably be wandering across Inerth with zero will left to live.


Hobbies & Pets

by SashaSan (Pixabay)
The one thing that is easy to know about Riley is his love for sweets. If he's not sketching out a new sweet treat design, writing down a recipe, or talking about sweets, he's in the kitchen baking. His talents do not go unnoticed when someone takes a bite out of a cupcake or a Danish. Riley's specialty is anything cherry-flavored (*cherries are his favorite food).   Riley also has a knack for taking care of little children. When Riley isn't drowning himself in baking, he is enjoying his time by babysitting. After his children were born, Riley's dependency on being around children has grown exponentially.


Riley Warrick

adopted younger brother (Important)

Towards Arya Norma



Arya Norma

adopted older sister (Important)

Towards Riley Warrick



Riley Warrick

lover (Vital)

Towards Dr. Warrick



Dr. Warrick

lover (Vital)

Towards Riley Warrick



Table of Contents

Name Meaning
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Date of Birth
Sihm 18
Year of Birth
3075 EoND 19 Years old
Dr. Warrick (lover)
Arya Norma (adopted older sister)
Bright Blue
Long, shaggy, sometimes braided; black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
5'4" (165.5 cm)
126 lbs (57 kg)
Ruled Locations
by Amelia Nite (HeroForge)

Character Portrait image: by Amelia Nite (HeroForge)


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