Sanctum Settlement in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Perched on sun-drenched hills overlooking the azure expanse of the sky-sea, Sanctum stands as a testament to faith and resilience, a beacon of hope in a world beset by turmoil. The city's gleaming white stone buildings, adorned with intricate carvings and turquoise accents, rise in tiers towards the majestic Temple Plaza Cathedral, its towering spires piercing the heavens. Lush gardens and cascading waterfalls weave their way through the city, bringing a touch of serenity to its bustling streets.   The city was once the religious heart of the Empire, in years past when the worship of gods was unrestricted. Temples of every size dot the streets, and every deity Yrdde has seen holds at least one worshiper within its walls. Market stalls spring up seemingly at random, selling holy trinkets and blessed artifacts, its purveyors hoping to con at least a few tourists or pilgrims before the city guard can catch them.   Sanctum's origins trace back to the early days of the Empire, when a group of settlers stumbled across an ancient tomb complex dedicated to Elysia, the Sleeping Savior, a benevolent being who had sacrificed herself to save the world from an ancient calamity. According to the carvings she lay slumbering within the heart of the tomb, waiting for some sign to reawaken. A font of healing water flows forth from the tomb, and the devout say it can cure any disease, though access in modern times is strictly controlled.  

Locations of Note

The Temple Plaza Cathedral

The Temple Plaza Cathedral, a masterpiece of architecture and spiritual devotion, dominates Sanctum's skyline. Its towering spires, adorned with shimmering Yrddestone that reflects the sunlight in a thousand dazzling hues, can be seen from miles away. The cathedral's grand entrance is flanked by colossal statues of Elysia, her serene expression radiating an aura of peace and tranquility.   Inside, the cathedral's vast hall is a symphony of light and shadow, with sunlight streaming through stained-glass windows. The air is heavy with the scent of incense and the murmur of prayers, as pilgrims from across Yrdde gather to pay homage to the Sleeping Savior. At the heart of the cathedral lies Elysia's tomb, a magnificent sarcophagus carved from white marble and adorned with intricate floral patterns. Here, the faithful come to offer prayers, seek healing, and leave offerings in hopes of receiving Elysia's blessing.  

The Healing Gardens

Nestled amidst the bustling city, the Healing Gardens are a sanctuary of tranquility and restoration. Lush vegetation and serene ponds create an atmosphere of peace and healing. Skilled herbalists tend to gardens brimming with medicinal plants, their knowledge passed down through generations. Augmented by holy water from the Cathedral, the cures created by these herbalists are highly sought-after.   The air is fragrant with the scent of herbs and flowers, a symphony of aromas that soothe the soul and invigorate the senses. Pilgrims and residents alike seek solace in the gardens, finding comfort in the natural beauty and the whispered promises of healing.  

Hall of the Chosen

The Hall is the military center of the city, and houses the garrison as well as training areas for the many groups that work to defend Sanctum. Once the church of the Emperor Eternal, during the war it was reworked to serve as a military headquarters. Now it stands as the heart of Sanctum's defenses. Its walled gardens hold both the city armory and training center, where future militia are trained to defend the city with their lives. The Vanguard headquarters is sequestered deep within the church, and many citizens loiter outside the walls hoping for a chance to catch a glimpse of their heroes.
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