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Clanks marked the begining of the New Era of Altus. The making of Clanks symbolized progress away from the confusion of the Comaergos Epoch and towards a balanced tommorow. Whether or not that is true, I can't say.   The distinguishing trait for Clanks is the fact that they are designed by other mortals. However, what makes them different from other automatons is their sentience. Their sentience comes from a connection to The Ourvorax. Each Clank's core is different yet their lifeforce, but it must be something of powerful magic with a direct connection to The Ourvorax. The life of a core can vary depending on how strong the connection to The Ourvorax is, but every part of Clank's identity is imprinted on that core.   Maintence for each Clank is very different, but most go into a sleep mode known as stasis to not overcharge the magic running through their bodies. As wear and tear happens to a Clank's body, they must replace the old parts in order to maintain the orginal interface. Clanks may live until their core is dispelled, destroyed, or cut off from The Ourvorax.   Without a body, a Clank is trapped inside it's core. In order for a Clank to function within a body their must be an adequate interface. However, organic mortals already have a perfect interface. A few Clanks have had to be scrapped because it wanted to put its core in an organic mortal's body, which would kill said mortal. But there are other Clanks who wish to build a body in their own image. Some Clanks are mistreated because they are seen as only tools, and some Clanks are revered because of their connection to The Ourvorax.


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