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Altus of The Mortal Realm*

Altus, The Mortal Realm, is the most diverse of The Astrums, hosting a vast number of species. Being the convergence of many Astrums, for example it is the center of the four Elementa, in between The Hallows Above and The Circles Below, also being in between The Ferfatum and The Umbrafose. Now, I don't mean that Altus is physically in the center of these other Astrums, that is just how the energies have aligned. I will have to up with a better explaination when I write an article about how The Astrums work.


The Creation Myths

Every culture has their own myths about the creation of Altus. Druids believe The Forgotten created the world after being thrown out of The Hallows Above. Religous organizations say The Arxi created The Mortal Realm as a cage for The Forgotten. Scholars say The Ourvorax created Altus. We don't know exactly how Altus came to be, The Fulcra don't interact with The Mortal Realm so we don't know the truth, if The Fulcra even know the truth. They have lived for so long they may not remember.  



Author's Notes

I want to add more stuff to this article when I actually come up with the map and continents. So stay tune for more!   GM Notes: There are more creatioin myths out there, but the truth is that it was a combination of The Arxi, The Forgotten, and The Ourvorax. The Arxi banished the Forgotten into a cage, The Forgotten, with their auras, enhanced the cage. The Ourvorax then touched it with its magic creating it and the other Astrums.

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