HS Starfall

The HS Starfall is a special cargo ship created for a time of great distress. When the moon crystals on Vosov were about to implode the planet, the HS Starfall was dusted off and refurbished for the passengers that were being issued ticked aboard. The first million people lucky enough were given tickets, allowing access aboard the ship. Vampires and elves were the only species told not to worry about the cryo chambers, where the other species needed to go due to their shorter lifespans.   The ship spent over a hundred years traveling many galaxies in search of a new home, only finding a haven on a planet for a few days to a few months before they had to leave again. These pit stops were tiresome and stressed out the crew aboard. It wasn't until they reached the Zeta Palioxis Galaxy that they found a permanent home on Inerth.

Power Generation

The ship's main source of power came from the Lunar Stone Drive Engine, a powerful engine capable of entering warp drive and hyperspeed. This engine's power had to be charged up every 150 days, resulting in the need to land on a planet to wake some arcana casters associated with the moon.

Armor and defense

When the ship was first designed in 1887 EoS, it was intended to be an Imperial warship but was soon scraped when a better design came out. The ship was put into storage and forgotten about, leaving it well outdated and in need of major repairs. When the ship was discovered centuries later, nearly all of the electrical wiring needed to be replaced and the computer ships for various systems needed to be replaced. When it was finally updated, the Abiria Empire's Royal Head of Engineering Michanikós Klóstis discovered that the defense shields were weak and easily penetrable. To avoid such disasters out there with the Red Scarves and the baz'e, Michanikós got to work fixing the shield system, improving upon it, and equipping it with the most advanced version of the shield software in the galaxy.

Communication Tools & Systems

Each floor of the ship contained compads on the left side of each door, and each crew member had to wear an earpiece with a built-in communicator. Each communicator had a built-in frequency that helped amplify the signal through each floor.

Additional & auxiliary systems

An advanced medical bay was updated upon cleaning up the ship. Old, outdated equipment was removed and replaced with new technology created by Michanikós with even more advanced medicines getting stocked in its facilities.   The cryo chambers were a last-minute addition, having to be constructed within a few days of the moon crystals going active. Michanikós' hands were full with making sure everything was up to code by the time of takeoff. At least 900,000 pods were created to make sure there was enough room for all the species coming aboard the ship with short lifespans. And for those carrying future children, each pod was outfitted with a pregnancy tracker in case anything happened to the future mother or birth giver.

Cultural Reception

When the HS Starfall went to land on Inerth, those native to the planet, at first, called the ship a blessing from God until those inside the ship revealed themselves. The people on the planet were all human, and upon seeing vampires, fae, and elves exiting the ship, the humans cried out about them being devils. The humans vowed to make the devils disappear from their world, rising in arms.

Table of Contents

by Amelia Nite (CreArt)

Jack Arric
Creation Date
Judash 1887 EoS
Owning Organization
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
1 million

Cover image: by Amelia Ntie (Canva)


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