BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Over the many centuries, the astral plane has transformed from a plan of transportation to its own thriving and expansive plane home to many different races, cultures, and lives. The Astral Plane has grown to become its own thriving plane among others like the feywild and the material plane with those living there evolving to adapt and live in the space between the planes. Towns, cities, and even giant civilizations have used various floating rocks, dead gods, and even their own man-made cities to live on and exist within the plane. The Astral Plane is home to many mysteries and secrets. One of the greatest of these is the Astral Key, a powerful artifact that holds the key to the plane's secrets. The key has been missing for centuries, but rumors suggest that it has resurfaced. Rumors continue to spread throughout the astral plane and a mysterious figure has begun to show up only known as The Keymaster. Currently, throughout the Astral Plane and the Astral Sea, there are multiple different factions looking for it but with no luck finding it or the Keymaster.   Throughout some of the largest political factions within the Astral Plane including the GithYanki who rule over most of the Astral Plane and want the key for themselves. there are also other factions within the astral plane including the Giff and the Astral Elves.   On one of the large islands within the plane, the Starlight Enclave seek out a party of experienced adventurers to look for the astral key, and they offer a very large amount of money to the adventures for completing the quest. The party would be told that the astral key is meant to help revive the plans to connect all of the domains together once again and would revive the Lattice of Heaven.   What the players wouldn't know is that the key is actually meant to do the exact opposite. the key goes to a Planar Bomb- it was created by a powerful being known as The Devourer . The Devourer is an ancient and malevolent entity that preys on the power of the planes, absorbing their energy and devouring their essence.   The Devourer was once imprisoned by the gods in the Astral Plane, where it was believed to be unable to cause harm. However, it has now managed to break free of its prison and seeks to bring about the destruction of the Astral Plane, which it sees as the source of its imprisonment.   The Devourer has amassed an army of followers, including powerful wizards, demons, and other beings who seek to harness its power for their own purposes. It has also begun to consume the power of other planes, weakening them in the process and causing instability throughout the multiverse.


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