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Through clouds she danced, a waltz so free,
No greater feat, the skies would see,
Her hull gleamed bright, a beacon fair,
But Far-sky tomb, it would not spare.

The Shadow came, and light grew dim,
With eyes of fire, claws black and grim,
Our Lady fought, with all her might,
But shadow fell, and swallowed light.
  The Flight of Whirlwind's Grace - Anonymous
  It is thought that the earliest attempts at flight were inspired by the graceful movements of hawk chimera, whose wings granted them mastery over the sky-sea’s currents. Old stories, mostly forgotten in modern times, speak of an unnamed human inventor who, driven by envy and ambition, fashioned crude wings from feathers, leather, and wood.   These early attempts, however, were doomed to failure. Human ingenuity alone could not overcome the limitations of gravity and wind resistance. A turning point arrived with the discovery of Yrddestones - glowing gems pulsating with an innate magical energy. Their ability to channel and manipulate this energy offered a new path to flight.   Early inventors, tinkering with Yrddestones and carefully observing the ebb and flow of wind-based magics, discovered a way to create the first aetherial engines. These devices, utilizing the unique properties of the gemstones, generated thrust, lifted heavy objects, and allowed for controlled movement through the sky. The era of airships had begun.  

Aetherial Engines

At the heart of every airship lies its aetherial engine - a marvel of engineering that transforms raw magical energy into thrust and lift. Sails are most often used to give the engines time to cool down and recover, though some small combat vessels utilize sails to move silently through foggy or nighttime conditions.  

Yrddestone Core

Aetherial engines rely on a Yrddestone core – a carefully selected and shaped gemstone chosen for its energy output and compatibility with the engine’s design.  

Energy Conversion Chamber

Within the engine, a series of intricately carved runes and metal components create an energy conversion chamber. The Yrddestone’s raw magical energy flows into this chamber, interacting with the runes to transform into a more controlled and directed form of energy.  

Thrust Generation

The transformed energy is then channeled through a series of aetherial nozzles, creating powerful bursts of directed force. This force, known as aetherial thrust, propels the airship forward, upwards, or allows it to maneuver with remarkable precision.  

Engine Types

Aetherial engines come in a variety of sizes and power levels, depending on the vessel they are intended to power. Smaller ships, like personal transports or scout vessels, may rely on a single, compact engine. Larger vessels, like cargo ships or warships, often require multiple, more powerful engines to achieve the necessary lift and maneuverability.  

Lift and Altitude Control

Adjustable vents allow precise control of altitude. This, coupled with the ability to harness wind currents with sails, grants airships the flexibility to ascend, descend, and hover.  


Civilian airships rarely have built-in combat emplacements, instead relying on handheld weaponry to repel attacks from bandits or hostile wildlife. Boarding axes are the most common melee weapon, as they are also used for gathering wood and making repairs to airship hulls. They come in a variety of sizes and lengths, but generally have an axe head on one side and a pick on the other. Spears are also common, and are used for both defence and hunting.   Imperial Navy gear consists of a boarding axe, several short knives, and a grapple hook. This kit enables an average sailor to protect themselves from a variety of threats and also complete varied day-to-day tasks. Officers carry fewer weapons than their crew, though what they do carry is far more potent. Magitech enhanced swords are the most common sidearm, and can be enchanted with a variety of enhancements depending upon the skill of their maker. Magitech pistols are typically only carried by Arbiters and Corsair agents, and Yrddestone infused accessories are wielded by the few magically gifted officers who haven't been taken by more elite Imperial groups.   Free State military airships are similarly equipped, though they vary slightly from ship to ship depending upon the territory they hail from. Many are fond of using ranged weapons like bows and crossbows, though their effectiveness can rarely be relied upon due to the ever-changing winds of the sky-sea.  

Defence Mechanisms

Most airships rely on metal plating to protect against physical projectiles. Smaller and cheaper ships that cannot afford physical defenses instead depend upon speed and piloting skill to avoid damage in the first place. The most state-of-the-art defenses are Aetherial shields, which are powered by dedicated Yrrdestones, and can be raised at will to provide impenetrable protection against magical attacks or harsh weather. This draws a significant amount of energy, however, and cannot be relied upon to last for more than a few hours at a time between charges.  

Docking and Landing

Docking stations and landing platforms are a common sight in most populated territories. Pilots and deck crews use a combination of winches, mooring lines, and aetherial thrusters to safely dock or land. Some larger airships have specialised docking bays for smaller vessels, facilitating ease of transport and trade.  

Examples of Airships

Merchant Clippers

Sturdy vessels used for transporting goods between cities, these airships are built for cargo capacity and speed, often possessing multiple sails to augment their engines. They navigate established trade routes, guarded by mercenary escorts who protect them from sky pirates and storms.  

Personal Transports

Smaller, more maneuverable airships used for individual or family travel, these vessels vary greatly in design. They range from ornate, open-air carriages perfect for leisurely flights to swift, enclosed vehicles designed for efficiency and speed.  

Exploration Vessels

Rugged, long-range airships designed to venture into uncharted territories, braving treacherous weather, navigating unpredictable winds, and encountering unknown hazards. They are equipped with reinforced hulls, robust engines, and extensive navigational systems.  

Imperial Gunships

These powerful warships are equipped with heavy magitech turrets, launching devastating barrages of energy blasts, arcane missiles, and pulse grenades. Their armored hulls are capable of weathering storms and withstanding assaults.  

Sanctum Battle-Barges

Incorporating enchanted defenses and blessings, these vessels emphasize resilience and strategic positioning. They often launch smaller craft for reconnaissance and rapid strikes, while their main weaponry is geared towards protective and defensive magic.  

Corsair Interceptors

These single-seater fighter airships, prized for their speed and maneuverability, rely on precision strikes, using a variety of specialized ammunition types, from armor-piercing rounds to aetherial disruptors.

Articles under Airships


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