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The Primrose Dawn

The Dustfire desert is the final resting place for dozens of airships of every type. The elite Imperial exploration vessel the Shadow's Edge was one such wreck. Lost in mysterious circumstances, it would one day be discovered and repaired by the mercenary group the Dawnbreakers, becoming their primary vessel.   The Shadow's Edge was designed to travel far beyond mapped skylanes for months at a time, fending off all manner of threats, mapping new territories, and collecting specimens and relics for research back in the empire. Few such vessels were ever made, as they were designed and built by the same craftsmen who worked upon the Emperor's personal flagship. Whatever downed the Shadow's Edge and absconded with her crew must have been a dire threat indeed.  



The Primrose Dawn stretches approximately 150 feet from bow to stern, a streamlined vessel designed for efficient travel through the turbulent currents of the sky-sea.  


At her widest point, shespans roughly 50 feet, providing ample space for her internal decks and compartments.  


From keel to the top of her central mast, the Primrose Dawn rises 75 feet, with three decks layered to maximize functionality.  



Originally forged from lightweight yet durable Imperial alloys infused with low-grade Yrddestones, the hull now bears a patchwork of repairs, a testament to years of salvaging missions and encounters with harsh weather and unruly creatures. Patches of riveted steel, reinforced wood, and even scavenged aetherium panels create a mosaic of textures across her surface. Though not aesthetically pleasing to the untrained eye, each patch tells a story of resourcefulness and tenacity.  


A set of sails, their fabric weathered and bearing the faded insignia of the Imperial exploration corps, billow above the main deck. Though patched and mended countless times, they still efficiently harness the winds, supplementing the ship’s aetherial engines and allowing for a quiet approach when stealth is necessary.  


The three decks are connected by sturdy metal stairways and a small, hand-cranked lift for transporting heavy cargo. The top deck is exposed to the elements, housing the helm, navigation equipment, and a pair of magitech turrets. The middle deck is enclosed, containing the crew quarters, mess hall, galley, and a recreation area. The lower deck holds the engine room, a workshop for repairs, and storage compartments.  



Crew Quarters

The Primrose Dawn boasts individual rooms for every member of its standard crew, as well as a secondary storage area that can be converted into additional bunks for passengers. Each of the ten crew cabins is spacious and contains a bed, desk, and storage closet. Though the number of occupied rooms varies, the six rooms occupied by the Dawn's permanent crew have all been personalized by their occupants.  

Navigation and Research Room

Located on the middle deck, this space is Lyra’s sanctuary. Charts of charted and uncharted territories line the walls, alongside meticulously organized journals, research notes, and sketches of Old-World relics. A large, curved window offers a panoramic view of the sky-sea, allowing for celestial navigation and observation.  

Repair Workshop

Located on the lower deck, the workshop is crammed with tools, spare parts, and a forge for metalwork. Eira often spends her time here, tinkering with salvaged equipment, making repairs, and even experimenting with her own inventions.  

Magitech Turrets

Two swiveling magitech turrets, salvaged from a decommissioned Imperial gunship, are mounted on the top deck, providing a means of defense against sky pirates or hostile creatures. The turrets fire a variety of projectiles, from basic arcane bursts to ensnaring energy nets, providing versatility in combat.
The Dawn
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