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A mahkra is a cat-like automatous animal that is the apex predator of the Zirconian plains. The name mahkra comes from the Vali term mahkrine, which means machine. They have only appeared in the wild in the past ten years, which makes me believe they have something to do with the war the Domain of Zirconia declared on the Kingdom of Jatheador. Weird creatures have been emerging from the forests, attacking anyone they come across. The mahkra have psychic abilites that allows to communicate through memory transfer.

Basic Information


Portions of the mahkra's appendages, body, and face are constructed of merithal, which gives them protection against most that would seek to harm them. The merithal is fused with the organic parts of their body, allowing the mahkra to protect their vital organs. Observation shows that perhaps some of their organs are made from metal as well. It differs from individual to individual how the merithal is postioned. The average size is about five and a half feet, while the largest get up to six and a half feet.   In order to break the bones of their prey, the mahkra have teeth with serrated edges that show when they go to bite down. However, that is their weakness. When they open their mouths to use their serrated teeth, one of the few organic parts of their body becomes vunerable. If you are able to penatrate that weak point, you can defeat the mahkra.   I do not know the reason why the sickness of merithal doesn't affect these creatures, but I suspect it has something to do with the fact that they are man-made, Zirconian scientists and magicians most likely.

Genetics and Reproduction

When I disected a mahkra, I was able to find that their genetic makeup is tubular structures that are similar to many motifs of The Ourvorax.   Observation suggests that they do not reproduce. They have not been seen mating or anything similar to it. However, more mahkra keep coming out of the Wold, the forest at the base of the Azure Range. I assume that is where the stronghold, factory, lab, or whatever you want to call it is and it is continuing to produce these and other unnatrual creatures. My Valkyrie acquaintance has said that the powers of Diris is unable to repel these monsters, which is putting the warriors of Mount Simthriall on high alert.

Ecology and Habitats

The mahkra have made their home in the plains of Zirconia. The tall grass of the plains allow mahkras to hide and get close to their prey. The mahkra also appear on the edges of the Wold. It seems they do not like the water and the Wold is full of small streams. They are an invasive species, like most of the new creatures appearing in Zirconia and Valoros. They kill too many of the local wildlife that have been in the plains for generations. Fungus spores infected by merithal are running rampant in the plains. The traces of merithal that the mahkra leave behind makes the fungus infused with the magic of the merithal. They are killing the current enviorment. What happens when they've damaged it enough that the mahkra can also no longer live in it? They will move on to the next ecosystem and start killing it.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The smaller of the mahkra tend to hunt together while the larger hunt in solitude. Their diet consists of memories from the bones of their prey. The memories power their autonomous parts. Apparently, the memories are the best when the bones are freshest because they have not been scavenging other kills predators have made. Obeservation suggests that they don't harm each other. I assume this is because most of their bones are made of merithal and having to fight another strong predator wouldn't be worth the tiny meal.   The memory transfer is a passive ability that doesn't seem to power their autonomous parts, but killing others and stealing their memories does. If it is magic, it is dark and clouded. If it is science, it is twisted and tainted. If it is a mixture of both repulsive subjects, then the sanity of the minds that created the mahkra must be questioned.


They do not seem to have the ability to reason, and they can't be communicated with. They will do whatever they are programmed to do, which is seek and destroy. If you come across the mahkra, pray to whatever god you belive in that your soul will be safe in the great beyond.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities


One consistency in where the merithal is placed is that there is a sheet of merithal over where the eyes normally are on a cat. On this sheet, there are brightly colored, glowing bulbs that seem to follow the mahkra's target. The number of bulbs differs from individual to individual. I was lucky enough to disect one of these creatures. I determined that each bulb was able to process a different color. On this particular specimen, it also had bulbs that could see heat and the invisible.  

Memory Transfer

The mahkra can transfer memories through touch because they can't communicate audibly. This allows the mahkra to hunt silently, making them the apex predator of the Zirconian plains. Because of their curiosity, they like to collect memories of others by any means nessecary.
Scientific Name
Felis Ferri
Average Height
3 feet tall.
Average Weight
300 lbs
Average Length
5 feet.

Ambush Mahkra

Descriptions: A cat-like creature with automatous parts.

Move Tactics: Hunt, Kill, Feast On Memories

Tier: 2

Type: Skulk

Diffuclty: 13

Attack Modifier: +2

Claws: Melee 2d6+3

Major 11 Severe 20

HP: 3

Stress: 2

Experience: Tracking Lens +2 Silent Hunters +2


Ambush Tactics - Passive When making a claw attack, if another Ambush Mahkra is in melee range of the target deal 2d8+5 physical damage instead.

Merithal Armor - Passive: The mahkra is resistant to physical damage.

Bite of Memory - Action: Make an attack against a target in melee range. On a success, spend 1 Fear to deal 2d8+10 magical damage and make them Vunerable until they mark a stress.


Soft Palate: The top of the mahkra's mouth is not protected, but it is harder to hit. The difficulty increases by 3 in order to hit the top of the mouth. It is not resistant to physical damage if the mahkra gets hit there. Once it gets hit there, its bite of memory attack is reduced by 1 and the reduction stacks.

Lonely Mahkra

Descriptions: A large cat-like creature with automatous parts.

Move Tactics: Hunt, Kill, Feast On Memories

Tier: 2

Type: Solo

Diffuclty: 15

Attack Modifier: +2

Claws: Melee 2d6+4

Major 15 Severe 28

HP: 4

Stress: 3

Experience: Tracking Lens +3 Silent Hunter +1


Merithal Armor - Passive: The mahkra is resistant to physical damage.

See the Unseen - Passive: Without having to make an action roll, the mahkra can tell illusions are fake and see the invisible. It has advantage on rolls to uncover the hidden.

Bite of Memory - Action: Make an attack agaisnt a target in melee range. On a success, spend 1 Fear to deal 2d8+10 magical damage and make them Vunerable until they mark a stress.

Secondary Program - Action Mark a stress to activate the mahkra even if they have alredy activated this move.

Soft Palate: The top of the mahkra's mouth is not protected, but it is harder to hit. The difficulty increases by 3 in order to hit the top of the mouth. It is not resistant to physical damage if the mahkra gets hit there. Once it gets hit there, its bite of memory attack is reduced by 1 and the reduction stacks.


Author's Notes

Thanks to chat for helping me create this!


GM Notes: The mahkra are created by the scienctist and magicians of The Domain of Zirconia, they are one of the many monstrosities to come out of the secret stronghold where they experiment to find a way to equip merithal to their soldiers. The mahkra are not in the cycle of life and death so they can go to Rotunda since Diris doesn't protect from these kinds of monsters.

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