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The Emperor's Mercy

With the failures of the Sanctum-Imperial war fresh in mind, the engineers and researchers of the Imperial navy swore that, when war inevitably came again, they would not be found lacking. The death of the Emperor had been the killing blow, so the new flagship of the Empire would be something special, something that could end battles simply with its mere presence. With the guiding hand of Emperor Thorne himself, the Emperor's Mercy was born.   The Mercy is by far the largest airship ever built. Bristling with guns and crewed by hundreds, it is powerful enough to hold its own against entire fleets alone. The entire vessel is built around its main weapon, the Aether Cannon. This weapon uses pure magical energy to create a beam of destructive force far beyond anything the world has seen. It takes minutes to charge and fire, and causes energy shortages throughout the entire ship as it recharges, but can easily punch straight through any protective measures that exist. Designed by Emperor Thorne himself, it is thought to be more a tool of terror than war as the Mercy's other armaments are more than enough to counter any possible opponent.  



A colossus of the sky, the Emperor's Mercy dwarfs even the Fire of Hope. Over 500 feet long, it is designed not for agility, but for overwhelming force, its bulk eclipsing the sun as it passes overhead.


The ship's massive beam, measuring nearly 150 feet across at its widest point, houses the intricate mechanisms that power its terrifying main weapon and provides a stable platform for the vast cannon to traverse.


Rising a daunting 250 feet from keel to the top of its heavily fortified command tower, the Emperor’s Mercy casts an imposing shadow that swallows anything below.  



Forged from the highest-grade Yrddestone-infused steel, the Emperor's Mercy is a glittering, angular fortress of the skies. The Mercy embodies sharp angles, thick armor plating, and a brutal aesthetic. Runes etched into the hull, whispered to amplify its durability and infuse its defenses with potent warding magic, glow faintly with an unsettling purple light.  


The Mercy doesn’t rely on sails to harness the wind, a mere inconvenience for a ship designed to dominate the sky. Three massive aetherial engines, masterpieces of Imperial engineering, power the vessel with an almost frightening hum, capable of propelling this juggernaut with remarkable speed for its size.  


The Mercy contains seven decks, each serving a distinct purpose. The topmost decks hold the bridge, the command center, and quarters for high-ranking officers. Lower decks house barracks for the Imperial marines, mess halls, training facilities, armories overflowing with the latest Magitech weaponry, and detention cells for prisoners and enemies of the state. The lowest decks are dedicated to maintaining the colossal Aether Cannon and house hangars for the Corsair interceptor squadrons.  



Aether Cannon

The heart of the Emperor's Mercy is the colossal Aether Cannon, occupying nearly the entirety of the main deck. This terrifying weapon, the culmination of generations of Magitech research, focuses beams of pure magical energy capable of obliterating entire city blocks. Charging this weapon requires an extensive network of high-grade Yrddestones that hum with an unnerving energy even when dormant.  

Corsair Interceptor Squadrons

The Mercy's hangars house squadrons of nimble, single-seat Corsair interceptor airships, piloted by the Empire's most elite and ruthlessly trained agents. They launch from deployment bays along the ship's flanks, swift and deadly, a swarm of steel and magic unleashed upon those who dare defy the Emperor’s will.  

Imperial Marine Detachments

In addition to the Corsairs, the Emperor's Mercy carries detachments of heavily armed and disciplined Imperial Marines, ready to be deployed for boarding actions or ground assaults. Equipped with the latest magitech gear and chosen for both skill and loyalty, they represent the cutting edge of Imperial military might, a force to be reckoned with.  

Communication Arrays

The Mercy bristles with communication arrays, more advanced than those on any other Imperial vessel, allowing Emperor Thorne to maintain constant contact with his forces across Yrdde. The arrays are powerful enough to interfere with local communications, a quirk that the officers of the Mercy have used to their advantage many times.
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