The Lycan's Betrayal

Lycans have been around since 2028 EoS, with the first two born aboard the HS Starfall. These new beings are a rare breed with only four ever being recorded. Both parents, Jack Arric and Kěith Cheonsa, view their children as innocent, still learning the ways of the universe. However, some see the lycans as a dangerous abomination to the universe, capable of destroying entire buildings and streets in minutes.
Whoa! Never say that about the lycans near the Senator. He'll have your head for talkin' down about his kids.
— a random citizen near Senator Kěith

Known Lycans

Eion Cheonsa-McClain: The third-born of the lycans. He is somewhere off Inerth, but it is unknown where he really is.   Lisa McKinney: The second-born of the lycans. She is the only female of the lycans, and the mother of Oliver, Cole, and Dawn McKinney. She is slightly smaller than her brothers. She is currently MIA, but her last known location was at Eternis Port.   Salem Cheonsa-McClain: The fourth-born of the lycans. He is a nonverbal autistic and communicates via a thought crystal.   Wyett Cheonsa-McClain: The first-born of the lycans and the only one to be white-furred in his wolf form. He faces a challenging position being trapped on Inerth.

Historical Basis

A lycan's true form is that of a fae wolf with ice-blue eyes and a chilling aura -- quite literally from their ice arcana. Even more eerie is that a lycan stands at ten feet tall, towering over all werewolves and just beneath a fae wolf. Their appearance quickly administers fear into the hearts of those who see them, causing mass hysteria and widespread rumors.   There has been one recorded event in history where a lycan lost control of their temper, letting their wolf nature take over and cause havoc. While innocent people were in the way of the rampaging lycan, the lycan didn't realize the damage it was doing. Many cameras recorded the incident live, serving as a source to later incriminate the lycan in a public trial.   The trial lasted for a couple of days when a verdict was given. The lycans were to be stripped of their power and banished, forced to wear a metal collar that would restrict their ability to shift, and if they tried, the collar would constrict, asphyxiating them. Before the collars were placed on three of them, they escaped. The other one, Wyett, wears the collar, confining him to a small section on the continent of Kairax of the planet, Inerth.


A lot of rumors were spread about Inerth after the lycans faced their trial. The furthest these rumors got was to Caiolr, the third planet from Inerth.

Cultural Reception

Those who knew of the lycans grew to fear them, spouting hateful rhetoric against the entire family. The lycans were forced into hiding, some going as far as to change their entire identity to blend into the surrounding cultures.

In Art

People would take image stills from the video feed of the lycan who lost control and designed portraits, clothing, jewelry, etc. of the dark, twisted nature of a lycan, depicting them as an evil beast.

Table of Contents

by amrets (Pixabay)

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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