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The Factions and Races

The Astral Plane has grown over the last three thousand years to become a thriving plane of its own filled with new races, inhabitants, and even some of the older inhabitants that have continued to make a name for themselves. This is a deep dive into some of the more important and rising factions, races, and governments within the Astral plane.   The Githyanki- The Githyanki are one of the first races that settled into the astral plane. Survivors of long enslavement by mind flayers, became ruthless pillagers and raiders of many worlds in the Prime Material plane. As a result of their long period of enslavement and manipulation by the mind flayers, all githyanki possessed psionic abilities. They were all capable of minor telekinesis in a similar fashion to the mage hand spell and could also hone their abilities to become capable of innately casting jump and misty step.   Like all gith, githyanki were tall and slender humanoids with rough, leathery yellow skin and bright black eyes[6][14] that were sunken deep in their orbits. They had long and angular skulls, with small and highly placed flat noses, and ears that were pointed and serrated in the back side. They typically grew either red or black hair, which they styled in topknots. They are led by a very old Lych-queen named Vlaakith who sits on her throne of bones of mind flayers and rules over the githyanki.   The Githzerai- were a humanoid race that dwelt primarily in the plane of Limbo.[4] They descended from a splinter group of gith, a race that had been enslaved by mind flayers for centuries until they rebelled for their freedom. githzerai were tall and emaciated-looking humanoids, but, thanks to their rigid training, had more muscular bodies.[1] They had pale yellow skin, sometimes with greenish or brownish tones. Their skulls were long and angular, with deep-set eyes, flattened noses, and long pointed ears.   Githzerai society was monastic and introspective. Many githzerai trained as monks, while others chose to lose their natural magic resistance and become wizards. Some multi-talented githzerai became zerths, blending magic, combat, and psionics into their fighting. The zerths also held special significance as religious leaders in githzerai society. Like their cousins and enemies, the githyanki, githzerai often formed hunting bands for the purpose of seeking out and destroying the hated illithids.   The Astral Elves- a variety of elves native to the Astral Plane. They traced their roots to the Feywild like other elves, but were very different from their terrestrial brethren. The millennia they spent within the Astral Plane imbued them with a spark of divine energy, bestowed upon them by divine powers.   Just like other living beings, astral elves did not age while within the Astral Plane. Their longevity―which often surpassed that of Torillian elves up to thousands of years―granted them unique outlooks on time and existence. This manifested in feelings of depression in some elves or apathy in others. Yet some kept away concerns over existential dread by exploring personal creativity, living introspective lives enriched by peaceful meditation, or setting out to explore the far-off planes of the multiverse. Queen Seleneira Silverwing would be the ruler of the astral elves and rules from their civilization called Nethrune which was created on the body of a dying god. Silverwing is also the Chancellor of the Federation.   Nethrune- a captivating city perched atop the colossal form of a dying god in the Astral Plane. This grand metropolis is home to the astral elves, a graceful and enigmatic race whose lives are intricately entwined with the ebbing divine essence of their celestial host.   As you approach Nethrune, you are greeted by a breathtaking sight. The city's architecture seamlessly blends with the organic features of the god's form. Elaborate bridges and walkways connect vibrant spires and towers, their ethereal glow casting an otherworldly radiance across the landscape. The streets are lined with vibrant gardens, where flora flourishes under the influence of the god's fading life force.   At the heart of Nethrune lies the Sanctum of Whispered Echoes, a magnificent temple adorned with intricate carvings and adorned with shimmering crystals. It is here that the astral elves gather to honor their fading deity, engaging in solemn rituals to commune with the divine energy that still lingers within the dying god.   The Lumina- a radiant and magical race, with shimmering skin that glows with an inner light. They are the children of the Astral Plane, born from the pure magical energy that permeates their world. The Lumina are known for their innate magical abilities, and they are revered throughout the Astral Plane for their mastery of the arcane arts. They live in the Starlit Enclave, a city-state ruled by the Arcane Council, a group of powerful spellcasters who have mastered the magic of the Astral Plane.   The Starlit Enclave is a city of stunning beauty, with crystal spires that reach towards the endless expanse of the Astral Plane. The streets are lined with silver trees that sparkle with tiny star-like flowers, and the buildings are adorned with intricate magical runes and symbols.   The Arcane Council governs the Starlit Enclave with an iron fist, with each member possessing incredible magical power. They are responsible for keeping the city safe and ensuring that the balance of magic in the Astral Plane is maintained. However, their rule is not without controversy, and there are whispers of dissent among the Lumina who believe that the Council's authority has gone too far.   The Technomancers' Union - The Technomancers' Union is a society within the Astral Plane whose inhabitants are known as Technomancers. The Technomancers are a guild of highly intelligent beings with an innate understanding of technology and its applications. Some within the guild can be spotted by their augmented bodies with advanced cybernetic implants, allowing them to interact with machines and technology on a level that no other race can match.   The Technomancers' Union is ruled by a council of elders who are the most skilled and knowledgeable Technomancers in their society. They make decisions that guide the course of their civilization, always with an eye toward technological advancement. The Union's greatest achievement is their creation of a network of magical portals that connect different planes of existence, allowing for the easy transfer of people and goods across great distances.   However, the Technomancers' Union's obsession with technology has also led to conflicts with other civilizations in the Astral Plane, who view their creations as a threat to the delicate balance of the multiverse. This has put the Technomancers' Union at odds with powerful political factions and other organizations who wish to limit their technological advancements.   The Giff Confederation- The Giff Confederation is a society of militaristic, hippopotamus-like humanoids that have banded together for mutual protection and profit. They are expert marksmen and engineers, with a strong emphasis on the use of gunpowder weaponry. The society is organized around a strict hierarchy, with the most experienced and successful Giff holding the highest positions of power.   The Giff Confederation is fiercely independent and defensive of its territory but is always willing to enter into trade agreements and alliances with other races if it serves their interests. They are known for their honor and loyalty, but can also be blunt and brash in their dealings with outsiders.   The City of Three Faces - The City of Three Faces is a sprawling metropolis built on a nexus of ley lines that intersect in the Material Plane. It is populated primarily by three races: Kalashtar, changelings, and plasmoids. The Kalashtar are the spiritual and intellectual leaders of the city, using their psychic abilities to maintain harmony and balance among the populace. The changelings are the city's artists and entertainers, able to change their shape and appearance to suit any situation. The plasmoids, meanwhile, are the city's engineers and craftsmen, able to shape and manipulate their own bodies to create intricate and innovative technology.   The City of Three Faces is known for its diversity and tolerance, as well as its focus on the creative arts and scientific innovation. It is governed by a council composed of representatives from each of the three races, who work together to maintain the city's stability and ensure the safety and prosperity of its citizens. Despite its reputation as a haven of peace and progress, however, there are those who seek to exploit the city's resources or disrupt its delicate balance for their own gain.    The city of three faces has three leaders that work together to rule over the city. Each focus on a different aspect of the city to ensure its success. The changeling leader is Varia Shadowdancer who focuses on the inns and out of the city's economy ad finances. Next is the shifter leader Kael Stormclaw serves as the leader of the city's military forces. and the Kalasktar leader Seraphina Dreamweaver, a wise and serene Kalashtar, guides the spiritual well-being and governance of Three Faces.
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