Inerth Peace Treaty

Inerth Peace Treaty

The Inerth Peace Treaty is a holographic recording depicting peace treaty talks between the Kerei aboard the HS Starfall and the humans on Inerth. By the end of the talks, the leaders of each community signed a document typed up on a holographic tablet. The treaty was composed on the 29th of Klufusius, 2139 EoS with the signing on the 3rd of Cahulm, 2139 EoS.
The treaty needed to be written, Jack. Our children and grandchildren, and descendants thereafter need this. We don't want to take over their world, just build a home for us. Losing Vosov has made me realize how many people are stranded. Our children are stranded. Please, understand how much Lisa, Eion, Wyett, and Salem need this!
— Kěith Cheonsa to Jack Arric

Historical Details


The treaty is best known for ending a war between the humans of the medieval era on Inerth and the Kerei. The war lasted for two brutal years, with the Kerei trying their best not to get innocents killed. Toward the end, some leaders of the human colonies came forward, asking to end the war as peacefully as possible.


21 of Fyram 2137 EoS

The HS Starfall arrives at Earth, which uses a different calendar. The people of the planet deem them a threat and a war breaks out.

22 of Fyram 2137 EoS
03 of Cahulm 2139 EoS

The humans living during the medieval ages could not stand the sight of "demonic" entities and attempted to slaughter the Kerei. The citizens fought back and overcame the humans, resulting in the end of the medieval era for humans and the beginning of something brand new.

2139 EoND to 2142 EoND

The Kerei begin to teach the humans about the vast outer space, what the souls are, and who the Fates are. Earth is renamed "Inerth".

Public Reaction

Most humans were okay with the war ending, but a few rejected the idea of it, claiming those human colonies were betraying God and should be damned to Hell for their sacrilege. The humans that accepted the Kerei were granted a chance to expand their lore of their god and see the universe as their god intended to spread the word of their religion.


The Church of Holy Light has contested the rights of the treaty, seeing that the Kerei are unholy and dangerous to humanity. In return, the document created a strong unification with the other human colonies and the Kerei, helping them expand their knowledge and religion to other planets.


So far, the document has lasted well over a thousand years and continues to unite those around them.

Table of Contents

Treaty, Diplomatic
Analog Recording, Video
Authoring Date
29 of Klufusius, 2139 EoS
Ratification Date
3 of Cahulm, 2139 EoS

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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