Aetheris Settlement in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Aetheris is the capital city of the empire and the most populous city in the world. The skyline is a blend of towering skyscrapers and historic buildings, many infused with magitech elements. Elevated railways crisscross the city, their trains gliding silently along Yrddestone tracks. Airship docks and landing pads are scattered throughout, buzzing with the constant activity of trade and travel. The streets below are lined with cobblestone and adorned with streetlights, enhanced by the soft glow of embedded Yrddestone.   Cultural institutions such as theaters, galleries, and museums abound. Art galleries display works that capture the unique fusion of old-world charm and futuristic vision, while museums house relics of the Empire’s history and technological advancements.  

Locations of Note

The Imperial Palace

At the core of Aetheris lies the Imperial Palace, a magnificent structure of marble, gold, and yrddestone glass. Surrounded by lush, meticulously maintained gardens and imposing statues of past Emperors, the palace is a clear symbol of the supreme authority of the Emperor Eternal. The gardens are interwoven with magitech fountains and pathways lit by glowing Yrddestones, creating an otherworldly ambiance. Within its walls, the Emperor holds court, meeting with high-ranking officials, corporate leaders, and foreign dignitaries in opulent halls and chambers.   Yrddestone Glass
The outer walls of the palace are lined with an almost imperceptible coating of yrddestone. No records exist of the palace's construction, but it is believed to be at least five hundred years old. It renders the palace walls impervious to magical attack, and disables all magical effects within its perimeter.

The Navy Academy

Dominating the skyline on the eastern edge of the city, the navy academy is renowned for training the finest naval officers and airship pilots in the world. The academy's grounds are dotted with training fields and docking bays for training airships. Its grand lecture halls and state-of-the-art laboratories are filled with cadets rigorously studying both traditional skills and cutting-edge magitech applications.   Corsair Training
Corsairs are the elite special forces of the empire. Trained from an early age to hunt and kill without hesitation, they are augmented with cutting-edge magitech implants and prosthetics. Their existence is a secret to all but the most powerful and influential of the empire, and the missions they carry out often involve murder, kidnapping, and sabotage of neutral or even friendly entities.

Corporate Hall

Corporate Hall is the local name for the semi-circle of towering skyscrapers that surround the imperial palace. Each building is both a marvel of modern architecture and a formidable fortress protecting those within. These structures contain the offices of each board member, as well as countless administration offices and research facilities. Entry to non-employees is unheard of, and countless whispered rumors can be heard of the strange experiments taking place behind closed doors.  

The Grand Bazaar

The Grand Bazaar is a sprawling labyrinth of interconnected marketplaces, a testament to the Empire's bustling trade and commerce. A dizzying array of goods from every corner of the known world are sold here, from exotic spices and rare minerals to handcrafted weapons, intricate magitech devices, and luxurious fabrics. The air is thick with the scent of incense, street food, and the tang of metal and machine oil.   Towering archways, adorned with intricate carvings and Imperial insignias, mark the entrances to the Bazaar. Within, narrow, winding streets teem with activity. Merchants hawk their wares from stalls overflowing with colorful merchandise, their voices competing with the clatter of metalworking tools, the roar of airship engines overhead, and the babble of countless languages. Skilled artisans demonstrate their crafts, from glassblowing and metalworking to gem-cutting and yrddestone carving.   The Grand Bazaar is a place of constant motion and opportunity, where fortunes can be made and lost in the blink of an eye. It attracts a diverse crowd, from wealthy merchants and discerning collectors to street urchins and opportunistic thieves. Hidden beneath the vibrant bustle lies a network of shadowy alleyways, where illicit deals are brokered, stolen goods are traded, and whispers of rebellion and dissent can be heard.  

The Aetherium

The Aetherium is a towering spire of yrddestone glass and polished steel, a symbol of the Empire's mastery of magic and technology. It houses the Imperial Research Academy, a prestigious institution dedicated to the advancement of Magitech, scientific inquiry, and the exploration of the unknown.   Within the Aetherium's grand halls, brilliant minds from across the Empire conduct experiments, decipher ancient texts, and push the boundaries of knowledge. Laboratories filled with arcane equipment hum with energy, while scholars pore over scrolls and diagrams in vast libraries illuminated by the soft glow of yrddestones.   The Aetherium is also home to the Imperial Archives, a vast repository of knowledge and history, containing records of the Empire's triumphs, its secrets, and the forbidden knowledge of the Old-World. Access to the Archives is strictly controlled, with only the highest-ranking scholars and Imperial officials granted permission to enter its hallowed halls.  

The Old Quarter

The Old Quarter is a remnant of Aetheris's past, a maze of cobblestone streets and ancient buildings that predate the Empire's rise to power. Timeworn brick facades, weathered stone archways, and crumbling statues whisper of a bygone era.   Though once a vibrant center of trade and culture, the Old Quarter has fallen into a state of gentle decay. Many of its buildings are abandoned or repurposed as workshops and modest dwellings for those who cannot afford the opulence of Aetheris's newer districts.   Hidden beneath the Quarter's surface lies a network of ancient tunnels and catacombs. Rumors abound of forgotten cults, secret societies, and even remnants of the Old-World civilization lurking within its depths. Some believe that the tunnels lead to the ruins of a pre-Imperial city, a lost civilization swallowed by the earth long ago.
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