Commander Sariel Ironheart Character in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Commander Sariel Ironheart

Born into a prestigious military family, Sariel was groomed from a young age to serve the Empire with honor and distinction. She excelled in her training at the Imperial Academy, quickly rising through the ranks to become one of the Empire's most skilled and respected commanders. Recognized for her exceptional leadership abilities and unwavering loyalty, Sariel was appointed as the Commander of the Arbiters, the elite enforcers of Imperial law.   Throughout her illustrious career, Sariel has faced numerous challenges and adversaries, emerging victorious through sheer determination and tactical brilliance. Her leadership of the Arbiters has been marked by a relentless pursuit of justice and a steadfast commitment to rooting out dissent and insurrection wherever it may arise. Under her command, the Arbiters have become a formidable force, feared by enemies of the Empire and revered by its citizens.  


Commander Sariel is known for her unwavering dedication to duty and unyielding commitment to upholding the law of the Empire. She is disciplined, decisive, and ruthlessly efficient in her execution of orders, earning her the respect and fear of both subordinates and adversaries alike. Despite her formidable exterior, Sariel possesses a keen sense of justice and a deep-seated desire to protect the Empire from internal and external threats.  

Physical Appearance

Sariel cuts an imposing figure with her tall, muscular frame and stern demeanor. She has piercing steel-gray eyes that seem to miss nothing, and short silver hair. She carries herself with a regal bearing, exuding authority and command.
Arbiter Commander
Long, Silver
Aligned Organization
made in midjourney


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