Lady Elysia Character in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Lady Elysia

Elysia's origins are shrouded in mystery, with legends claiming that she was born from the prayers and dreams of the people of Yrdde during a time of great turmoil. It is said that she possesses the ability to bring the dead back to life and heal the wounded. However, Elysia is been in a deep magical slumber for centuries, fatally wounded in battle against some ancient and unknown foe. The people of Sanctum continue to venerate her as their patron saint, praying for her eventual awakening and the fulfillment of the prophecies that foretell her return.  


While Elysia is currently in a magical coma, she is believed to possess immense power and wisdom. Followers of Sanctum revere her as a symbol of hope and salvation, believing that she will one day awaken to lead them to a new era of peace and prosperity.  

Physical Appearance

Elysia is as a young woman with ethereal beauty, her features delicate and serene. Her long flowing hair cascades around her shoulders and she wears robes adorned with symbols of healing and protection.
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements
made in midjourney

Character Portrait image: by made in midjourney


Author's Notes

In the end the devourer of hope came for our Elysia. Flesh wearing the faces of friends and loved ones broke upon our shields in waves of clawing, numbed limbs. One fell, a dozen came back. Survival had never been an option. We would settle for vengeance.

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