Duneheart Settlement in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Duneheart is a major Sanctum Alliance city located deep in the Dustfire Desert. Built around a massive oasis from rocks carved from the nearby mountains, it is a common stopover for travelers crossing the desert. Massive towers made of bright sandstone bake in the desert sun, and great bathhouses provide relief from the ever-present heat. Narrow alleys carve pathways between the many structures, bustling with the activity from countless vendor stalls. The city is a mixing pot of various cultures and traditions, made up of travelers from all over the world that have, for one reason or another, ended their journeys here. While almost anything can be bought and sold in the many markets of Duneheart, it is most well known for its trade in vibrant textiles. Rare flowering plants grow in the deep canyons of the desert, clinging to the shadows beneath the rocky crags. These plants can be turned into dyes which cannot be reproduced anywhere else in the world.   A new visitor might be lulled into a false sense of security by the apparent calm and relaxed atmosphere of the city, but there are many dangers that can strike the unaware. Great sandstorms batter the region with little warning, and every citizen is prepared to retreat to safety within the sandstone constructions at a moment's notice. Crime is rampant in certain quarters of the city, despite brutal punishments for those caught breaking the law. Tall stone pillars sit astride the roads leading from the city, upon which the tattered remains of convicted criminals are left to bleach in the sun.  

Locations of Note

The Sunstone Market

The Sunstone Market is the beating heart of Duneheart, a sprawling marketplace where traders from across Yrdde converge to barter, haggle, and exchange goods. The market takes its name from the massive sunstone obelisk that stands at its center, a towering monolith that glows with an internal warmth even in the coolest desert nights.   The air is thick with the scents of exotic spices, fragrant incense, cured meats, and the sweet aroma of date palms. Brightly colored textiles, woven with intricate patterns using dyes extracted from the rare flowers that cling to the canyon walls, hang from stalls alongside finely crafted jewelry, pottery, and weapons. Merchants call out to passersby in a cacophony of speech, eager to showcase their wares and strike a deal.  

The Cistern Gardens

The Cistern Gardens are a testament to the ingenuity of Duneheart's inhabitants, a network of underground cisterns and gardens that provide a source of life and beauty in the harsh desert environment. Sunlight filters down through carefully placed skylights, illuminating lush gardens filled with fragrant flowers, fruit trees, and cascading waterfalls.   The cisterns, carved from the sandstone bedrock, collect and store rainwater, ensuring a constant supply of fresh water for the city. The cool, humid air within the Cistern Gardens provides a welcome respite from the scorching desert heat.   The Gardens are a place of tranquility and peace, a hidden oasis within an oasis. They are frequented by those seeking respite from the bustling city, a place for quiet contemplation, romantic trysts, or simply a moment of solace. The Gardens are also a popular location for clandestine meetings and secret negotiations, their secluded nature offering a sense of privacy and security.  

The Shadow Bazaar

Hidden beneath the bustling streets of Duneheart lies the Shadow Bazaar, a clandestine marketplace where illicit goods are traded under the cover of darkness. Accessed through a network of hidden tunnels and secret entrances, the Shadow Bazaar is a place of whispers, shadows, and forbidden desires.   The air is heavy with the scent of incense, exotic perfumes, and the faint aroma of illegal substances. Dimly lit stalls offer a range of forbidden goods, from stolen artifacts and smuggled weapons to rare and dangerous creatures, illicit potions, and forbidden knowledge.   The Shadow Bazaar is a dangerous place, frequented by criminals, smugglers, and those who seek to operate outside the reach of the law. The authorities know of its existence, but their attempts to shut it down have been met with fierce resistance. The Bazaar's organizers are shrouded in secrecy, their identities known only to a select few. It is rumored that they have powerful allies within Duneheart's elite, ensuring their continued operation and protecting them from interference.
Location under
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